View Full Version : Bloody Diarrhea? Stay Calm! Read this...

06-02-17, 21:37
I joined this website around half a year ago when I was really unwell and, due to a teacher of mine passing away extremely suddenly (as in, she went home from school thinking she had the flu and died the same day), I developed severe health anxiety.

I have had GAD and SAD for a number of years now, but I had never been concerned about my health like I was in this period - I was up at 2am, searching the NHS website and WebMD for symptoms, researching cancers and diseases... It went on for at least a month, this obsessive behavior.

I went to the doctor during the second week of being ill, I think, after I experienced bloody diarrhea. I had had a huge nosebleed that morning which involved blood clots and all that nasty stuff, and I texted my mum who told me to contact the doctor immediately. So I did. And I explained about all the stuff that I was worried I might have, but the doctor denied it all, and just asked for urine and stool samples, along with a blood test (and an ultrasound scan for coeliac disease which never went ahead... lol)

I sent off the samples, and after a while, the symptoms stopped (but due to my anxiety I was still suffering immensely), and it was only three or four weeks after I had sent off the samples that I received a letter explaining that I had suffered from food poisoning - A food poisoning that is the most common of its kind in the UK, but for some reason no one knows about? It's called campylobacter food poisoning, and one of its key symptoms is causing bloody diarrhea. It's most often caught from eating poultry that hasn't been cooked well enough.

It took a while after that for my health anxiety to calm down, but I just wanted to let everyone know that if you experience blood in your stool suddenly, it's not the end of the world. Go to the doctor, talk things through - the chances are that you're completely okay.

I hope this is helpful to some of you - Nothing that I found on the internet said anything about food poisoning, so I hope this will help some anxious minds out there.

Take care, everyone! :)

07-02-17, 02:09
That must've been terrifying. i think I'd die of fright if I had bloody diarrhea!
Good job getting it figured out; I'm glad it's not something worse!
Best wishes.

07-02-17, 02:44
I'm sure you wouldn't. I have had tons and tons of bloody diarrhea and don't have cancer though I have Crohn's which isn't necessarily much better lol

07-02-17, 02:46
Ulcer colitis causes bloody dirrea and lots of it. And usually weight loss. Crohn's can also but Crohn's can affect from mouth to anus and everything in between.

07-02-17, 03:02
Ulcer colitis causes bloody dirrea and lots of it. And usually weight loss. Crohn's can also but Crohn's can affect from mouth to anus and everything in between.

Definitely. I have Crohn's colitis which has similar symptoms to UC but is Crohn's. When I was diagnosed I was very ill (I ignored it until I couldn't anymore) and my entire colon was inflamed and ulcerated and they couldn't tell which one it was on my colonoscopy but I developed fistulas a month later which is a Crohn's thing so that's how my diagnosis was confirmed.