View Full Version : Facebook anxiety

06-02-17, 19:38
Hi there, sorry for this stupid topic but I need an advice, please.
So, I am quite an anxious person and there are times when everything scares me.
I am active on Facebook both because of my professional life and to fulfil my free time.
But in the last few months I notice that when something is posted on FB (be it the weather report, some status, news about politics, crisis, health articles) I tend to panic.
I know that everyone can post whatever they want, especially on Facebook, and that not everything is relevant, but some things, especially the news, give me the feeling of doom. That something horrible is going to happen.
I would like to deactivate it soon, but then again, I think what is wrong with me? Social media scares me?

And same thing happens when I watch the news on TV...


Clydesdale Epona
06-02-17, 19:47
That's actually a very common thing,
i can't watch the news or soap operas ect.
i have some issues with Facebook myself for sure, it's a toughie because you want to deactivate and not be triggered but at the same time you know you can't avoid it, honestly what i try to do is limit my social media usage but not completely cut it out x

06-02-17, 19:55
Hi there, sorry for this stupid topic but I need an advice, please.
So, I am quite an anxious person and there are times when everything scares me.
I am active on Facebook both because of my professional life and to fulfil my free time.
But in the last few months I notice that when something is posted on FB (be it the weather report, some status, news about politics, crisis, health articles) I tend to panic.
I know that everyone can post whatever they want, especially on Facebook, and that not everything is relevant, but some things, especially the news, give me the feeling of doom. That something horrible is going to happen.
I would like to deactivate it soon, but then again, I think what is wrong with me? Social media scares me?

And same thing happens when I watch the news on TV...


Hi Blue

Let's face it, the news is enough to put anyone in a panic never mind someone who suffers from anxiety right?.

I think you're catastrophizing things though. Have you ever heard the saying "today's news is tomorrow's chip wrappers?. If you see a headline or something similar that makes your stomach flip before you read the story, then "hide" the post and don't read it. There are certain posts on facebook I refuse to read but I wouldn't deactivate my account because my life is on there. :roflmao:

I hope things work out for you without having to delete your account.


06-02-17, 20:01
I am like that with tv news and adverts, also newspapers. I just don't watch/read them when my anxiety is high. Not sure if that's the correct strategy or if it's avoidance, but I do it because I don't want to feel worse than I already do! Only open the paper to do the puzzles when my husband,s read it. As I,m getting on I don't use social media as much as younger people and I Just don't go on facebook if I don't feel like it but I understand its more difficult for younger people to ignore it. Maybe see if cutting down on it makes you feel any better? Best wishes.

06-02-17, 20:17
I will try to limit my time on Facebook, but I would feel really weak if I delete it. I mean, I just want to be able to use social media like everyone else and not to freak out because of someone`s status.

Oh, and the weather reports are giving me major anxiety ! I always interpret it as if some natural disaster is going to happen.


06-02-17, 20:27
I will try to limit my time on Facebook, but I would feel really weak if I delete it. I mean, I just want to be able to use social media like everyone else and not to freak out because of someone`s status.

Oh, and the weather reports are giving me major anxiety ! I always interpret it as if some natural disaster is going to happen.


You're doing the right thing. We all have our little triggers so if possible, try to avoid them.

Oh the weather!!. :doh: Apparently we're getting frost again. (In Scotland) but let's face it, what's new?. Lol

So glad you decided not to remove your account. :yesyes:


06-02-17, 20:50
The good thing about deactivating Facebook is that you can reactivate it any time without hassle. You can even specify when you deactivate it that you want it to automatically reactive in a certain number of days. I often deactivate mine just for a couple of days every now and then - it's not long but I always feel refreshed afterwards. It's not about being weak, it's about giving yourself a break from the sensationalised news and information overload! :yesyes:

19-02-17, 01:54

I'm 25 and had facebook, MySpace, Twitter etc, from the age of about 14/15, 2 years ago on NYE I made a leap and deleted EVERYTHING. I have no problem with people who want that in their lives, but I realised it wasn't for me. And you know something, it was one of the best things I dkd. I haven't once thought about missing it. Maybe you should take a leap too :)

19-02-17, 15:01
I went on facebook for a while but deactivated it. Don't like it at all.

19-02-17, 15:33
Keep in mind you can block whoever and whatever you want on your FB feed/page. All that's left on my feed are my kids, music, cats, football and a few other things.

I use it primarily to promote my music.

Positive thoughts

19-02-17, 16:02
I get anxious on Facebook but for different reasons. I struggle seeing all the people who are supposed to be my friends posting elsewhere, yet ignoring me. It's always been something that bothers me. I think social media is a breeding ground for jealousy and anxiety, and too many people live their lives by it. I know it can be a good thing too, but it depends what sort of person you are and whether you also mix with people away from it or not.

I deactivated my Facebook account a couple of months ago. I often do that, but then activate it again sometime later, as I get so lonely and at least there's a small chance of getting to know new people there.

28-02-17, 11:36
Facebook is the friend of anxiety! People can post anything they like! they can dramatise stuff, take things out of context etc - I treat the whole thing as fiction and if I really want to know what is going on in the world (which often I don;t!!) I watch the BBC news! I also regularly have my FB account deactivated - I do not think the human mind was ever intended to process the sheer volume of information that is thrown at us these days! No wonder we are all so anxious!! x

28-02-17, 12:14
Haha I'm glad someone feels the same as me about Facebook. My account is still deactivated. I want to activate it again to try and find local people to get to know, but I can't help remembering the stress that goes along with that! So for now I'm staying away.

I've made a few posts in these forums in the appropriate place for people in my area, but nobody replies. It should be easier meeting local people. I think a lot of the sorts of people I'd get on with don't have accounts on any forums or social media, so it's kinda hard to find them. :)

28-02-17, 13:19
Haha I'm glad someone feels the same as me about Facebook. My account is still deactivated. I want to activate it again to try and find local people to get to know, but I can't help remembering the stress that goes along with that! So for now I'm staying away.

I've made a few posts in these forums in the appropriate place for people in my area, but nobody replies. It should be easier meeting local people. I think a lot of the sorts of people I'd get on with don't have accounts on any forums or social media, so it's kinda hard to find them. :) Ha ha never had FB or Twitter not even remotely interested in it it's a load bull crap. I don't want to be a stereo type sort of Guy :) Cheers

28-02-17, 17:05
Haha I'm glad someone feels the same as me about Facebook. My account is still deactivated. I want to activate it again to try and find local people to get to know, but I can't help remembering the stress that goes along with that! So for now I'm staying away.

I've made a few posts in these forums in the appropriate place for people in my area, but nobody replies. It should be easier meeting local people. I think a lot of the sorts of people I'd get on with don't have accounts on any forums or social media, so it's kinda hard to find them. :)

Don't take it personally, ever since I've been here it's been the same with meet ups. I think it's a small forum with everyone so spread out so it's hit & miss with them.

28-02-17, 17:16
Don't take it personally, ever since I've been here it's been the same with meet ups. I think it's a small forum with everyone so spread out so it's hit & miss with them.
Not easy though Terry I felt the same when I first joined NMP, I know some meets got off the ground about 7 years ago, but back then it was mainly down south or in Scotland and nothing in the middle :eek:
So MooCow like Terry says it's nothing directed at you atall :) Just the nature of the beast! Cheers