View Full Version : Major anxiety over ALS

05-02-17, 09:41
So my symtoms started about 4 weeks ago started on
Nightshift I'm a nurse. Sore wrist that went away then numbness in my right hand, then noticed what I think is atrophy in my right wrist, legs aching when this first came on but I admit that could be from the panic attacks. The hand got a bit better and I think phhhhewwww Als doesn't get better. I signed myself up to a als forum people who have als say I don't have als. I've seen 3 GPS who aren't interested barely even examined me. I've now got twitching all over my legs stiffness feeling in my right thumb.right foot feel like I'm having to concentrate to walk, right now looks buzzing like a phones inside it. I'm freaking out so much that if someone told me it was MS it would be releif because already I won't be dead in a few years with that. This is now consuming my whole life. At work in the cupboard looking up MND als, on my break lookingnit up on my time off looking it up. I've had anxiety my whole life.. the health anxiety I think triggered by a breast lump that was a real lump but turned out it wasn't cancer. I can't calm down I honestly believe I have this 100 percent.im testing my strengths all the time.. measuring my legs my hand is so scary I will post a photo once people say what they think. I'm terrified. I also had a two day period of blurred vision in my right away but that's since resolved.

05-02-17, 10:51
Nothing that you've said sounds like ALS . Calm down and enjoy life!:yesyes:

05-02-17, 13:08
Numbness is not part of ALS. ALS is failing not feeling.

05-02-17, 15:50
Nothing youve said sounds like ALS at all.

05-02-17, 17:20
Agreeing with everyone. If 3 docs weren't concerned enough to check you out completely, you're fine.

15-02-17, 21:59
I feel like this has totally consumed me. I've seen so many gps no one is concerned said that als doesn't present like this. But I'm feeling like I'm walking funny like I'm really lifting my right leg though my leg is as strong as it's ever been can still push my partner up on them that type of thing no weakness in my feet that I know off. I just feel shakey and weak all over it's horrible I wish someone could just take his from me. I've started sertraline and propranolol it's not helping at all just now I'm signed off work now as I'm far to anxious to work. Has anyone else been through and actually came out the other side ?

15-02-17, 22:21
You might be paying way too much attention to your body. I went through an ALS spiral (we always seem to get so anxious about the super rare, fatal ones huh?)

Please trust your doctors. Especially multiple ones.

Also, sertraline does take up to a month to work sometimes so give it time!

15-02-17, 23:34
Everyone that's replied to you so far has seen the light at the end of the tunnel and stopped letting this irrational fear consume their life. You'll be alright.

16-02-17, 03:30
You don't have ALS.

16-02-17, 19:44
Today my whole body is shaking when I stand up my legs are like jelly my arms are shaking when I use them for something like it's not just a feeling there phyisically shaking when I use them. I know this could
Be anxiety related but it's constant everyday I feel more weak. Has anyone else had this or is this the early sign of weakness in my muscles

16-02-17, 19:47
I feel bad for you :( The ALS rabbit hole is one of the worst. Everyone (doctors included) is right in what they're saying but it comes down to you believing it.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

16-02-17, 20:01
I just don't know why this is happening to me. I'm
Trying to tell myself that als wouldn't make my whole body like this at the start or atleast since the last time I seen my doctor. Surely anxiety can't make my whole body jelly like this ?

16-02-17, 21:29
Hi there - I've been down this road too a few times - thankfully not lately but ALS is always a bit in the back of my mind if something doesn't feel right. I have had many of your symptoms at various times over the years and when they got bad enough I was convinced it was ALS - I have the weakness especially on my left side that has come and gone - even at times I felt like my left eye wasn't moving right. I've had twitching/vibrating muscles in my legs and even cramps in my feet and legs. All of these symptoms have come together at times to really make me think that I have ALS.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that for those of us who have Health Anxiety anything is possible in terms of symptoms that we have - I have journalled many of my episodes over the eyars - times when I have been convinced that I had disease "X" because I had "all" of the symptoms. And then .....guess what ....either I went to the doctor and got reassured that I didn't have disease X or over time the symptoms just went away as I got more focused on other things in life.

Hang in there and take reassurance from your doctors....:)

17-02-17, 00:21
Why are you ignoring the 10 plus people who have given you advice? You're not even acknowledging anyone in here. Yes, anxiety can cause your symptoms.

