View Full Version : Anxiety effect on breakup?

04-02-17, 16:21
Hi everyone. Hope you're all well.

I'm here posting on behalf of a friend. He's my best friend so I really care for his wellbeing. He has gone through a rather nasty breakup, the girl he was with for about 12 months really deceived and manipulated him. She started of by showing him that she was a very lovely, classy person and a real lady. He slowly started finding out that she had been cheating on him with about 10+ guys due the course of their relationship. She has done really low things like, sleep with a man, hour later sleep with my friend, and then a few hours later sleep with the first man again. She would also be extremely manipulative and make up false stories of how people had been telling her that he was cheating on her. Nearly everyday would she make up these kinds of stories, always putting him in a guilt and shame situation even though these accusations were complete lies. Her friends and her sisters knew that while she was accusing him, she was sleeping with several people. The sisters and friends would often message him and say that my best friend is making his girlfriends life hell because he's always suspicious of her and that he is not normal, he is a psycho, he overreacts and is too sensitive.

His girlfriend went to horrible extents to lie to him, even if he had evidence of her cheating she would outright lie and say it wasn't true. She would swear on a child's life, on his life and look him straight in the eyes and lie. Really twisted behavior, making up stories of how he is cheating when she is the one sleeping with 10+ men. She set out to make his life hell by falsely accusing him every day. I feel like this is really abusive behavior. He's had her friends and family smirking and laughing in his face when he's confronted her and called him a psychopath.

He broke up with her after speaking to nearly all the men confirming that she was cheating but he is suffering immensely, I'm actually afraid that he will take his own life. I tried to make him see clarity of what kind of horrible person she is, and how he was saved from a horrible humanbeing. He's had GAD for the past 7 years and he is telling me that despite all the 'evidence' of her being horrible, his anxiety had a huge effect on the fact that he cannot see this situation clearly. He keeps telling me that he can't explain to me how much his anxiety is pulling him back in progressing.

Can someone please shed some light on this, in regards to how his anxiety may affect this situation? I really want to help him in the best way I can considering he's got GAD, I care for him a lot and I don't want him to harm himself. Thank you

10-02-17, 18:43
Hi there

I wanted to stop in and say that I think that whatever has happened with your friend's breakup, if he is feeling so very anxious he may be suicidal, it is imperative that he seeks some formal help through his doctor, or a therapist.

For an anxious person, it won't matter that the break-up was a good thing in the end because the girlfriend was horrible; it will just all feel like the world is ending, and the anxiety will make it hard to rationalise and move past the break-up. He may be feeling stuck in unhelpful loops of thought, how much he misses her...Hence, he will probably benefit from some extra support at this time. I would recommend that he considers talking to his GP and you could encourage him to do this. It's vital that he knows he can reach out if he is feeling really bad.