View Full Version : Ultrasound today

06-02-17, 12:17
I have an appointment today to get this swollen lymphnode in my arm pit rechecked . It's been 6 months so they said they wanna see me back in 6 months for another ultrasound to make sure nothing's changed . I'm
Very scared . They will tell me something bad .

06-02-17, 13:23
Good luck!

In a similar position but mine is in my groin!

06-02-17, 17:17
So I just came back from my ultra sound and the doctor said one of them has gotten a bit bigger so he wants to either do a biopsy on it or wait 3 months and re check it. I AM SCARED OUT OF MY MIND!!! what the hell do I do now?????????????? He's saying it could be auto immune as well .

06-02-17, 17:27
As terrifying as it may sound, Id go the biopsy route because 3 more months of terror is less appealing.

Sorry your dealing with this.

06-02-17, 17:30
Thanks . I'm just terrified ... i don't know what they will find.. I just hate my freaking life so much :(((((

06-02-17, 17:42
Second on the biopsy. 3 more months might make your anxiety completely unbearable. Good news is that the doc is willing to wait even longer to do anything so he's not really concerned! If it didn't explode in growth in 6 months I wouldn't be to worried either!

06-02-17, 17:43
But I'm just so scared . I am seriously going crazy with anxiety . I don't know how I can handle this . I just don't know ?!!

06-02-17, 17:45
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. What you do, and I speak from experience, is speak to your doctor and make a decision. Then it's one foot in front of the other. I've been there and I know it sucks but what other choice do you have? AND... once you take these steps you'll find that your anxiety will lessen. Deal with the issue at hand. Focus on that and not the what if's. Honestly, that's how you deal with it.

Also, the fact that the doctor is willing to wait another three months is encouraging. Why you ask? From my experience, if it was something they thought was sinister, it was "Let's get this biopsied right now!"

Positive thoughts

06-02-17, 17:54
*hugs* I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I was in a situation similar to this back in November but it was with a breast lump. I had a ultrasound, Dr. wanted to follow up in 3 months. I had the ultrasound again at the beginning of November and my Dr. said we could biopsy or wait and see another 3 months. The panic side of me wanted to wait the 3 months but my doctor advised me to do the biopsy because he knew how scared I was over it. So I chose to get the biopsy. SO glad I did because it came back good news and I was able to put it behind me. I'd go with the biopsy, its worth the peace of mind. You'll be ok, I'll be praying!!! :hugs:

06-02-17, 17:54
But I'm just so scared . I am seriously going crazy with anxiety . I don't know how I can handle this . I just don't know ?!!

I don't understand, I've followed your past thread because I also had a lump in my armpit awhile ago. From my understanding, your dr said it was a benign node. So why are they asking you to come back?

Surely if they suspected something sinister, they would have had you biopsied 6 months ago.

If your doc is making you wait another 3 months then tbh, I wouldn't worry too much. It could be autoammuine but tbh, I'm sure it's nothing. Mine only went after 6 months and I had no symptoms of anything. Don't worry yourself too much.

06-02-17, 18:10
I'm sorry you're having to deal with this. What you do, and I speak from experience, is speak to your doctor and make a decision. Then it's one foot in front of the other. I've been there and I know it sucks but what other choice do you have? AND... once you take these steps you'll find that your anxiety will lessen. Deal with the issue at hand. Focus on that and not the what if's. Honestly, that's how you deal with it.

Also, the fact that the doctor is willing to wait another three months is encouraging. Why you ask? From my experience, if it was something they thought was sinister, it was "Let's get this biopsied right now!"

Positive thoughts

I just can't stop crying . I just don't know what to do. I remember like a year ago I had a low white blood cell count. I'm worried these lymphnode are related to that. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and I'm scared to freaking find out. I'm scared of being diagnosed with something that may change my life forever.