17-02-17, 00:43
Hi there, sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Do you think that its possible that as a nurse you have send this in a patient and you've noticed a couple of the symptoms or signs in yourself so have convinced yourself that you also have this which then makes you feel like you do have it so you start to actual physically feel the symptoms of it? X

---------- Post added at 00:43 ---------- Previous post was at 00:40 ----------

PS I have done this many times over various signs and symptoms I've seen other people have or have heard about in news - it plays on your mind - its an awful feeling but you've seen drs now and they have said you are OK x

17-02-17, 10:41
Something that really helped me with my health anxiety was trying to stop checking (a CBT technique). You say that you've got medication for this but not whether or not you've tried CBT yet, and if you haven't, that should be a next step for you.

Basically, you wean yourself off the checking and reassurance-seeking bit by bit. That way, you're teaching your anxious brain that it doesn't get a nice hit of whatever-brain-chemical-it-would-be every time you reassure it, and the idea is that eventually it goes off somewhere else and stops bugging you. So, if you're tempted to go and Google ALS next time you have a break at work, you need to just try to postpone that impulse by 5 minutes at first, and then 10 minutes, and so on. It really does work. It helps if you can do this under the help of a therapist, as it's easier to do with an accountability partner.

Good luck!

17-02-17, 14:28
I am dealing with the same issue. I have had twitching in my legs for almost 6 months now and I wake up every morning waiting to step down from the bed and not be able to move my foot or something. But so far I am not experiencing clinical weakness. Several days I have felt like my legs were like jelly, especially my left one. I would be positive that it was because I was becoming clinically weak. Then I have a lot of days where my legs feel and function perfectly. The twitching never stops though. And if I think about it a lot I go back into that downward spiral again. I hope you come out the other side. I just seem to be stuck here. Haven't been to a doctor yet. I go in about 2 weeks and hope that he tells me everything is okay or finds something wrong with my thyroid or something else to explain all of this. I just want to be normal again.

22-02-17, 21:39
Totally freaking out now! Left hands went all stiff! and I know this is a als symtom. It's like I'm moving my right hand and my left hand isn't going as fast. My right hand is functioning 100 percent my left is only going 50 percent. It's moving so slow and stiff. This could be it taking over that limb now

22-02-17, 21:55
I'm sorry you're spiraling :( As with many other ALS threads, it could go on for pages and pages of reassurance. People here, doctors and real life sufferers say you don't have it.

Please do not go back on the ALS sites. You've been told it's not by them and you'll just be banned. They don't take kindly to anxiety/HA sufferers and it's highly disrespectful.

Positive thoughts

23-02-17, 01:03
I am also a nurse with anxiety. Every single symptom you describe can be attributed to anxiety. You do not have ALS.

23-02-17, 02:05
Hi, You can get the shakes for a while when you start Antidepressants. Mine lasted for a couple of weeks. Remember it takes about 4weeks for the Initial dose to become effective .You will often get side effects with this type of med. How long have you been taking them ?.

07-03-17, 01:06
My fear continues looking for some thoughts. Twitching has settled so have my hands, my right leg still feels like it isn't lifting properly. I've now got pain up the front of my shin like shin splint pain in the muscle it's agony. I know als MND isn't directly related with pain but most of the real life stories people started with major pain. On nhs website it says shin splits can be caused by muscle weakness. I'm freaking the hell out

07-03-17, 03:50
Let me tell you something,

Two summers ago I was obsessed with the idea that I had a brain tumor. It was horrible :( I had headaches every single day and then started to get random twitches in my hands or my toes. My big toe would literally move by itself. It was insane! It freaked me out. My doc said my headaches were tension headaches. This whole ordeal lasted for 8 months. Once I realized that time was passing by and my symptoms were really vague I just kind of snapped out of it. And guess what? The twitches stopped and the headaches stopped. I had actual physical symptoms that stopped when I consciously made an effort to tell myself that I was okay. In fact I had a long period of being anxiety free after that. Unfortunately I started getting other symptoms and health anxiety came back, but this time it was related to other things.

Anyway, just goes to show that our minds are incredibly powerful and amazing. Our brain can manipulate our physical being to convince us that something is seriously wrong even when it isn't. You do not have ALS. You just need to breathe and believe it.

