View Full Version : Just started taking Cipralex 5mg for the first time

06-02-17, 12:42
Hi guys,

I've been spending a few days browsing these forums and reading everyone's messages. I was prescribed Cipralex 5mg on Friday but had to wait until today to get the prescription filled as it needed to be ordered in. I don't suffer panic attacks per se but constant worry (where I wake up 1-2 times a night nauseous and panicked about nothing in particular) and social anxiety (stemming from bad bullying in school)

It's taken me an hour and quite a bit of teariness to steel myself to take one. But I finally just did. I'm mostly worried about side-effects as I'm emetephobic and also I work in a restaurant so long hours having to deal with the normal stresses of work as well as any possible side-effects.

Any advice anybody can give me? I've stocked up on ginger ale (4 for £1.50 in Tesco, can't beat it) crackers and bananas but it's mostly the thought of missing work that is scaring me as I'm on a zero hours contract and can't afford to miss shifts.

I've seen how supportive everyone has been on here and I really need people who have been there, done that. My boyfriend is wonderful but he's never had to cope with mental illness.

06-02-17, 14:46
Hey, welcome to the club :)

5 mg really isn't a super high dose, so you'll probably be just fine.

I have massive panic attacks when I feel like I'm going to be sick to my stomach, so I was worried about the nausea too. I did get a bit nauseous when I started out on 10 mg of lexapro, but it was really just a little uncomfortable as opposed to that awful, impending feeling that you're going to throw up.

I doubt you'll miss any work, and after a few weeks you'll be right as rain. Hopefully it helps you with your anxiety, I know it has helped me.

06-02-17, 16:54
Hey, welcome to the club :)

5 mg really isn't a super high dose, so you'll probably be just fine.

I have massive panic attacks when I feel like I'm going to be sick to my stomach, so I was worried about the nausea too. I did get a bit nauseous when I started out on 10 mg of lexapro, but it was really just a little uncomfortable as opposed to that awful, impending feeling that you're going to throw up.

I doubt you'll miss any work, and after a few weeks you'll be right as rain. Hopefully it helps you with your anxiety, I know it has helped me.

Hi Poppy, thanks so much! Have you found it's worked well for you? I know it's horrible...my biggest fear is being sick in public!

Thanks very much for the reassurance, only about 4 and a half hours in but so far so good. Just took some paracetamol (Tylenol) for my headache and I definitely have a feeling that everything's a bit in soft focus and it takes me slightly longer than normal to focus on things. I do feel noticeably more chilled but that could just be a placebo effect, I felt really sick briefly earlier but that could have just been nerves. once I'd settled myself with a peppermint tea and some TV I forgot all about it!

Going to see how I get on this evening and take it from there. I've made my manager aware I'm taking new drugs and explained I would have done it during my days off if I'd been able to get it on Friday.

06-02-17, 20:40
I mean, when I started taking it I was hoping for some kind of awesome miracle that would instantly make everything better. It wasn't that.

BUT it has helped me quite a bit and I feel gives me a bit more solid footing to face challenges. For example, the other day I got quite upset and it was a definite moment where in the past I would have self harmed. I didn't even have the urge - I just cried it out and moved on.

I also went through a really stressful period around November and I think the Lexapro helped keep me from slipping into a nasty depression or having multiple panic attacks. I wasn't walking on sunshine, I was definitely still stressed, but it felt a bit more manageable, somehow.

I'm learning better how to cope with certain things; some days are better than others, but I'm honestly glad I took this. The only downside I can think of is coming off the medication as I'm sure someday I will and I'm not really looking forward to the side effects on the way down. :p

07-02-17, 11:14
I mean, when I started taking it I was hoping for some kind of awesome miracle that would instantly make everything better. It wasn't that.

BUT it has helped me quite a bit and I feel gives me a bit more solid footing to face challenges. For example, the other day I got quite upset and it was a definite moment where in the past I would have self harmed. I didn't even have the urge - I just cried it out and moved on.

I also went through a really stressful period around November and I think the Lexapro helped keep me from slipping into a nasty depression or having multiple panic attacks. I wasn't walking on sunshine, I was definitely still stressed, but it felt a bit more manageable, somehow.

