View Full Version : Bronchitis? Will it end?

03-02-17, 20:20
I'm 24 and have smoked on and off for a total of maybe 2-3 years. So Prior to Christmas I came down with what I can only presume was Bronchitis. In one day quickly found it very difficult to breath, and went to the doctors. All tests came back normal. This continued throughout christmas and into the New Year, when I proceeded to visit the doctor again. I was given antibiotics and told to go home and rest. This I did, but still it did not improve. I went back to the doctors one more time and was prescribed some more antibiotics and have seen a marked improvement.

I am no longer coughing up bucket loads of green mucus, my chest doesn't sound rattley all the time and breathing has become much easier, but I'm still extremely anxious over the feelings of chest tightness and mucus that is still coming up, even if it is less so.

Some days I feel much better for a prolonged period of time and then the next day, the chest pain and coughing and mucus is back again. I'm just scared and I don't know what to do, has anyone else experienced Acute Bronchitis for this long? Am I in danger of having COPD? Any advice would be useful, thank you!

03-02-17, 22:01
Acute bronchitis typically lasts for up to 3 weeks and in some cases even longer. Most of the causes of bronchitis are viral so antibiotics typically never work - the disease just simply clears on its own.

That is not an extreme smoking history and COPD presents in the older population after years of heavy smoking/toxic exposure.

Please follow up with your doctor - but I'd say you're fine! Quit the smoking! (; [COLOR="blue"]