View Full Version : Sinus Infection?

05-02-17, 11:19

I just wondered if anyone knows is it possible to have a sinus infection without dishcharge/congestion?

For about a week I've felt unwell, really fatigued and weak, everyone around me has had cold/flu symptoms which I've not had but I've had this pain/pressure all across my cheeks, bridge of my nose and above my eyes.

I seem to have PND when I wake in the morning but nothing during the day, I know I have problems with my eustachian tubes draining as I frequently get blocked ears which take weeks to clear and I recently had this. It does seem better but my ear is still popping so I guess there's some fluid still around.

I just wondered if it could be sinus related as I just feel quite wiped out and this pain/pressure is starting to get me down.


05-02-17, 11:59
It sounds like you have a sinus problem since you mention pain/pressure around the specific facial areas and the PND I too am suffering with similar problems which I've been put on a course of antibiotics for a suspected sinus infection only difference is I have now been referred to a ENT specialist since I've been waking up with a mouth full of blood for the last 3 days probably from the PND yet nothing happens through the day. You should get it checked out just in case an infection is beginning to set in. All the best

05-02-17, 12:16
Thanks Saf138 I think I will get it checked to be on the safe side. I hope they get your sorted out quickly that must be awful waking with blood in your mouth, sounds like your sinuses are very inflamed. I hope you are on the mend soon.

05-02-17, 13:56
Thank you very much I do find it very weird that nothing is coming out of the front of my nose just PND it was pretty frightening at first to see all that blood and it does seem to be clearing up with the antibiotics just a few specks here and there unfortunately its that time of year when we catch all kinds of nasties. Try not to stress about it what you described is exactly what I have apart from the blood hope you get it sorted and roll on bloody summer.

05-02-17, 16:28
I have had what you are experiencing, pain pressure etc without any drainage. BUT...eventually it will drain.

I got a neti pot and that helped me tremendously along with the antibiotics that I was given.

Maybe you can try that.

05-02-17, 16:49
Thank you guys.

Actually I do have a neti pot and some saline sachets it hadn't even occurred to me to use that, I'll give it a go. Thanks