View Full Version : SVT

06-02-17, 02:39
I hate having this so much. I'm currently sitting in my bed freaking out because I'm getting chest pain too. The chest pain could very well be from reflux, but I'm freaking out so bad and I feel extremely nauseous. I do not want to go to the ER. I'll be all by myself and I'll die. I just know I'll die if I go to the ER. I can't do this anymore. I can't accept this because it's terrifying and I don't want to die. I really don't want to be alone right now. I probably won't wake up tomorrow now, and I'm scared. My SVT is caused by pregnancy hormones, and I really don't want to be pregnant. This is a nightmare and it won't stop.

06-02-17, 15:11
Is there someone you can call. Can you take a Xanax to calm down? Are you panicking?

06-02-17, 18:42
Do you mean superventricular tachycardia?? I developed this 5 years ago and when I get it my heartbeat can go from 76 to 176bpm and I go very very faint. Have they told you about the valsalvar manouvre where you hold your nose and blow as this resets the heart for svt attacks.

If what you are referring to is not super vetricular tachycardia then sorry for assuming.

Most heart palps can be stopped by taking a deep deep breath and coughing hard or as said the valsalvar manouvre.

I undertand your panic totally but panic will only mke your heart beat faster generally.

Funny heartbeats are very very common in pregnancy and usually go away after you have given birth.

06-02-17, 19:40
Yes that's what I'm talking about. It scares me so much. I've seen my heart rate in the 200s before and it's so scary. It's a big reason why I promised myself that I wouldn't get pregnant again, but life had other plans I guess. I tried the techniques to slow it down and they weren't working. I'm not sure if I wasn't doing them effectively because I was very scared. I just know that pregnancy doesn't agree with my body, and in turn I get to deal with this. I can't take anything for anxiety while pregnant which sucks because I definitely don't know how to calm down during one of those episodes. All of the safer medications that you can take while pregnant don't work for me because they gave me bad thoughts.

I refuse to take anything that isn't considered safe for pregnancy because the baby comes before me. I was doing so good with my anxiety and then I developed what I'm guessing is a canker sore and then had an SVT episode. I guess I wasn't doing as good as I thought, but I'm really trying not to let this get to me. I didn't want to get out of bed today because I was afraid I'd have another episode, but I pushed through those negative thoughts and I'm proud about that. Any other time I would have been on Google 24/7 for days just obsessing over it, so it's a small step up from where I used to be.

06-02-17, 21:03
Are you doing better now?

06-02-17, 21:25
I am guessing you have had it all explained to you what svt is and what causes it. I have had a moniter implanted in my chest for past 18 months to catch my episodes and I tend to get really bad ones about 3-4 times a year but have little blips daily. I was told we are born with the extra pathway in our hearts that cause svt and any hormonal upheaval can trigger the pathway. For you its pregnancy but for me it was menopause so mine is now permanent whereas yours should go away after the birth.

I had a routine follow up appt with cardio just before xmas and was told that in the unlkely event of a svt attack starting and not stopping then they can give you an injection in emergency and of course they can always do ablation which has been offered to me but the svt is not for me bad enough to risk the ablation op. This would not be appropriate for you as yours will resolve once no longer pregnant.

I have sucess with the valsalver manouvre, I had a bad attack yesterday whilst a passenger in a car - sudden severe fluttering in chest with feeling very faint but I just held my nose tight and blew hard and it stopped it and I was okay again in about 10 seconds. The longest attack i have had is 30 seconds and thats scared me rigid!!!!!! so I totally understand.

I always get mine when at rest and not when active.

07-02-17, 00:59
Thanks for explaining it! That's what was explained to me, and the cardio did say that it will get worse when I enter menopause. He suggested that I don't get a tubal because it could make things worse. I've never noticed it while moving around, but my body's favorite place to get it is when I'm in line at the grocery store. I have gotten it lying down and sitting as well.

I really need to work on the techniques because I can't get them to work, so I end up just suffering through the attack. The anxiety definitely doesn't help the situation, and I think it prevents the techniques from working because the whole time I'm focused on the fact that it better be gone in an hour or that I'll have to get the medicine to reset my heart.

How are you able to stay calm during them? With positive thinking or meds?

---------- Post added at 00:59 ---------- Previous post was at 00:58 ----------

Are you doing better now?

Yes, thank you!