I'm learning better how to cope with certain things; some days are better than others, but I'm honestly glad I took this. The only downside I can think of is coming off the medication as I'm sure someday I will and I'm not really looking forward to the side effects on the way down. :p

I'm so glad you were able to cope. I've occasionally had moments where I've wanted to bite or hit myself because I've just hated myself so much after a small disagreement or something mildly to moderately unpleasant happening. It hasn't happened in a long time but it makes me hopeful that this medication might help this.

Oh gosh I know eventually I will want to have a family so I will have to come off it for that. Long time in the future yet though! Try not to worry as long as you do it under the supervision of your doctor and don't go cold turkey you should be fine.

Just took my second pill there at 11am. A little bit earlier than yesterday but I need to be taking it at that time because a lot of my shifts begin about midday. I just had a bit of on and off mild nausea last night but it quickly subsided with a drink of water or some dry crackers. Had a really weird moment where I fell asleep, woke up 2 hours later, seriously considering getting a centaur as a pet. I'm a bit worried any s/e's will get worse today but I shall keep you posted. I asked for the day off just incase, I'm wondering whether I'm safe to return to work tomorrow? I know some s/e's can pop up on day 3 or later!!

07-02-17, 15:23
I'm so glad you were able to cope. I've occasionally had moments where I've wanted to bite or hit myself because I've just hated myself so much after a small disagreement or something mildly to moderately unpleasant happening. It hasn't happened in a long time but it makes me hopeful that this medication might help this.

Oh gosh I know eventually I will want to have a family so I will have to come off it for that. Long time in the future yet though! Try not to worry as long as you do it under the supervision of your doctor and don't go cold turkey you should be fine.

Just took my second pill there at 11am. A little bit earlier than yesterday but I need to be taking it at that time because a lot of my shifts begin about midday. I just had a bit of on and off mild nausea last night but it quickly subsided with a drink of water or some dry crackers. Had a really weird moment where I fell asleep, woke up 2 hours later, seriously considering getting a centaur as a pet. I'm a bit worried any s/e's will get worse today but I shall keep you posted. I asked for the day off just incase, I'm wondering whether I'm safe to return to work tomorrow? I know some s/e's can pop up on day 3 or later!!

I think you'll be fine. Is there any way you can go into work and let your manager know you're still adjusting to the medicine and may need extra breaks or to leave?

I get vivid dreams with lexapro too! They're not nightmares, thankfully, and they can actually be kind of cool at times - like watching a movie. The only time it's ever been an issue is if I have to question if something happened or if I dreamed it - but the dreams are usually so far fetched, it's not hard to tell. :D

07-02-17, 18:53
I think you'll be fine. Is there any way you can go into work and let your manager know you're still adjusting to the medicine and may need extra breaks or to leave?

I get vivid dreams with lexapro too! They're not nightmares, thankfully, and they can actually be kind of cool at times - like watching a movie. The only time it's ever been an issue is if I have to question if something happened or if I dreamed it - but the dreams are usually so far fetched, it's not hard to tell. :D

Yep they know all about it. I've got the day off again on Thursday anyway so even if it is a bit rough for whatever reason I'll have another day to recover. Thanks for the reassurance anyway as I can't afford to miss more work (literally :roflmao:)

Haha it's not a terrible side effect to say the least! I wouldn't mind if they continued.

12-03-17, 16:32
Hi guys

So I'm five weeks in tomorrow and wanted to post a wee update. The side effects haven't been too bad just spots of nausea and headaches (dealt with those with over the counter acetaminophen) plus the odd strange dream pr two. However the difference it has made so far in terms of my sleep quality and fatigue levels has been huge.

So everything was pretty dandy. I'd had a few minor anxiety attacks but they were over within 20 minutes and I was able to get on with my day. Today however I took an anxiety attack out of nowhere that lasted about an hour. While I'm very lucky my manager understands my anxiety and inmediately got me cover and sent me home I also can't be missing too many work hours!

I've read that this is the medication "peaking" and I should feel better after 6-8 weeks (I have a follow up.doctors appointment in 2 weeks time) so should this be anything to be concerned about? Its the first time I've had a panic attack that bad in my life!!