07-03-17, 09:00
My fear continues looking for some thoughts. Twitching has settled so have my hands, my right leg still feels like it isn't lifting properly. I've now got pain up the front of my shin like shin splint pain in the muscle it's agony. I know als MND isn't directly related with pain but most of the real life stories people started with major pain. On nhs website it says shin splits can be caused by muscle weakness. I'm freaking the hell out


I have this pain too. Have you been strength testing? I also think I have als so it's unlikely we both have it.

Just wanted to pick up in you saying 'most' of the real life stories had pain. I've stopped going on als forums and would suggest you do too as it keeps your anxiety ramped up. However from being on that forum I remember a guy asking about pain and 5 members who have als said they never had any pain muscles just stopped working. One woman in particular just couldn't lift her foot or stand on her toes. I'm sure some people do have pain but I'm not sure if 'most' as you have stated.

Everything you write about your symptoms I could write. I have had an emg and still think I have als. But I'm working on that anxiety.

The best thing I have done is stop going on als forums, stop googling. Reduced the self checking. When is your neurology app?

07-03-17, 13:18
Why even bother responding? It's not like she will acknowledge what you wrote.

07-03-17, 14:41
Do you know how prelevant chronic pain conditions are? And how common pain in general is? Everyone has something ache or hurt through the day, people with als are no exception. That doesn't mean pain is directly related to the disease. Sure, there may be some outliers that had pain with their weakness, but what got them diagnosed was clinical weakness, not pain.

Stop reading stories. Stop going on forums. You'll never recover if you don't break that cycle.

07-03-17, 14:59
I've brought this up on several occasions.

I found this forum because HA sufferers were posting their worries on the cancer forums I was part of. Also, I have a daughter that suffers from anxiety and depression so I thought I could gain a better understanding of this illness (and it is an illness) by reading. I ended up sticking around to try and help.

Point being, I found it it highly disrespectful of those posters to continue posting on the cancer forums despite getting all clears from medical professionals and then reassurance from cancer sufferers. Most were eventually banned.

The same thing goes on at the ALS forums. I can see a post here and often it's the very same post on the ALS forums. Many are told in no uncertain terms they do not have ALS. Those that persist in posting after being told are banned.

What posters are told is that they do have a disease... ANXIETY. Here's an example of a polite reply.

"Sorry to hear you're scared. You are so scared, you are not trusting your doctors. It really doesn't make sense for you to ask strangers on the Internet to second-guess a highly trained and experienced neurologist.

I, too, don't see any ALS described in your posts. But I do see a serious problem that could harm your life. That's anxiety. It can really be a problem. Fortunately, it is very treatable, and can even be cured. You'll really be happier and more successful once that is cleared up."

Sound familiar? I've echoed those very sentiments in so many words many times. PLEASE... do not go on disease forums and post! It's highly disrespectful to those actually suffering.

Positive thoughts

08-03-17, 17:40
I am actually acknowledging people's comments on my post. I have been doing a lot of strength testing all the time I'm obsessed with looking for weakness. My weeking feels so weird even when I'm sitting down I feel like I can't imagine walking properly. If this is all related to anxiety I will be amazed. Neuro app isn't for ages haven't even had the appointment through yet. I've not been on an als forum for weeks as it wasn't doing me any good at all. Feel ill with all
Of this I've been off work for 4 weeks now. I'm getting married in 6 this is ruining everything

08-03-17, 17:50
The constant strength testing is causing the problems.

Mine has just settled now since I have stopped the constant strength testing.

09-03-17, 02:31
Welcome to the hell which is Als Anxiety.

there are few if anything which people can say to you which you will take on board when you are in the grips of an ALS anxiety attack. So lets try a change of tack, if you have ALS there is nothing that you can do about it, I will point out what has been said in this thread so far as you don't have ALS. There is however something which you can do about your thinking and actions right now which will stop you going further done the rabbit hole.

Firstly you have to stop constantly thinking about your body, this is not helping you. if you can still do everything which you did yesterday there is no point doing strength tests if you have ALS the weakness will find you, you don't have to go looking for it.

Secondly you can't objectively look at yourself when you are in a state of anxiety. You are more than likely already starting with the "yes, but"statements and "but what if" so no matter what evidence you are provided you will always look to see how it doesn't apply to you.

Finally given the fact you are on an anxiety site and not bugging the doctors in your hospital i think you are aware that you don't have ALS but in fact have anxiety.

