View Full Version : my scary palp episode

04-02-17, 02:23
I was trying on a dress for a wedding this evening when I got an attack of palpitations and PVCs one and after another. It went on for 15 minutes until I took Xanax and called be paramedics. I felt like I went into Afib or ventricular fibrillation. I was terrified and crying
EKG and vitals were normal when the paramedics arrived.i had already taken a Xanax at point. Does this sound like a fib or ventricular fibrillation
??? I'm terrifed

Catherine S
04-02-17, 02:35
You're asking us? What did the paramedics tell you. Seriously.


Chris 614
04-02-17, 02:40
Truly, I think the paramedics had a better answer than we can give. It sounds like a panic attack to me though. Heart flutters are annoying and scary.

04-02-17, 02:40
They said my EKG was fine
Just wondering if anyone has been through this before

Catherine S
04-02-17, 02:55
Yes, I've had pvcs, skipped beats, flutters...whatever you want to call them, all of my adult life. Called the emergency services about them? never, although you're not the only one to have done this. But you have read everything there is to read about this on here, and had many many reassurances from us and from doctors that your heart is not damaged, you're not about to have a heart attack, your heart is not about to suddenly stop beating etc, etc. So why? I take beta blockers for this and they work really well. Please look into your current meds, they may need changing.


04-02-17, 06:24
How is your counselling going?

Chris 614
04-02-17, 07:29
I have had many bouts of flutters, missed beats, etc., as well as periods of rapid heart beats where it feels like my heart is pounding out of my chest. Especially when I am very stressed and anxious. I used to pay attention to them. I don't anymore. After my dad passed away I was very anxious and sad and I was having them multiple times a day for weeks. I had an echocardiogram a couple of years ago and my heart was good. It was all stress/anxiety related.

04-02-17, 16:04
I'm terrifed this was Afib . I took a xanax and it went away
Would Xanax help Afib or other arrythomia? Please help

04-02-17, 16:28
I had my first panic attack last year. I was at work and had an ambulance called. Like you, I was terrified it was my heart. The paramedics didn't seem remotely concerned and left without me.

To try and cut a long story short, within a few days I was suicidal with worry. Literally suicidal. I was convinced they'd not examined me properly and that I was going to die from being neglected by medical personnel. I kept turning up at A&E and going to see my GP. I quickly lost the ability to work. Life was one long panic attack.

All of this was caused by my reaction to that panic attack. I realise now that paramedics don't leave you behind if you're showing any signs of there being something majorly wrong. They just don't. It's actually a big deal for paramedics not to bring you in. It shows how confident they are that you're fine if they choose not to do so. If I'd have known at the time it was a panic attack, and if I'd have been able to believe the paramedics, my life probably wouldn't have fallen off a cliff like it did.

The point I'm trying to make here is that you've had all the medical reassurance you need. There is nothing physically wrong with you. However, like me this time last year, you are in a terrible anxious spiral. I'm not saying you're not ill. You have anxiety, which can be very serious when it impacts on your life. I should know - I was going to kill myself! For me, I just woke up one day sick to death of the A&E visits and of bothering my GP. I suddenly realised that I was still alive. I had to find out quite a bit about anxiety and panic attacks for myself in order to understand what was really going on, but coming to understand it really helped turn my life around, along with therapy and medication.

You don't have anything wrong with your heart. But your mind is in a bit of a state right now. That's where your problem lies, and that is what must be treated.

04-02-17, 16:53
Thank you all for responding server error- I have never experienced such a scary experience like this. I was getting am ectopic beat like every other beat for 15 minutes! When I took Xanax it stopped within 10 minutes and then the paramedics showed up
I was in tests thinking they would have to shock my heart back to rythm
How do I force myself to believe this is caused by anxiety? I feel so alone

04-02-17, 17:06
I'm not sure it's possible to force yourself to think a certain way. The more you fight with it, the more exhausted you'll be.

It's a process. It starts with challenging your automatic thought processes. This is how things began to change for me. If my mind told me I was about to die, I'd counteract it by reminding myself that I had survived in the past, that I'd had clear tests and that the medical personnel were all trying to treat me for anxiety. I'm not saying it fixed me overnight, but using evidence to challenge those moments of catastrophic thought was a starting point.

I also took various medications that helped me in different ways. I took propranolol, which helped with the palpitations. I took diazepam, which helped calm me down during panic attacks. And I still take sertraline, which, to be honest, has helped me in ways I find hard to explain. I guess it just brought a bit of normal feeling back to me.

As I say, it's a process. It does have to come from within to a large extent, but there's help out there. You're not alone and you don't need to feel alone.

05-02-17, 18:29
Anyone else go through this?

05-02-17, 18:38
I'm terrifed this was Afib . I took a xanax and it went away
Would Xanax help Afib or other arrythomia? Please help

No. If you have an electrical issue, Xanax would not make it go away.

Be well!

05-02-17, 20:54
What do you mean by electrical issue? Can you give an example

I'm clueless
Going to the doctor tomorrow to talk with her and to see what kind of testing can be done, other than a 2 minute EKG
I'm scared of the results and of wearing a holtor monitor but it needs to be done

05-02-17, 21:20
You said you have had two EKG's and your vitals have been tested and all is well?. I know how difficult it is to hear that all is normal but still have symptoms howeveryou won't get a clearer test than an EKG never mind two.

Anxiety "unfortunately" gives us a whole manner or symptoms and yes they are very real and yes they are very scary however you're not going to take that in until you have a proper talk with your doctor.

I really do feel for you. It's no fun being this terrified but I honestly, hand on heart don't think you have anything to worry about.

