View Full Version : Losing my mind thinking I got hepatitis C!

05-02-17, 11:40
Warning NSFW:

On the 15th of December (~7 weeks ago) I had an extremely brief but unprotected anal encounter (I topped) with another gay guy who is very promiscuous and also who takes recreational drugs (but doesn't inject). I know it was an extremely stupid decision, I was caught up in the moment etc. but it's done now and there is no going back,only forwards. I have had two bouts of nasty flu like illness since then, both fairly long lasting that had all subsided other than a persistent runny nose/phlegm. Originally I thought it was for sure HIV but I have now had multiple advanced tests to rule that out. However, at my last visit to the clinic the doctor warned me that the window periods for syphilis (which doesn't worry me as it's easily curable) and Hep C would be longer. I thought that Hep C could only be passed through things like needle use but it turns out that rough sex (like anal) which can involve bleeding (even microscopic amounts of blood) can transmit it.

Now I'm ill again (although not as flu-like this time) for the third time and I swear to god it's all the symptoms of acute hepatitis. I feel run down and tired, nauseous, have intermittent abdominal pains and mild diarrhea. A couple of nights ago I even noticed there was some blood on my stool. Also I have had palpable lymph nodes on my groin area. I was tested for HIV again and mono, allergies, the works etc. at my doctor's a week or two before this bout and everything came back normal.

A few weeks ago I asked the guy if he had been tested for Hep. He said yes he got tested for everything after Christmas and was neg, but then he blocked me! Also it can take up to 12 weeks for Hep to show up on antibody test so he could have been carrying it and still tested negative!

I'm going to have to wait until March in order to test to get a definite result. But I can't wait until then to test! I'm constantly thinking that at the age of 17 my life is already over. I was up last night thinking "what If I do test hep-pos?" I would cry myself to sleep every night, my hopes would be gone. I would probably drop out of education as my energy level wouldn't be good and never try to date or look for a husband as I would feel too toxic. I don't want to be living HCV-POSITIVE.

I would be really grateful for any advice or info.

05-02-17, 13:26
Ok first I think hepatitis usually does not have symptoms. Second it is not a life sentence, as there are multiple treatments out there now for it. So get tested just in case, but you probably don't have it, and even if you do, there are treatments.

05-02-17, 13:28
I think it's really smart and mature of you to get everything checked out and to be so proactive about your health.

Good news is you're either going to be fine or you'll have to take some drugs to rid the virus. You're life will not be over, I promise. In the mean time as long as your doctor knows your concerns the best you can do right now is try to work on some calming techniques and activities to sooth your anxiety.

Best of luck to you!

05-02-17, 15:12
Hep C is not the end of the world. My husband had it for more then 10 years, and was treated succesfully without any remaining health problems.
We didn't know he was infected, and had unprotected sex (we are together for 10 years), and I haven't caught it! I also stupidly used his razor once, not knowing that heis infected. Hep C is pretty hard to contract while having sex or living together...
But please be more prudent in the future, don't forget about protection!

05-02-17, 16:33
Hep C is curable now, my Mother in law is completely free of it after over 20 years. continue your due diligence and make better choices going forward and I am certain you will be completely fine.

05-02-17, 19:14
Thanks for your replies everyone. Yeah I've heard there's new meds that can clear Hep C but they are apparently very expensive and I'm worried that maybe I wouldn't be able to get them on the NHS :(

I've decided I'm going to get tested again early this coming week at the 8th week mark. Too early for a conclusive result but it would still be reassuring to test negative.