View Full Version : Lupus fear won't go away

03-02-17, 12:26
I went to the doctors yesterday about my red face flushing. I was worried about lupus, and even took a picture to show her when it's really flushed. She said it's not a lupus rash.
Well today I'm flushed again and starting to worry she might be wrong. Is this just health anxiety? Would she know?

Gary A
03-02-17, 12:34
I went to the doctors yesterday about my red face flushing. I was worried about lupus, and even took a picture to show her when it's really flushed. She said it's not a lupus rash.
Well today I'm flushed again and starting to worry she might be wrong. Is this just health anxiety? Would she know?

She's trained to know, so yes.

03-02-17, 12:34
I went to the doctors yesterday about my red face flushing. I was worried about lupus, and even took a picture to show her when it's really flushed. She said it's not a lupus rash.
Well today I'm flushed again and starting to worry she might be wrong. Is this just health anxiety? Would she know?

LF... Really now?!... There comes a time to take a stand and based on the spiral you've been in, I think it's about time to stop making yourself dizzy:wacko: What are you currently doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

03-02-17, 13:55
I know it's ridiculous. She knows what they look and don't look like. But it's just coincided with other symptoms that are all typical of lupus. Like my hair at the front has all snapped and I read that was a symptom and forgot to mention that to her yesterday. Also all these forums I've been looking at lately, people saying oh always get a second opinion with the facial rash etc. So I'm thinking should I? Or is this silly? I can't decide anymore

03-02-17, 14:08
LF- just to say, you're not alone in thinking like this! I saw my GP yesterday as I was worried about cancer and she examined me and said I was healthy. (Barring the health anxiety and the cold I've come down with!)
It's that nagging feeling that "what if she/he missed something?" I keep saying to myself (and my OH who came with me tells me) she is a trained doctor and would. It miss something as major as cancer. It's just so hard to get the message to stick isn't it?
We need to keep it telling ourselves that these people train for years and years and wouldn't be working as doctors if they were missing such important things.
Hope you feel better soon.

03-02-17, 14:38
Yeah it's crazy. It's like I think because I've done some extensive Googling that I know better. I could almost feel myself about to challenge her a few times. But it's a rash/flush, she can see my face, she saw my picture of when it was bad. Surely a doctor would know! She said something about not running tests as she didn't feel it was necessary and that it would send me into a spiral waiting for results. Now I'm thinking well would she have sent me if I was any other person? Not a person with HA? She brought up tests, not me. So I'm thinking she hasn't sent me for them cos it would worry me too much. Is she thinking lupus is a possibility but my symptoms aren't bad enough yet? Argh I'm so stressed

Gary A
03-02-17, 15:31
Yeah it's crazy. It's like I think because I've done some extensive Googling that I know better. I could almost feel myself about to challenge her a few times. But it's a rash/flush, she can see my face, she saw my picture of when it was bad. Surely a doctor would know! She said something about not running tests as she didn't feel it was necessary and that it would send me into a spiral waiting for results. Now I'm thinking well would she have sent me if I was any other person? Not a person with HA? She brought up tests, not me. So I'm thinking she hasn't sent me for them cos it would worry me too much. Is she thinking lupus is a possibility but my symptoms aren't bad enough yet? Argh I'm so stressed

No doctor in their right mind would withhold tests that they thought were necessary so as not to worry you. You really need to let this go, you're creating this situation out of thin air.

03-02-17, 16:29
I know it's ridiculous.

Focus on dealing with anxiety.

03-02-17, 17:16
I know, I Googled about it and now I can't erase what I read from my head. It's because I have genuine weird symptoms. The face flushing, my hair has gone all weird and snapped, my knees feel sore when I climb the stairs. But she said the joint pain associated with lupus wouldn't present like that. I don't feel unwell or fatigued, which seems to be the telltale symptoms of a lupus flare, being extremely fatigued accompanied by the rash. I don't have that, but I do have a pink bridge of my nose and cheeks. She said it's not a lupus rash. I need to keep repeating that.
Guess I'll just have to forget about it, and maybe no more hair bleaching at the hairdressers! May need to look into not having blonde hair anymore :( I'm hoping that's all that's causing the snapping. Can weather affect hair?

03-02-17, 18:18
So many times after my excessive googling I thought "doctor is wrong, I know better!Because Google said so".
And every time I was wrong, every time.
Both times my family had faced a real had problem, they were diagnosed by docs, not me.My involvement wasn't needed, docs knew what tests to perform and how to interpet results.