I'm only 30 yeas old and I feel like I'm 80. I just don't know what to do first . Should I get it biopsy should I wait ? Should I get blood work done? I'm so scared I don't wanna make the wrong decision. I don't know what the right decision is . The worrying is making my life miserable: I just can't even take this anymore .

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

They are asking for me to come back because apparently it got a little bigger .

I had more then one lymphnode apparently , in the same area .

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

*hugs* I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. I was in a situation similar to this back in November but it was with a breast lump. I had a ultrasound, Dr. wanted to follow up in 3 months. I had the ultrasound again at the beginning of November and my Dr. said we could biopsy or wait and see another 3 months. The panic side of me wanted to wait the 3 months but my doctor advised me to do the biopsy because he knew how scared I was over it. So I chose to get the biopsy. SO glad I did because it came back good news and I was able to put it behind me. I'd go with the biopsy, its worth the peace of mind. You'll be ok, I'll be praying!!! :hugs:

Hugs I'm glad you got good news, I just worry so much over this. Like why do I have lymphnodes to begin with? I'm just scared they will find something . And change my life forever .

06-02-17, 18:15
I vote get the biopsy. Its the only way you'll be able to put this to rest. Otherwise, you'll keep worrying about it and not be able to move on. Wouldn't you agree? I know its hard, and scary. *hugs* If your doctor is giving you options it means they are not on high alert so I would take some comfort in that. I'll be praying for a great outcome!!

06-02-17, 18:16
II just don't know what to do.

"What you do, and I speak from experience, is speak to your doctor and make a decision. Then it's one foot in front of the other. I've been there and I know it sucks but what other choice do you have?"

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

06-02-17, 18:20
Cant they just remove the whole thing? Is is true that getting a biopsy on the lymphnode is unhealthy?

---------- Post added at 14:20 ---------- Previous post was at 14:17 ----------

"What you do, and I speak from experience, is speak to your doctor and make a decision. Then it's one foot in front of the other. I've been there and I know it sucks but what other choice do you have?"

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

I'm scared though . I'm terrified actually .

06-02-17, 18:20
If it's an exisional biopsy they will remove the whole thing - but don't worry you've got about 300 more so you'll be just fine.

Do the biopsy so you can get out with living a healthy life.

06-02-17, 18:29
If it's an exisional biopsy they will remove the whole thing - but don't worry you've got about 300 more so you'll be just fine.

Do the biopsy so you can get out with living a healthy life.

But I'm scared to find out what they say , what if I waited too long to do the biopsy , what if the biopsy gets infected ? I just don't know what to do. I am so scared I hate this so much. Why does life have to be so hard ?

06-02-17, 18:38
Oh my I can only imagine what your going through never experience anything like it so I cant give my 10 cents worth but I do wish you all the best and I'm sure its all precautionary otherwise they wouldnt hang about they would have got you in Asap for the biopsy. All the best

06-02-17, 18:39
But I'm scared to find out what they say , what if I waited too long to do the biopsy , what if the biopsy gets infected ? I just don't know what to do. I am so scared I hate this so much. Why does life have to be so hard ?

It won't get infected, they know what they're doing when they do the biopsy. That should not even be on your radar. Just get it done, get the results and move on. It'll be ok, I'm sure of it. I know you're scared, that is completely normal. :hugs: I was petrified for my biopsy. I cried my eyes out all the way through it. The nurses probably thought I was a nut. I'm sure they see that sort of thing all the time. Its normal and natural to be scared. I'm going Wednesday to have a pelvic lump checked out and I'm scared out of my mind, to the point I've been in tears today. So I can relate to how you feel.

06-02-17, 20:48
IF this is anything, you can and you will handle it. I'm speaking from personal experience here. I don't think it's anything sinister if your doc is taking a wait and see approach. With that said, really the only way they can tell if it's actually malignant is to do a biopsy. Just hang in there! You're going to be alright! Same goes for you Leslie. (((((HUGS)))))

07-02-17, 03:13
Does anyone know if it's harmful to get a sample of the lymph node ?