10-03-17, 05:59
This is just a question not really als related. Recently I've been feeling super forgetful, well actually it started a number of months ago constantly leaving my bank card places and not being able to remever where I left it.. anyway i put it down to always being in a rush and not taking care of my things, anyway.... recently since this als fear has begun I've been so forget like i start a conversation with someone and then I totally forget what I was going to say it's absolutely terrible... then since I've started sertraline I've found I'm having these dreams where when I wake up half way through the day I don't know if it was real up a dream like I had a dream my dad left a voicemail saying he was coming to stay and then I had to check my voicemail to actuallt check I couldn't figure out real or not real, I keep thinking things and then I can't figure out when they happened and then I think aw it must have been a dream :/ it's so weird do you think this could be anxiety and the meds so worried this is a symptom of als or that I've got dementia or something ahhhhh

10-03-17, 07:11
What you are describing happens to everyone. You really need to do something about your anxiety. I know all of us seem to have some form of anxiety on this forum, some of us have it more extreme than others. Yours sounds like it's completely taking over your life. You have to get help for this

10-03-17, 16:17
I've got an ongoing als fear, it's had me off work for 5 weeks now. Started out with numbness and twitching, then I started to get buzzing in my leg, and an odd feeling when I was walking as though I was really having to concentrate. Today I was walking through the bus station and tripped over my own foot. This has sent me into massive panic mode. I don't know what to do. I can't even look this up on this site because people are saying "als is like you trip up and you don't know why" well that's me now. I'm falling apart now. I seen my GP it took 5 trips for him to refere me to neuro but I called today and I won't be seen for atleast 12 weeks. I can't go on like this anymore

10-03-17, 16:21
Everybody trips

10-03-17, 16:40
It's so easy to slip.... It's so easy to fall..... (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w4fcITCQh9I)

Positive thoughts and Little Feat!

10-03-17, 16:41
This is how people say it starts thought isn't it ?

10-03-17, 16:47
This is how people say it starts thought isn't it ?

No... not at all. One stumble does not constitute the onset of this disease. Nursie... you're hanging onto this for dear life and it's down to a thread at this point. Please see a doctor and get a referral for therapy to treat what is clearly debilitating you.

Positive thoughts

10-03-17, 17:00
If you're determined to have ALS you're going to need to trip over yourself more than once.

10-03-17, 17:09
I'm not determined to have it, of course I don't want it. It's the most terrible feeling.

10-03-17, 17:25
I realize I am in no position to give real advice about this since I have the same exact fear about the same exact disease and a lot of the same exact symptoms and I am having a really hard time with it, but I CAN say that after reading a lot of diagnosed patient stories (which I STRONGLY advise against and which I wish I HAD NOT done but it's done now and in the past) those who presented twitching almost always did so after very obvious clinical weakness i.e. they were walking with a cane, could not raise their hands above their head, having severe problems swallowing liquids and speaking. Those few who did present twitching before weakness would be diagnosed with familial als i.e. SEVERAL PEOPLE in their family would have developed and passed with the disease. When it was just one person in their family who had had it before, they were simply not able to verify that other family member's family history because he had been adopted (it was her father). People who would be diagnosed had people in her family that acknowledged and showed concern about their symptoms because they were that obvious. There are sometimes those who are not diagnosed until well into progression because they ignore very VERY debilitating symptoms that people around them could see and would comment on (i.e. limping, weird gait, slurred speech, pronounced atrophy). People like us, or at least I know this to be true of myself, analyze, magnify, research and diagnose every single sensation we feel. I have had twitching for months, no weakness, but I have variably been through stages where I would feel like my arms and legs were like jelly, and it would pass. My feet were dragging the floor weeks ago, but that passed. My stomach and sides were jerking so much at night it would wake me and my foot would cramp until i woke up, and that has all passed. This is not typical of ALS. Things do not get better, they get progressively worse.
What I would say, which echos what others have said, is that one trip EVEN WITH twitching does not a diagnosis of ALS make. I am saying all of this as much to you as I am to myself, and it something that is constantly repeated on the ALS forum (which I advise anyone who is not dealing with ALS personally to stay away from) IT IS NOT ALS UNTIL IT IS NOT ANYTHING ELSE. There have been people diagnosed with it because doctors and neurologists who were experienced in the field believed it to be ALS. But they were wrong.
It is so very rare. There are so many many other possibilities. I know all too well that it is basically impossible to do this, but I suggest you (and I) try to live our lives to the fullest right now. When I am happy, busy, and distracted my twitching slows to a near halt and my mood changes drastically.
You are not crazy.
You are not a neurologist.
I hope that you AND I can find peace with this and if you ever need to vent privately or anything you can send me a message any time. I feel like speaking with someone who is going through similar problems as me helps me to self-mediate, and I bet you could do the same.

10-03-17, 18:23
You haven't worked in 5 weeks over ALS fear? I would hope you're attempting to get into therapy and take some anxiety meds?

10-03-17, 18:27
You needed two ALS threads?

10-03-17, 18:30

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


10-03-17, 20:19
No I haven't worked. I work in critical care my patients are extremely unwell. I've had what my GP calling a nervous breakdown not sure if it is. However I can't put people's life's at risk. Luckily the U.K. And nhs are brill. We can have 6 months full pay if your signed off by your dr and they literally cannot sack you. I'm very lucky.

10-03-17, 20:27
So are you seeing a therapist?

10-03-17, 21:12
Of course I'm having CBT twice a week. This has consumed my entire life for months. It's ruined the entire run up to my wedding. I am walking funny I've just seen it myself in a long mirror shopping. Honestly people could anxiety cause actual mobility issues ?

10-03-17, 21:18
Does you therapist know about your posting here? If not, it's vital you share that information as it's vital to your recovery! He/she needs to know! Show him/her your posts.

Positive thoughts

10-03-17, 23:25
Yeah they know, the first thing was letting her know about posting on the als forum, I had to cut thay out I've managed now not to look one thing up about als for weeks. Other than coming on the forum which I've found very helpful. I know I sound totally crazy but I can't accept that anxiety would do this to my body. Like I literally feel like I can't walk properly. I'm seing my friend tommorow who is a neuro physio. Hopefully he can atleast tell me I haven't got a foot drop and I can maybe have some peace of mind to get me through the wedding till my appointment with the neuro x

10-03-17, 23:35
Yeah they know

The reason I ask is because reassurance seeking is so detrimental to the healing process. Any therapist worth their salt would highly discourage this behavior as it's keeping you focused on your fear and the reassurance seeking behavior is a total no no. You say they know about the ALS forum and discouraged posting there (and thank goodness you stopped posting there. I find doing so very disrespectful) but do they know you're seeking reassurance here?

Positive thoughts

10-03-17, 23:40
She said about cutting things back bit by bit so I've managed to stop checking my hands 24/7, I can't drop the leg thing though at the moment. I think she understands that in my head I 100 percent believe I have this, I'm convinced I'm dieing. What a horrible place to be in. I'm 24 years old I'm not long into an amazing career and it's ruined by this. I haven't seen my friends from months. My relationship is falling apart even though we have a wedding planned in 6 weeks. This has consumed my life and almost everything I am. I'm so scared of dieing I can barely put it into words

11-03-17, 00:39
I have a daughter your age and it's so sad to hear how this irrational fear is ruining your life. Nothing medical professionals say or reassurance offered here is helping. In fact, IMO, it's just feeding the dragon. I would stick with the mental health professionals in this instance. Stay off Google and the forums and work on you. My daughter has been in therapy and on meds and works her ass off to stay well. She had a rough time and worked hard, just graduating college. It can be done but you really have to want it and work at it.

Good luck to you. I hope you manage to recover enough to enjoy your wedding.

Positive thoughts.

11-03-17, 15:05
my big worry is long term twitching. I twitch and get cramps in my calf mostly (and for many years now), but I tend to twitch all over. I fear that someday my calves will get tired of twitching and cramping, and decide to stop working all together.

11-03-17, 15:36
I don't think twitching is diagnostic of als from what I read online the als forums they all wish the internet would take that off as a symptom because that's what's bringing so many anxious people to that conclusion. I doubt you would be twitching for that long without serious other symtoms. I seen my neuro physio friend today, I passed everything I have no weakness at all and defo not clinical weakness, neg babinski and beg hoffmAns aswel. Had a full neuro look over in someone living room. Xx

11-03-17, 16:00
from what I read online the als forums they all wish the internet would take that off as a symptom because that's what's bringing so many anxious people to that conclusion.

