View Full Version : Blood Pressure and Pulse Rate

04-02-17, 13:04
Hi Everyone

Im new to the forum, so a big Hi :yesyes:

On my last visit to my doctor he could not get a reading on the blood pressure monitor for the first attempt, then he took 6 readings over 20 minutes, they where all massively different but all high, my pulse rate was also all over the place. Ive suffered from anxiety for over a year now but never had this.

Has anyone else encountered this ?

Many Thanks

04-02-17, 17:50
Hi Butterfly

I can tell ya that high BP and high heart rate is definitely a side effect of anxiety and especially panic disorder from my own personal experience. Anxiety\panic causes the adrenaline glands to release adrenaline in either small amounts to big amounts (head rush), which simulates the heart to raise BP and heart rate. That sums up to 'fight or flight' as they call it.

You ever hear of 'White Coat Disorder' or 'White Coat Syndrome'? Lot's of people get that (including me) when they go to the doc's office.

04-02-17, 22:09
My blood pressure and pulse is always so much higher at the doctors office than it is at home or if I check it at a Walmart.

It's anxiety that makes everything wonky there.

07-02-17, 17:28
I can't even take mine at home, as soon as I try, it spikes because of anxiety of the result being high. I'm sitting with it on now, trying to calm down to get a normal reading !