View Full Version : Freaking.....abnormal bloods and groin lump!

06-02-17, 10:38
Hi everyone, been a long while since I have posted, have been doing pretty good but then.....

Had the second lot of blood done last week. First and second ones showed raised neutrophils.

I also have a hard painless groin lump that has been there for 4 months, have an ultra sound booked for a couple of weeks to investigate further. The last two months it has begun leaking clear fluid?

Have a feeling of pressure in upper left abdomen, been there for years, ultrasound on spleen showed normal size.

Searched on here and someone with similar symptoms, they had lymphoma which has been my fear all along.

Doctors appointment later today but seriously freakish right now!!

06-02-17, 10:49
Lymphoma has always been my worry too. I also have palpable groin nodes that appeared after a work out spontaneously 2 and a half years ago. Now every time I get symptoms I tie them to the nodes and assume its the lymphoma progressing. A real cause of anxiety for me.

As you, I've had numerous blood tests (the last one a month ago), all have been normal. I've had a chest x-ray, it was normal. I've had an ultrasound which confirmed the presence of nodes, but noted they weren't of concern.

Still this hasn't quelled the anxiety, despite being seen by five doctors, and having these various tests performed.

Leaking fluid suggests and infection of some sort. That's likely all it is. Honestly, get these tests done, get clearance by a doctor, and then, unless something happens to suggest otherwise, move on with your life.

The only thing that would give me complete peace of mind is a biopsy. That said, my GP said it would be difficult to biopsy a node that sits on top of my femoral artery. He said most oncologists wouldn't want to touch it given the lack of other symptoms.

Get your tests, then move on. It will really ruin your life otherwise.

06-02-17, 14:42
Jinglebells, you've described a lump which is secreting fluid and you have raised neutrophils; it could well be an infected cyst as opposed to anything more sinister. You would also maybe have some swollen nodes as your body is fighting an infection?
This is quite common in the groin as there are hairs and pores which can get blocked.
Just a thought I had as I know someone who had an infected cyst in that area! ��