03-02-17, 18:57
I know, I mean these people train for like 7 years to be doctors. And there's us, equipped with our Googling skills telling the docs that they're wrong :doh: It's really silly when I think about it. Seven years! Versus a couple of Google pages. Madness... But that's the thing with HA, there is no rationale. My boyfriend keeps saying it worries him that I don't see the pattern in my behaviour. And I truly don't. I go from one to the next to the next. Although the lupus fear is firmly stuck at the moment. I just keep thinking of all those lupus forums (I never wrote on them just reading) where people had said oh it took me x amount of doctors to get diagnosed etc, no rash is the same. But i guess I don't know they're other symptoms or story. It's nit picking at its worst. A little knowledge is a scary thing.

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:56 ----------

Their * other symptoms

04-02-17, 06:49
You have received a lot of support and advice here. And yet you continue to Google and what you find negates everything the members here tell you. Of course, you should be able to come here and share your fears. But I honestly can't see how it is helping you. Especially as you go from asking advice here to searching for symptoms and diseases on Google. Do you want people here to agree with your diagnoses? Would it help you to have someone here say "yes that definitely sounds like Lupus".

04-02-17, 11:21
I know, I mean these people train for like 7 years to be doctors. And there's us, equipped with our Googling skills telling the docs that they're wrong :doh: It's really silly when I think about it. Seven years! Versus a couple of Google pages. Madness... But that's the thing with HA, there is no rationale. My boyfriend keeps saying it worries him that I don't see the pattern in my behaviour. And I truly don't. I go from one to the next to the next. Although the lupus fear is firmly stuck at the moment. I just keep thinking of all those lupus forums (I never wrote on them just reading) where people had said oh it took me x amount of doctors to get diagnosed etc, no rash is the same. But i guess I don't know they're other symptoms or story. It's nit picking at its worst. A little knowledge is a scary thing.

---------- Post added at 18:57 ---------- Previous post was at 18:56 ----------

Their * other symptoms

Honey on your previous thread you did a post explaining this pattern of HA.

I suggest you go back, read it, and read it again, perhaps even let your boyfriend read it. You really did give us the answer to your fears there, now you just have to believe it and believe that it will pass, as it did before.

04-02-17, 11:32
Honey on your previous thread you did a post explaining this pattern of HA.

I suggest you go back, read it, and read it again, perhaps even let your boyfriend read it. You really did give us the answer to your fears there, now you just have to believe it and believe that it will pass, as it did before.

And to add to Elen's advice, read this thread where you helped two other members about insomnia:


That's you saying how your CBT taught you to change your thinking about that. Didn't you worry about that in a similiar way? Didn't it bring up worrying physical problems to obsess over?

Write yourself up a thread (in a book) with your problems on and put somebody else's name above it. Make it about somebody else, get it out of your head & onto paper (it can help with re framing & closure until you are capable enough to do it in your head without going A-Z and straight back around to A again)

What would you tell them?

04-02-17, 12:58
I know, you guys are right. It's so hard to apply your own advice when in such a spiral. I guess it's because I'm thinking well my symptoms are real! But they always are, no matter what the worry there will be something physical to support it if I let it. I mean, I've always had hair prone to snapping, that's cos I treat it like crap: bleach, blow drying, straightening. And now because I've noticed some bad snappage it MUST BE LUPUS. Sore knees, LUPUS! No, it's probably because I've been back at the gym after a while off. The red nose / cheeks must just be how my face is. And I will definitely write it all down and keep reflecting on it. I need to repeat to myself the doctor would know if it was a lupus rash. That's a fact, she just would.
Thank you guys

04-02-17, 13:07
Yes the Dr would know. Lupus rash is very distinctive

04-02-17, 13:20
I know, you guys are right. It's so hard to apply your own advice when in such a spiral. I guess it's because I'm thinking well my symptoms are real! But they always are, no matter what the worry there will be something physical to support it if I let it. I mean, I've always had hair prone to snapping, that's cos I treat it like crap: bleach, blow drying, straightening. And now because I've noticed some bad snappage it MUST BE LUPUS. Sore knees, LUPUS! No, it's probably because I've been back at the gym after a while off. The red nose / cheeks must just be how my face is. And I will definitely write it all down and keep reflecting on it. I need to repeat to myself the doctor would know if it was a lupus rash. That's a fact, she just would.
Thank you guys

You know you are right, you've just got to keep chipping away at the anxiety like you did over the insomnia. Expect your anxiety's current focus to fight you all the way, accept it will try that.

