View Full Version : Palpitations? I'm not even sure what to think anymore.

06-02-17, 08:04
So I'll start at the beginning. About 2 weeks ago I had some pretty noticeable chest pain and decided to play it safe and go to the ER. They ran a few EKG's and did a chest x-ray. After having me hooked up to a machine to monitor everything for about 7 hours (I guess they wanted to be sure) they decided everything checked out. They even drew some blood when I first checked in. The only thing they didn't do is a stress test and that's because there was no one available to run the test with me. I'm very overweight but in the past 3 months I've lost about 25 pounds just by walking more everyday and eating a bit better. I guess my concern is I still have some chest pain. It's gone down quite a bit since when I first went to the ER but it's still there... mostly at night(I mean, at night, in general... not just when I'm laying down). And it's not in the middle left of the chest like the classic heart attack symptoms. The location of the pain is more upper left chest towards the collarbone. I've had very bad posture for years but as of late I'm trying to correct it whenever I notice I'm slouching(which is usually when the pain occurs). The chest pain sends me into a panic no matter how little the pain actually is. I still go for walks every day and I don't notice any pain when walking. Another thing that seems to happen is I get this rumbling feeling in my chest every now and then but it doesn't happen only in my chest it's happened in both of my legs as well as my arms and my belly. I know what palpitations feel like because I've had them before mostly towards the bottom of my neck but these don't feel like palpitations it's just a little jittery feeling that occurs at random times. They don't last very long maybe about a half second and then it's gone. The best way I could describe it is like a chills sort of feeling. I go in to see a cardiologist on thursday and hopefully he can shed a bit more light on whether or not I should be worried. Can anyone relate to this at all? Any help would be appreciated. :)