View Full Version : Constant tummy and lower back pain

06-02-17, 09:01
I have had IBS for a few years but never this bad. I have a constant feeling of trapped wind and awful pains in tummy and back. I am not getting any relief at all. It is worse during the night and keeps me awake.
Does anyone else get it this bad?

06-02-17, 10:45
I used to have terrible constant back and lower abdominal pain
I tried all different meds but until I was put on sertraline then all my symptoms went
Exercise used to help give me relief and anti acids

06-02-17, 11:17
Thank you for your reply. It is wearing me out at the moment. I am going to the doctors at 11:40

07-02-17, 17:03
Hi, What did your doctor say?
I have abdominal pain and upper back pain on the left hand side.
Going for an ultra sound next week, very worried.
hope you are feeling better
take care

08-02-17, 12:48
I had a proctogram a few weeks ago and my doctor has the results of that, I have a slight internal prolapse in my bowel. I have to go for a colonoscopy on 18th February. All of my blood tests have come back normal apart from my liver test which is slightly raised but they don't seem concerned about that.
Anxiety is sky high at the moment!

08-02-17, 13:16
Oh Annie it never ends

Good news about your blood tests at least.

I am glad that you are getting checked out but can appreciate how stressful this must all be for you.

Hope the next 10 days pass quickly for you.

08-02-17, 16:35
Thank you Elen. Anything physically wrong with me always makes me more anxious which of course just gives me even more physical symptoms.

12-02-17, 14:55
The pain has been much worse this weekend. My irrational mind is saying I must have something serious wrong with me, my rational mind is saying I am worrying so much about the colonoscopy on Saturday that it has made my IBS even worse :(
I have had a good cry this morning. So fed up with this :(

Kitty Cat
12-02-17, 15:38
I feel for you Annie. Not much I can say to help you only that im thinking of you. you were kind to me a few years back when I was worried about a colonoscopy, xxx

12-02-17, 15:44
I feel for you Annie. Not much I can say to help you only that im thinking of you. you were kind to me a few years back when I was worried about a colonoscopy, xxx

Thank you :hugs: