View Full Version : Worried my IBS is actually IBD - please help

04-02-17, 19:47
I've had something wrong with me since I was 13 - I'm now 29. I've seen probably 6 different doctors in that period, as well as ended up in A&E a couple of times due to the pain. No doctor has ever done more than examine me and done blood/urine tests, and they all seem happy with the diagnosis of IBS.

My symptoms have gradually gotten worse and evolved since I was 13. An attack back then was probably a three times a year thing, that only lasted a day. This would be pain in my lower left abdomen, and was pretty much fixed with a hot water bottle and a good night's sleep.

Now a days my attacks probably last a week, with quite bad pain on day 1 in lower abdomen and under ribs, which gradually fades after the week. By about day 4 I am able to pretty much forget about the pain unless I dwell on it. The bad attacks still only come on once or twice a year.

I pretty much never have loose stools, and am always a little bit constipated. There is never any blood in my stools that I can see, but I do sometimes have blood on the TP from fissures or something if I am badly constipated.

I have a bit of gas too, and if the pain is really bad then I might throw up. A hot water bottle takes away the pain a little bit these days, but it will be back as soon as it cools down. I do occasionally wake up from the pain.

The reason I have started to think this might be IBD is due to the worsening of the pain, and that last time I went to the docs I had a slight fever. She wasn't that bothered about it though.

I do also have a weird symptom where on the first day I get sick, my urine feels hotter than usual when I go to the bathroom. I've had urine tests though and they are all fine.

I am a very anxious person - do you think I am just getting myself worked up over nothing?

Diet has seemed to control the onset of attacks, but once they are here there is nothing I can do to get rid of it apart from wait it out. Alcohol is the only thing that is 100% guaranteed to trigger me off, and if I drink more than 1 glass of booze I will be I'll for a week. Every other food or potential trigger is hit and miss about whether it causes anything or not.

One last thing - when I'm not having an attack, which is 95% of the time, I feel pretty much awesome.

Sorry for the long post. I'm hoping someone can help.

05-02-17, 14:19
That doesn't sound like IBD. Flares are way longer than 1 week, once or twice a year. I have Crohn's disease and my symptoms are nothing like you described.