12-03-17, 20:44
I've read that this is the medication "peaking" and I should feel better after 6-8 weeks (I have a follow up.doctors appointment in 2 weeks time) so should this be anything to be concerned about? Its the first time I've had a panic attack that bad in my life!!

Are you still on only 5mg, or was the dose increased to the usual minimum 10mg? If the latter, how long have you been taking 10mg?

12-03-17, 21:09
Are you still on only 5mg, or was the dose increased to the usual minimum 10mg? If the latter, how long have you been taking 10mg?

Hi thanks for the reply. No I'm still on the 5mg so it was a bit of a shock to say the least!

12-03-17, 23:20
No I'm still on the 5mg so it was a bit of a shock to say the least!

The dose really should be raised to at least the recommended 10mg and it may then take a month or two to begin having a positive effect. Because of the way escitalopram is metabolized doses don't even need to be reduced for children, the elderly or those with liver disease.

13-03-17, 15:10
The dose really should be raised to at least the recommended 10mg and it may then take a month or two to begin having a positive effect. Because of the way escitalopram is metabolized doses don't even need to be reduced for children, the elderly or those with liver disease.

I gave the doctor a ring today. He said that if the panic attacks persist or get worse after another week he'll put me up to 10mg but if its an isolated incudent he'd prefer me to stay on as low a dose as possible. If things haven't improved by my follow up appointment on the 27th I reckon I'll be askes about upping the dosage then.

14-03-17, 00:04
but if its an isolated incudent he'd prefer me to stay on as low a dose as possible.

Why? Are you taking other medications, or do you have liver disease?

14-03-17, 14:19
I gave the doctor a ring today. He said that if the panic attacks persist or get worse after another week he'll put me up to 10mg but if its an isolated incudent he'd prefer me to stay on as low a dose as possible. If things haven't improved by my follow up appointment on the 27th I reckon I'll be askes about upping the dosage then.

Are you just seeing a regular GP? That would explain the desire for a lower dose - my GP initially started me on 5mg (after referring me to a psych) until I could get into my psych appointment because he just wasn't sure what the best dosage practices would be. So I did that for a month and then bumped up to 10, then 20.

I don't entirely know how your health care system works, would it be possible to see someone who knows a bit more about these medications?

How are you doing panic-wise? Was the panic attack a one-off thing?

I've noticed I have had some interesting panic attacks and I *think* that I didn't have them before Lexapro (can't totally remember, unfortunately) but thankfully they are pretty quick and quite rare. I've started keeping a journal of them though if they become an issue.

28-03-17, 20:35
Why? Are you taking other medications, or do you have liver disease?

No nothing like that I just think it was to make it easier for me to come off the medication again when the treatment is over.

Are you just seeing a regular GP? That would explain the desire for a lower dose - my GP initially started me on 5mg (after referring me to a psych) until I could get into my psych appointment because he just wasn't sure what the best dosage practices would be. So I did that for a month and then bumped up to 10, then 20.

I don't entirely know how your health care system works, would it be possible to see someone who knows a bit more about these medications?

How are you doing panic-wise? Was the panic attack a one-off thing?

I've noticed I have had some interesting panic attacks and I *think* that I didn't have them before Lexapro (can't totally remember, unfortunately) but thankfully they are pretty quick and quite rare. I've started keeping a journal of them though if they become an issue.

Yeah that was just through my regular GP. I've definitely felt that low level of anxiety creeping back in (though my sleep is still good) and I've had a few minor panic attacks but nothing near as bad as that one. I think because we have the NHS and everything is paid for by the state it's really hard to push to see a specialist or get any kind of therapy (although I've started reading through a book on CBT)

Sorry its taken me so long to reply I've been struggling with work. Went back to the GP for a seven week appointment yesterday and she's upped my dose to 10mg and given me a sick note for two weeks off work. I'm going through a really stressful time right now especially in terms of money (my boyfriend is finishing his final year of university and his student loan isn't in until the end of the month so I've essentially been supporting us both) and I was cracking up at work, hysterics, crying the works about small unpleasant incidents (e.g. a minor fight with a co-worker) It didn't help that I've been having a few drinks almost every night to deal with the stress even though I know it stops the medication working as well as it should...I'm silly I know.

