View Full Version : I just feel like I'm going round in circles

06-02-17, 14:29
In a nut shell 'if I'm not worrying about something I'm asleep'

That's exactly how I feel 😩

Everyday is just a struggle, I feel constantly on edge. My hyperawareness causes my eye sight to be poor, my balance to be awful. I'm constantly short of breath, shaking. Permanently on the edge of a panic attack.
I've tried citolaporam they didn't suit me at all, I did have diazepam when the anxiety was really really bad. I've been seeing a councller for 6weeks but I can honestly say it's not doing nothing for me.

My anxiety has somewhat reduced and I can tell when I'm building up to a panic attack now, whereas before I was constantly in a panic attack one after the other.

Some days I just feel like I'm going to be this way forever.

I worry about EVERYTHING. It's just none stop. I'm so drained with it all now.
I thought I would have had this under control by now it's been 5months.
One thing I can say though since the thing that triggered this anxiety episode was schizophrenia, I HAVENT GONE CRAZY YET, although it still feels like it could happen at any minute 😩😩

I just want this to end now I'm tired and fed up of feeling like totally and utter shit.

08-02-17, 04:06
You sound exhausted by all of it. I can understand how that must feel as I have been through very bad bout of health anxiety over a number of months, going from one thing to another and not letting up. Have you heard of Louise Hay? Some of her audio talks and meditations I find are very good. Look her up on YouTube. It may be of some help to you. All the best