07-02-17, 04:19
I just can't stop crying . I just don't know what to do. I remember like a year ago I had a low white blood cell count. I'm worried these lymphnode are related to that. I'm worried there's something wrong with me and I'm scared to freaking find out. I'm scared of being diagnosed with something that may change my life forever.

I'm only 30 yeas old and I feel like I'm 80. I just don't know what to do first . Should I get it biopsy should I wait ? Should I get blood work done? I'm so scared I don't wanna make the wrong decision. I don't know what the right decision is . The worrying is making my life miserable: I just can't even take this anymore .

---------- Post added at 14:09 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

They are asking for me to come back because apparently it got a little bigger .

I had more then one lymphnode apparently , in the same area .

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:09 ----------

Hugs I'm glad you got good news, I just worry so much over this. Like why do I have lymphnodes to begin with? I'm just scared they will find something . And change my life forever .

I can relate to how you're feeling here.
Just remember: don't engage in magical thinking.
Whatever you choose, it's not going to change what is (or isn't) going on, in reality.
If you choose the biopsy, it's not going to magically turn into cancer because you chose wrong.
If it's cancer, it's cancer. It will be cancer whether you biopsy it, wait three months, or run away and hide in a cave for the rest of your life.
If it's not cancer, then it's not, and nothing you choose is going to change that. You can have it biopsied, and know by next week that it's not cancer and you're fine.
Or you can wait three months and not know, and worry yourself into a mental hospital, but it still won't be cancer.
It either is or it isn't, and whether you choose to find out or not isn't going to change that reality.

If I were you, I'd go with the biopsy. Being afraid of receiving bad news isn't a good reason not to find out. For one thing, if it's cancer, the sooner you find out, the better shot you have at recovery. For another, if it's not, then you'll know that, and this nightmare will be over.
I know it will take a lot of courage to have the biopsy, but I think either way- whether it's something serious or whether it isn't- it is the correct and responsible course of action.

But that's your choice.
And- although I am in no way qualified to diagnose you or anyone else- I personally believe very strongly that you are fine, and do not have anything serious.
And I want you to have the biopsy simply so that you can come back next week and tell us that everything was negative and that your nightmare is over.
I'm afraid waiting three months will really have a terrible effect on your mental health; that is why my advice is: don't wait.
But of course, it's your choice.
Your doctor's willingness to let you wait indicates to me that your doctor does not believe it's anything serious.

Best wishes, and sorry this is happening. I hope it is over soon.

07-02-17, 07:13
You sound so stressed and I'm sure that most of us would feel the same. I'm not really familiar with your history but I do recognise your id. I am pretty anti benzodiazepines but I think you may benefit from them at this time. They certainly helped me through the days preceding tests and test results. They are addictive so you need to be careful to stop taking them as soon as you have had the biopsy and received the results. I agree with everyone else here get the biopsy out of the way otherwise your thoughts are going to terrorise you. I can't answer your question regarding the biopsy. I have had a fine needle biopsy on a breast lump and that was virtually painless. It was actually less painful than having blood taken. You are quite young and this is in your favour. Also as everyone else mentioned the doctor isn't flagging it as urgent and that is a good sign.

07-02-17, 14:32
Thanks for taking the time to write to me. I am grateful for this forum.
I made an appointment Monday in the morning for my biopsy . I hope I don't chicken out .

07-02-17, 18:36
Thanks for taking the time to write to me. I am grateful for this forum.
I made an appointment Monday in the morning for my biopsy . I hope I don't chicken out .

Good!! I think you'll be putting this behind you real soon! Keep us posted!! I'll be praying!

08-02-17, 07:50
Don't chicken out. Let us know how you get on. In the meantime, you can ask for all the reassurance you want. I would want reassurance if I were in your shoes. So as much as we go on about the futility of reassurance here, you get a pass. lol