Although I wasn't seeing my usual GP she prescribed me 10mg Citalopram and I know from this website that they aren't quite the same drug so I pushed to get my regular GP to fill it out for the Cipralex but he's only prescribed me 5mg! Should I start taking one in the morning, one in the evening type thing?

28-03-17, 22:08
No nothing like that I just think it was to make it easier for me to come off the medication again when the treatment is over.

It probably won't make any difference, plus taking sub therapeutic doses risks the med pooping-out. Antidepressants work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells (http://www.americanscientist.org/issues/feature/depression-and-the-birth-and-death-of-brain-cells/99999) (neurogenesis) to replace cells killed, or prevented from growing by high brain stress hormone levels. The therapeutic response is produced by these new cells and the stronger interconnections they forge, not the meds directly and this requires a certain level of the med in the system to initiate and sustain.

The problem with taking borderline therapeutic doses is neurogenesis may be interrupted whenever plasma levels drop below the neurogenesis sustaining threshold which leads to the second issue, the growing evidence that antidepressants become progressively less effective every time they are stopped and restarted, often requiring higher doses to achieve the previous level of control. They may also produce more severe, and/or different, initial side-effects. Two studies, Amsterdam JD (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27805299), 2016 and Amsterdam, 2009 (http://www.karger.com/Article/FullText/226611) found the likelihood of antidepressants working after each restart drops by between 19-25% (see also: Amsterdam JD (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18694599), 2009; Leykin Y (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17469884), 2007). This applies whether returning to a previously taken antidepressant or a different one. Taking a low escitalopram dose for an extended period may effectively create a similar situation as stopping and restarting it. While the neurogenesis interruptions will only be of short duration, they will probably occur much more frequently.

I think because we have the NHS and everything is paid for by the state it's really hard to push to see a specialist or get any kind of therapy (although I've started reading through a book on CBT)

No, it is paid for by you so demand your money's worth. As I understand it, most NHS trusts offer CBT so ask your GP for a referral.

It didn't help that I've been having a few drinks almost every night to deal with the stress even though I know it stops the medication working as well as it should...I'm silly I know.

That is naughty! :buttkick: :winks:

Although I wasn't seeing my usual GP she prescribed me 10mg Citalopram and I know from this website that they aren't quite the same drug so I pushed to get my regular GP to fill it out for the Cipralex but he's only prescribed me 5mg! Should I start taking one in the morning, one in the evening type thing?

The GP you saw today accidentally prescribed 10mg citalopram (Celexa) instead of 10mg escitalopram (Cipralex)? If so, take it back and get a prescription for the right med.

There probably is no point in spitting the dose and taking only half-morning and night as escitalopram (and citalopram) have fairly long half-lives, over 30 hours.

29-03-17, 17:23
It probably won't make any difference, plus taking sub therapeutic doses risks the med pooping-out. Antidepressants work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis) to replace cells killed, or prevented from growing by high brain stress hormone levels. The therapeutic response is produced by these new cells and the stronger interconnections they forge, not the meds directly and this requires a certain level of the med in the system to initiate and sustain.

The problem with taking borderline therapeutic doses is neurogenesis may be interrupted whenever plasma levels drop below the neurogenesis sustaining threshold which leads to the second issue, the growing evidence that antidepressants become progressively less effective every time they are stopped and restarted, often requiring higher doses to achieve the previous level of control. They may also produce more severe, and/or different, initial side-effects... This applies whether returning to a previously taken antidepressant or a different one. Taking a low escitalopram dose for an extended period may effectively create a similar situation as stopping and restarting it. While the neurogenesis interruptions will only be of short duration, they will probably occur much more frequently.

I actually didn't know any of that! Thank you :D

No, it is paid for by you so demand your money's worth. As I understand it, most NHS trusts offer CBT so ask your GP for a referral.

Hmm I'm not sure if it's different in Northern Ireland though...we're a bit of a confusing situation because even though we're technically the NHS our healthcare budgeting is sorted out by Stormont. We don't even have a properly formed government right now :roflmao: but I'll deffo push for it at my next appointment, going to see how I get on reading the book and studying it on my own steam.

