View Full Version : Feel so ill

06-02-17, 15:40
hi I have been feeling so ill now for weeks, my doctor run full blood tests and said everything was fine and medically i'' fine and that mentally I need some therapy. I have seen him over the years and he always says the same things that my heart is fine and all my symtoms are anxiety. He slways says thst i have had heart tests over the years and its all fine, but I feel that he does not check me thoroughly. I went today as i keep needing to clear my throat and get a feeling in my throat and chest and he said its indegestion and gave me a prescription, i tried telling him i still feel ill and my chest feels tight and that i have been getting ectopics again and once again he said it's anxiety and that i need to go on holiday. He just listened to my chest and said heart is nirmal and chest is clear. Surely I can't ache this much and feel so ill just through anxiety. Literally my whole body aches, my back and chest is the worst. My ears feel blocked and i have no energy, my heart feels like its racing and i'' getting radom pains throughout my tummy. I'm just worried that my doctor just puts everything down to anxiety. I have had a lot of stress over the months but really are these symptoms really just the dreaded anxiety.

06-02-17, 17:37
I too worry that at times they look at me as a mental case and dont take me serious when I come in for this issue or that. but Tests dont lie. If all your tests and bloodwork come back good heart and lungs sound good. Then maybe its time to look at the possibility it is all just anxiety.

I can tell you when I am having bad HA days, I can feel like Ive been hit by a truck and I have chest pains, headaches, palpitations, pacing, sweating, tired. I take a valium and magically all of those symptoms (except the tired part) dissapear.

Thats my litmus test, what can you do to see if thats the case for you. Do you take anything for the anxiety?