View Full Version : Day 10 of sertraline.. Help needed!!

06-02-17, 07:31
I'm currently on day 10 of sertraline (4days of 25mg, 6 days 50mg).
I've been prescribed these for HA.
So far I've had what seems to be the usual side effects, nausea, insomnia, heightened anxiety. I've been getting through it by trying to stay positive and knowing it will get better.
However the last couple of mornings I've had severe back ache. It feels like maybe my kidneys are failing (I don't even know if this would be what you feel with your kidneys). It's all my lower back and it seems to be both sides. It's at it's very worst in the morning but does get better throughout the day (probably when I am doing something to forget about it.
Has anyone experienced back ache with sertraline?
This has never been one of my HA issues before but now seems to have added to my worries.
Has anyone got any positives on this please??

06-02-17, 07:49
Sertraline gives a huge amount of side effects (which do go away over time, you just have to ride it out). The problem with health anxiety is that you then worry about the side effects- the first two weeks heightened anxiety on the Sertraline is a kicker. I remember, I had really bad sweats and night sweats on the Sertraline which had me Dr Googling and up to my GPs. I was frantic. Even though I knew that sweats were a possible side effect. Luckily, you are 10 days in and things will soon start to calm down.

If you have any worries, phone your Dr and check things out with them. You have probably been a bit tense and strained your lower back.

Good luck, things will get better. Xxx