if this is true, it would make my day lol

20-03-17, 10:30
I'm feeling a bit better this week, however one thing I've developed is pain in both my hands like it's pain like aching in both hands it's agony. Yes I googled it and I thought thank god absolutely nothing als, but then I read that some people's starts like that. Has anyone else had these acheing hand things because it's been there for about 4 days now and it's literally just agony. Yesterday I managed to built an IKEA flat pack even tho the pain was so bad but I'm trying to tell myself you wouldn't be able to do that with MND. What are people's thoughts

20-03-17, 11:40
I'm trying to tell myself you wouldn't be able to do that with MND. What are people's thoughts

It doesn't matter what we say as we've said it already. What's most important is what you think. That being said, what you said above is something to repeat over and over and over ;)

Positive thoughts

20-03-17, 11:58
Fishmanpa is absolutely right here. Reassurance seeking is like drugs to an addict. You think it's what you need but actually it is the complete opposite.

If you don't believe this - try an experiment:

Stay off Google, this forum, all other forums, anything als Reassurance seeking for a couple days, preferably a week. Your anxiety will at first spike but then it will get better. If it doesn't get better you can come back and tell me I was wrong!

20-03-17, 21:29
I am telling you now, stop doing this, you will make yourself ill, I did and nearly killed myself. I was pregnant when my symptoms started, mine were much more severe than yours, I had twitching all over, minor seizures, tremors in all my limbs and neck that you could physically see, jerks that made my limbs spasm and the most unbearable pain down my spine and limbs. I was so convinced I had ALS that I thought I was smarter than the doctors. They said it doesn't present like this, I said I have it, I am dying.

I ended up getting sectioned and slitting my wrists as I couldn't cope with what was happening to me. As a health anxiety sufferer this was my worst nightmare coming true, i was sleep deprived, couldn't eat, couldn't speak to anyone, I was a shell of myself. I had a clean EMG and I said its wrong its wrong, I had another and finally I started to accept that maybe this isn't ALS.

I still have the symptoms 10 months on but I am doing much better, I have a beautiful little boy and that worry ruined my pregnancy and nearly my whole life. I feel sick thinking I nearly killed both myself and my beautiful baby. I am still having tests and working with the doctors but until I know what is wrong with me I am living my life, one I never thought I would have again. Sometimes symptoms happen and it may take years to find the cause. No matter what the route cause, anxiety makes symptoms worse. I am sat here now with tremors in my hands and twitching bodyside, but some days I'm so busy living i don't notice them that much. Do not ruin your life over this, your symptoms do not present as MND of any sort. I had an MRI today and got a phone call to make a doctors appointment, instead of thinking I'm dying, I'm trying to think, maybe they finally know what is wrong with me, and i will deal with it and i will fight whatever it is, however minor or severe. I feel sorry that you are going through this because i know exactly how it feels, you are trapped with a mind that won't stop telling you you're dying and you're alone and feel helpless but you are not. You do not have ALS. Don't let it destroy you like it did me.

31-03-17, 08:01
I'm going through a similar thing atm. Feel totally lost and at the end of my rope. Doctor says it's not, but I'm constantly checking and I forgot to ask for a reflex test which looks super quick to me. I can't keep going down the doctors. But I'm twitching all over including the tongue and my throat feels like it's choking. Can't cope ...

31-03-17, 15:02
TWITCHING IS NOT A SYMPTOM OF ALS - it's a byproduct of it.

05-04-17, 19:20
Hey! So I've managed a good few weeks with only little amount of anxiety anyway I started to feel like tongue sore in my mouth and then that resolved but now I've got this thing stuck in my throats it's making swallowing hard it's like there's not s clear
Hole for swallowing. Obv I think this is als... I could get a nose bleed and think it's als. can anyone shed any light on this ? I'm trying so hard not to go back the way and into the hole I've just managed to get out of. I've just gone back to work, wedding is in two weeks and I cannot let this consume me. Has anyone else had this ? .

Catherine S
05-04-17, 20:20
What would you tell your patients if they had this irrational fear? Would you tell them you thought they had als even if the doctors had told them they hadn't? You're about to get married, that's one of life's major events...is it not possible that the preparations for this have overwhelmed you? My daughter gets married at the end of this month and her stress has turned her into a bridezilla. Stress affects people in different ways and your physical manifestation of stress has led you down this path.

It's not real, it's imagined. The power of the mind over the body is something you ought to know about more than most.