I hope you get your answers soon and then you can make the next step in kicking ass.


05-02-17, 23:01
You just have to go with the facts. Paramedics said your tests were fine. Symptoms went away when you took a Xanax. This most certainly indicates a panic attack. I've had the same but stopped focusing on the heart and it doesn't worry me any more. Took a few months to get there though.

06-02-17, 02:07
I'm going to have a chat willy doctor tomorrow. I've been having all kinds of flutters since I started zoloft. I'm wondering if this is contributing to it? Maybe just talking to the doctor will help. Thanks you all for your replies, I can't tell you how much it means to me.

06-02-17, 02:41
Okay, next time it happens, try to remember this: panic attacks make you FEEL like you are dying, but you are not, actually.
At the very, very worst, you will pass out, and everything will return to normal.
I KNOW it feels like you are having a heart attack, but you are not.
Please be cautious of calling the paramedics in the future.
Panic attacks are NOT FATAL. They just feel like it, and I know. :( I have them too.
Best wishes.

06-02-17, 04:58
What do you mean by electrical issue? Can you give an example

I'm clueless
Going to the doctor tomorrow to talk with her and to see what kind of testing can be done, other than a 2 minute EKG
I'm scared of the results and of wearing a holtor monitor but it needs to be done

So basically your heart is pumped by almost like a specially heart electricity, for lack of a better term. An arrhythmia is when your heart isn't getting the correct signals or part of the heart is blocking the signal. This is treated with a special antiarrythmic drug or a pace-maker which sends little electrical currents to keep your heart pumping normally.

While I can't speak for any EKG reading, an arrhythmia cannot be treated by Xanax. Everyone here is right - you had a major panic attack. Please be well, I hope you feel better soon!

06-02-17, 15:04
Friday night I called an ambulance. I was going up the stairs to try on an outfit I bought. I got a huge palp, then another, then another. It wouldn't stop. It was like a PVC or something after every other beat or something. This went on for 15 minutes. I had my husband call an ambulance. I decided to take a Xanax because I was freaking out. The skipped beats/erratic heart beat stopped 10 minutes after taking the Xanax. At that point the paramedics arrived. My EKG was normal (just a fast heart beat), and all vitals were normal. I now have a follow up appointment with my doctor on Tuesday to find out about additional testing. I have been living in constant fear since this episode and have been taking Xanax to calm me down. I had palps on and off the day after and a few yesterday.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I am out of my mind with fear and scared that I have a deadly heart arrhythmia. I'm even worried that it will happen again before my appointment tomorrow.

06-02-17, 15:40
threads merged

06-02-17, 18:50
anyone experience this and had to call an ambulance? I'm getting a cardio work up from my doctor this week. What basic testing can I expect?

07-02-17, 06:42

Yes I've experienced this. Called the ambulance, had the tests.

Diagnosis? Anxiety.

I know how scared you are but I can also see that you are still seeking reassurance on a new thread.

The tests you've already are clear, meaning it's anxiety. Any further tests will most likely also be clear and at some point you have to accept that, scary as these symptoms are, it's down to anxiety and when you start to accept them for what they are and stop adding fear to mix, they will start to subside.

All the best.

09-02-17, 07:52
Hi, I'm going through something very similar now. I'm six months pregnant and convinced I have some underlying heart condition that won't see me through this pregnancy. I've had 11 ECGs, had my heart listened to by numerous drs and had bloods. All answered come back with anxiety. Of course, I think they've missed something. My anxiety is at is worst, and I keep having mini adrenaline rushes from this perpetual state my body is in. Which of course makes me even more anxious! I can bring on all manner of sensations. Just wanted to let you know you're not alone!

09-02-17, 21:24
Thank you, Charlie for sympathizing with me. What are you current fears? Are you having heart flutters, skips, fast beats, etc..? I hope we can get over this. I'm scared I have AFIB..

09-02-17, 22:21
I've had SVT and flutters from anxiety. The first time it happened I had someone drive me to the hospital and I ran in screaming I was having a heart attack. They said the SVT was from anxiety but they sent me for tests to be sure. Maybe ask your Dr if they can run some on your heart, that way you'll truly believe you're okay. I find o don't even have to be panicking to have my heart act up, sometimes all it takes is a stressful day or some anxious moments earlier in the day and out of nowhere my heart will react. Best thing to do is sit down, or lie down and breathe very slowly :hugs:

10-02-17, 01:26
I've had SVT and flutters from anxiety. The first time it happened I had someone drive me to the hospital and I ran in screaming I was having a heart attack. They said the SVT was from anxiety but they sent me for tests to be sure. Maybe ask your Dr if they can run some on your heart, that way you'll truly believe you're okay. I find o don't even have to be panicking to have my heart act up, sometimes all it takes is a stressful day or some anxious moments earlier in the day and out of nowhere my heart will react. Best thing to do is sit down, or lie down and breathe very slowly :hugs:

Lol. That's exactly what I did the first time I had a panic attack. Jump out of my mother's car as she stop in front of the ER and ran through the doors to the nurse stationed at her desk, saying; I'm having a heart attack! I'm having a heart attack! :scared15:

So they put me in a wheel chair and strolled me into one of their ER rooms, then had me lie down on a hospital bed. Hooked me up to the EKG machine and drew lots of blood - and I mean lots of blood. Because at my age back then, late 30's, they suspected I was on drugs. :doh: Of course I wasn't, but they didn't know that. About 8 hours later they diagnosed me with anxiety and panic disorder.

10-02-17, 16:11
I'm getting a 24 holtor monitor and an ultrasound of my heart next week. I hope it all turns out okay. I need to get it done to figure out what is really going on.