View Full Version : Feeling confused

03-02-17, 21:09
Hi All,

New to this but I have suffered anxiety for a few years now, I am 25 and first had anxiety when I was 18.

I have extreme health anxiety from time to time even though I am a keen gym goer 4 times a week on average, I tend to mainly drink water and eat within reason.

My anxiety stems from when I was 19 I had gone in to a low and confusing place and me and a friend started going the gym, in the end I stupidly agreed to do a short course of a testosterone steroid for 5 weeks.

I never did Them again as I didn't like it and didn't see why I had in the first place.

Life went on and about 6 months later I started panicking about it, I was extremely upset and hated myself for what I had done.

I have lived.a normal life for a young lad and now been with.my partner for over a year and I finally see a plan and path for life.

But the thought of the steroids comes back, even though it was 7 years ago nearly now, and I have been the doctors countless times over years, liver function tests, ecgs, blood tests, hormones tests, thyroids tests. Everything has always been fine.

My GP even reassuraned me and said 5 weeks would of not done any damage and that we all do things when we are young.

But now I have a good life ahead am terrified of this thing coming back to get me, a stupid mistake I made when being a idiotic teenager, I feel like I have poisoned myself,

Have I got an enlarged heart even though ecgs have always been normal, is something wrong with my liver because I like to have a drink sometimes, are my kidneys okay? These are all the things that go around my head.

I do not want this mistake I made to influence my future life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

03-02-17, 22:18
5 weeks won't hurt do much... my nephew is on them for his entire childhood for epilepsy. If it was a decade you were on them then I'd worry.

03-02-17, 22:46
I really just want to tell you that you are not alone. Sometimes when life is so good we think of all the bad things that can happen to stop us from living out our great futures. I just got engaged and I've already diagnosed myself with lymphoma, breast cancer, and ALS and convinced myself I wont live to see my wedding. You are not alone.

I 100% believe you are okay. You're doctor 100% KNOWS you're okay. Maybe start working on your mental health and you'll notice that your physical health will get better too!

04-02-17, 06:34
If you had an enlarged heart you would know. It causes breathlessness and other symptoms. My mum had an enlarged heart.

04-02-17, 19:00
Thanks guys, I really appreciate you all taking the time to reply