View Full Version : Blood clot in leg?

06-02-17, 21:12
So I've been getting a lot of pain and twinging in my right leg at the back of my thigh tonight and I'm instantly worrying it's a blood clot. I've been taking prochloperazine on and off recently and one of the side effects is blood clots. Stressed! :(

Clydesdale Epona
07-02-17, 01:08
I will start off by saying i'm not a Dr,

i take birth control which also brings along risks of blood clots, but one thing i do know is that it's very rare a medication will cause them and they usually require an underlying medical condition first hand, there are multiple symptoms to having a blood clot and you don't seem to have them so i honestly think it will be okay,

my best advice is to stay calm, don't google, and keep an eye on it, if it's still bugging you tomorrow then you can always go the doctors and get given a piece of mind,

All the best x.

07-02-17, 02:12
When i was pregnant with my last one, one of my legs swelled up overnight to twice the size of the other one.
They thought I had a blood clot, and did an ultrasound on my leg. But I didn't.
They never really figured out what it was; it went down by the next day.
I'm not sure what all the symptoms of a blood clot are, but I'm pretty sure they include swelling of the affected limb.
Best wishes.

05-05-18, 20:07
Blood clot symptoms are redness, pain like a charley horse or muscle cramp (bad pain), tenderness, swelling (much like cellulitis) warm or hot to touch, rapid heart rate, fever, chills (in some cases)
Risk factors are :
Varicose Veins (can be a sign of, not always, know lots of elderly who have varicose veins and not one has ever had a blood clot)
Wear tight clothing or shoes
Sit for more than an hour to two hours without moving or changing position.
Long flights over four hours, car trips over four hours without moving or stretching
Family history of blood clots
history of clots yourself
taking birth control or other meds that may cause them
high blood pressure
high sodium diet
surgery or injury,(like a hard really hard bump or fall or other major trauma to the area)