View Full Version : How accurate are breast ultrasounds?

05-02-17, 12:31
I know people are going to be fed up reading my posts but before anyone comments, I have started doing cbt. I just want to know how accurate breast ultrasounds are? As I have a lump my gp and the consultant weren't worried and the ultrasound was fine he said I just have prominent milk ducts which I've never heard of. But I'm still prodding and pressing the area and jst worried something was missed

05-02-17, 12:41
They're accurate for sure! I've had breast cancer, and ultrasounds are actually more accurate than mammograms, especially if you have dense breasts. It's not something I read online either. My breast surgeon told me that. CBT is a lot of work on your part. Doubting it is just your anxiety. Stick with it and trust your doctor's. You're fine!

05-02-17, 13:35
They are good tools. Just like any medical tool, they have limitations.

I have had "prominent" milk ducts. In the US they are called dilated ducts. Often these will show up on mammos as a suspicious area. Whenever I have breast US, the sonographer always comments on them. Cool thing about those dilated ducts is that US can see inside them very well. I know because things have been found inside mine. Another cool thing is when sonographers and radiologists see things that are concerning, they do something about them. Another cool thing is your dilated ducts look just fine.

08-02-17, 09:54
I jst can't seem to rationalise. I'm terrified that something has been missed.l know i should trust the gp and consultant but it's hard when you have anxiety

08-02-17, 12:44
Hi JM,

I said this on YummyMommy's thread and I'll say it to you. First off...

Cancer in an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. You've been worried about this for over two years so you'd be very ill or not with us by now I assure you.

Finally... To see someone completely possessed by their mental illness is more sad than frustrating. Words on a screen and reassurance will not lead you to the healing path. In fact, it just may be keeping you in the spiral of anxiety.

You fear getting sick, dying and leaving your family behind. Don't go to a consultant about your breasts, go to one about your mental health. Otherwise, I assure you, you'll be going around in this circle of fear for the foreseeable future and your real illness (anxiety) will take your life away far before some sinister disease or natural cause does.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

08-02-17, 13:48
Ask a doctor.

08-02-17, 18:32
jessica mummy,
i dont know if you are following my posts, but if you are, you will see i am dealing with the same type of anxiety. its always been the worst anxiety, more than any other body part.

let me just tell you, about 8 years ago, when i was breastfeeding my oldest child, i felt a pretty large lump. it was actually the first time i experienced that type of anxiety. i ran to ob/gyn. she thought it was milk duct, but sent me for ultrasound. i did. everything was perfectly fine. and the lump lasted for quite some time, but i didnt worry about it. so yes, you can have large lump and its perfectly normal and doesnt even show up in ultrasound, only as milk... cuz thats what it is.
hope that helps you.