The GP you saw today accidentally prescribed 10mg citalopram (Celexa) instead of 10mg escitalopram (Cipralex)? If so, take it back and get a prescription for the right med.

Oh yeah I did that's what I meant, got them to change it for me but he's prescribed me the 5mg tabs of Capiralex again rather than the 10mg. I assume the two 5mg doses is the same thing? I remember the doctor saying you can take up to four of them in a day so I imagine it's alright! Although I'll definitely get them to change that at my next appointment too!

There probably is no point in spitting the dose and taking only half-morning and night as escitalopram (and citalopram) have fairly long half-lives, over 30 hours.

No problem! Thanks for letting me know that...took two this morning with breakfast, stomach is a bit gurgling and I feel a bit tired but so far so good!#

29-03-17, 22:26
I actually didn't know any of that! Thank you :D

Probably, neither does your GP.

We don't even have a properly formed government right now :roflmao:

Oh, didn't know this. If you need a benevolent dictator to run the place until the pollies get their act together, I'm available and will work relatively cheap by dictator standards. :winks:

took two this morning with breakfast, stomach is a bit gurgling and I feel a bit tired but so far so good!#

The brain isn't the biggest maker and user of serotonin, the enteric nervous system, the mini brain which controls the gut is. It uses about 50 times more serotonin than the brain and is thus often more affected when first taking SSRIs, or increasing their dose, than the brain is.

03-04-17, 10:47
Oh, didn't know this. If you need a benevolent dictator to run the place until the pollies get their act together, I'm available and will work relatively cheap by dictator standards. :winks:


Not getting on too badly with the 10mg, pretty much the same level (if not smaller amount of) of side effects as when I started it. The only thing I've noticed is I've become really snappy and irritable with my poor boyfriend. My anxiety used to manifest as irritability before the medication though so I hope this is just the upped dosage settling down and will go away in time as it went away a few weeks after I started the 5mg.

I also joined a gym and they have loads of classes like yoga, tai chi and obviously more physical stuff. Going to try everything at least once and hopefully I'll find something I like! Felt good swimming a load of fast paced lengths yesterday and even got chatting to a guy in the steam room who is overcoming claustrophobia and panic disorder. It definitely makes you feel less alone that's for sure! :blush:

03-04-17, 13:37
I've noticed is I've become really snappy and irritable with my poor boyfriend. My anxiety used to manifest as irritability before the medication though

Antidepressants often make anxiety worse at the beginning so if irritability is one of your main anxiety symptoms this will likely worsen too. However, the heightened anxiety is usually short-lived, generally resolving within a couple of weeks, but it may spike again after dose increases.

even got chatting to a guy in the steam room who is overcoming claustrophobia and panic disorder. It definitely makes you feel less alone that's for sure!

There are a lot of us about, around 1 in every 4 people you meet are likely to have an anxiety disorder and/or depression.

11-04-17, 15:46
Antidepressants often make anxiety worse at the beginning so if irritability is one of your main anxiety symptoms this will likely worsen too. However, the heightened anxiety is usually short-lived, generally resolving within a couple of weeks, but it may spike again after dose

Yep I've definitely noticed that I'm still getting that heightened anxiety about 3 to 4 hours after taking my meds (usually about 2-3pm) and I'm still getting nausea and indigestion plus my appetite is very on and off. Its been two weeks since I started the 10mg...wondering if taking them at night might help instead? I wouldn't want to be kept up at night with side effects though especially as poor sleep was one of the first reasons I went on this medication! I feel so low like I'll never feel better without side effects still plaguing me...I'm emetephobic so the nausea makes me especially anxious in public places. The worst feeling is that I my general all round anxiety is decreased but I'm still getting these anxious spikes as you put it.

11-04-17, 22:30
Its been two weeks since I started the 10mg...wondering if taking them at night might help instead? I wouldn't want to be kept up at night with side effects though especially as poor sleep was one of the first reasons I went on this medication!

It is worth a shot, but it may not necessarily make much difference. After about a week at the same dose escitalopram plasma levels stabilize to a steady-state of around 2.5 times the peak from a single dose and then don't change much across 24 hours.

I'm emetephobic so the nausea makes me especially anxious in public places.

Ginger and/or vitamin B6 supplements may help with nausea.