View Full Version : hard lump on scalp

06-02-17, 18:51
I have found a new, hard lump on the back of my scalp. about a cm in diameter. it doesn't hurt and doesn't move around and feels like it's coming out the bone. I haven't hit it recently but I'm convinced now it's bone cancer. I'm so tired and I'm sick of this, I am always worrying about something :( anyone had anything similar or can offer any words of support? :(

06-02-17, 19:07
I don't have it but I share your anxiety and fear over health. see a doctor to get it resolved. It's probably just your skull formation or something normal. Waiting will make it even more tiring though.

I'm currently following up with a swell on my calf. Seeing a doctor is scary but ignoring it will not give me peace.

Have a good day

06-02-17, 19:12
It's probably just your skull formation or something normal.

That's my first thought. Hard, doesn't hurt and coming out of the bone (meaning it's part of the bone). We're not made of smooth porcelain ya know ;)

Positive thoughts

06-02-17, 20:29
Thanks guys. I have a doctors appointment in 2 weeks so will bring it up then. I've been a lot better with ha recently but in the past few weeks ive had so many this gone on and it's Monday and I'm so tired :( must think about all the times I've been wrong.

Nhelen- hope you get on ok at docs

06-02-17, 20:56
hope we both feel better.
my doctor apt is tomorrow.


06-02-17, 22:41
Is in in the center of the back of your head? That is you occipital bone, it's a normal part of your skull.

07-02-17, 02:42
Both my husband and son gave hard lumps on the back of their skulls. Just apart of them.

07-02-17, 05:01
All of my kids have weird lumpy skulls, and it used to terrify me.
But that's just normal for some people, apparently.
Also, a quick google search (which I don't recommend you do; just take my word for it) was reassuring.
"Benign skull nodules are common.... (followed by a list of various types of benign cysts that can appear on your skull and/or scalp). Malignant skull tumors are very uncommon, comprising only about 1% of all bone cancers."
I promise you that's what it said, and I don't suggest you search only because you are going to latch on to the words "malignant" and "bone cancer" and completely disregard the fact that bone cancer on the skull is so vanishingly rare that it is not well documented or described in medical literature.

Please take my word for it: this is most likely a naturally occurring bone formation that you've always had and only recently noticed, OR- if you're positive it is new- it is about a million times more likely to be one of these various types of common benign skull nodules than it is to be bone cancer, which simply doesn't tend to appear on the skull, according to everything I've read.
See your doctor. I'm sure you'll feel much better if you do.

Best wishes.

07-02-17, 19:45
Thank you everyone for your reassuring replies. I had a long sleep last night and feel a bit better about it. And thank you GlassPinata for doing the research, that was very kind of you :)

nhelen79- how was your appointment?

I must remember I had a similar experience with a lump in my mouth. I went to the dentist and he laughed at me and told me it was bone.

Will try to chill out until my doctors appointment.
thanks again x