View Full Version : Where to start!

17-04-07, 19:43
Hey folks,

So I've had anxiety symptoms for nearly two years now, brought on by massive stress with nuisance neighbours upstairs, keeping us awake, flooding us and all sorts. My first panic attack (I'm ashamed to admit) was brought on by smoking a joint, and I latched on to my heartbeat and got taken to hospital. I've told the story here before, but thought it good for background!

Just over a year ago, I had CBT, and was lucky enough to see a heart specialist, since I became convinced I would have a heart attack. This helped a lot, so I no longer really had panic attacks, but still had residual anxiety symptoms. I've had patches with dizziness, a month-long headache and so on.

This all died down until relatively recently. I'd even got to the point where I was going out twice a week with a friend for a run. I'm 5ft10 and nearly 15st, so plenty podgy but not a huge heffer!

Three weeks ago, we went to court to confirm that the neighbours are going to get evicted (they're council tenants), and since then I've been pretty bad. I had massive stomach cramps and was given tablets for that by the doctor.

Over the Easter weekend, I almost broke down, I kept feeling like I really needed to cry, and I've felt really tense since. Today I've been feeling sick and tense all day at work, and when I got home felt like I was having a heart attack (my constant worry!) with muscle tension all over my chest, and dizziness and shaking.

Sorry for the long post, I kind of wanted to let it all out somewhere, and I know there's people who feel the same way here.

I know a lot of the stress will go once the neighbours are evicted, though they're not really causing a nuisance now so a lot of it's just me winding myself up. I'm thinking maybe of trying to get more CBT, or having hypnotherapy or something, because I can't get out of my head the whole heart attack thing.

I even signed up for the work gym a couple of weeks ago, and they took my blood pressure. At 150/73, he said it was a bit high. So that got me worried - are all my symptoms caused by the blood pressure. How stupid.

I'm just so p!ssed off, and wish it would all end and I could go back to being me - driven at work, clever, happy... Not scared, forgetful, careless, constantly worrying I'm about to keel over. Two years of anxiety, I'm fed up. :blush:

Sorry again for such a long rant!


18-04-07, 14:10
hi nick

sorry your not feeling to good

mabe when the neighbours have moved out and things settle down you may start to fell better less stressed this will help .
i have a problem with my heart due to this dam anxiety i get ectopics heart beats and they scred the hell out of me they realy do and make me think i will have a heart attack ..... i have been like this for 8 years now i seen a heart doc and she sead all was ok but the more you think about everything to do with your heart the worse you are going to get you start to feel ever beat ect
try see how the next few weeks go see if it gets anybetter then mabe if you can go chat to your doc
jodie xx

18-04-07, 19:14
Hello Nick !
The good news is that you already know how to relieve this anxiety because you've done it before ! Accept this is a realy crappy time right now - but it won't always be. Its no winder you feel tearful, I think that's due to the emotional release of all the stress of going to court etc..

Keep up with your running - this is something you can do by yourself, for yourself - and that's better than anything the doctor can prescribe ! You are in control. Go for it Nick - every day will bring a little more calmness and clarity. Believe in yourself. You can do it.

Be kind to yourself

23-04-07, 20:44
Thanks both of you for your replies. Still quite struggling a bit, but I'm focussing on 'affirmations' I suppose you could call them. Daft things I keep saying in my head 'i'm not going to die, it's just stress... i'm not going to die, it's just stress'.

Seems to be helping in stopping the crappy symptoms (dizziness and stuff) turning into full on panic. At least a couple of times a day I get waves of panic, or wanting to burst into tears.... Just waiting for it to go away, I guess :)

25-04-07, 07:16
Hi, sorry to hear about your situation-it's horrible feeling so anxious.Have you tried any relaxation tapes? I used to be cynical about them but I'm scared to death of flying and I found that the tapes helped me a bit before my last flight. I used the paul McKenna tape and one by the psychotherapist who does the Virgin fear of flying courses. Hope you feel better soon Bubble