I'm not a HAer but I am very symptom focused. I know it's anxiety, I've never doubted it. If I feel it could be something else, I accept that and don't fear it. That's natural to me but it just means I don't panic over that intrusive thought of a serious disease. I still become anxious about being anxious and can find myself in a cycle of "I hate these feelings GO AWAY!!!" It's that negative fighting that we have to keep working on as we are adding to it. It's very hard though.

Giving advice is easy. Confronting fear is a whole different world.

You might find Thought Records useful in challenging your thoughts & re framing them since you've just counter evidenced it all in this post.

I sometimes found that doing things in your head means they stay circular and you can't quite say "that's it, it's this" but writing it felt like it became more real in the sense I could physically see the problem on paper and it felt more logical when working through it. It it helps, try it, if not don't worry and try something else until you find something that does.

04-02-17, 17:55
Mood / thought diaries have helped me in the past so it's certainly something I'll try today. And yes it's funny, I can sit and read other people's posts and think ah man that's clearly not cancer or X disease. But when it's myself I'm a total lunatic. I just text my friend earlier about my snapped hair and lupus theory. Her reply was 'you can't be real'. Hahaha! I need these kinds of input, it really helps me rationalise.
So I'm going to do a log like you said Terry and see how I get on, thanks :)
CapercrohnJ - I have read it's very distinctive. But like all Googling I found the stuff I didn't want to see, the 'my rash was misdiagnosed ' type of thing. And that's what worried me. But I suppose we must have faith in the doctors

---------- Post added at 17:55 ---------- Previous post was at 15:58 ----------

Question. How do I remain calm when, on a Saturday night before I go out, I have a face like a BEETROOT. Infact no, it's worse. I'm like her off willy wonka who turns purple!
I only blow dried and straightened my hair and I'm illuminous. Thank god for make up :/

05-02-17, 15:56
Get on meds/up your dosage of them

05-02-17, 20:26
Meds for what Josh1234?

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

Guys I'm so worried about my face :( I have bridge of nose flushing and cheeks again. I have had wine, seems to exasperate it but sometimes just does it randomly. Would the doctor know if it was lupus? I showed her a picture when it was flared/bad cos it wasn't very noticeable on the day. She said it wasn't. I know I'm going in circles but just need some words of clarity

05-02-17, 20:52
Hi. . . I read your post and immediately thought that you could have rosacea. Then I just read your last update where you said it gets worse when you have wine...

The only reason I say this is because my friend has rosacea and she has redness to her nose and cheeks.... sometimes she gets flushed oh of nowhere but it gets worse when she has wine....

Have a look at info on rosacea and I'm 100% sure you'll feel a million times better, and also there is medication you can take to control it, but also have a look at what you eat and drink as that can make it flare up

---------- Post added at 20:52 ---------- Previous post was at 20:51 ----------

Maybe book in to see a dermatologist

05-02-17, 20:55
Thank you bingjam. This is the conclusion I originally came to, before the lupus obsession started. I did some Googling trying to find ways to bring it (rosecea)down and stumbled across lupus...boom, panic stations. The doctor would know wouldn't she, surely? I've seen lupus rash pics and they're pretty obvious?

05-02-17, 20:59
Yes she would 100% know for sure, even if she had the tiniest thought that it could be lupos she would send you for tests. I lnownits easier said than done to trust what people tell you butthis time you should trust your doctor.
It sounds stupidly close to my friends rosacea

---------- Post added at 20:59 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

Cut out dairy and alcohol and spicy foods and hopfully you will see a difference and also when you blow dry your hair dont have it on a high heat have it on the cooler Sefton to stop it flaring up.
Also face products use things that are specifically for sensitive skin.
Hope your anxiety over this eases for you

05-02-17, 21:02
Thank you so much for replying. Really appreciate that advice and insight with your friend :) x

05-02-17, 21:39
Meds for what Josh1234?

---------- Post added at 20:26 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

Guys I'm so worried about my face :( I have bridge of nose flushing and cheeks again. I have had wine, seems to exasperate it but sometimes just does it randomly. Would the doctor know if it was lupus? I showed her a picture when it was flared/bad cos it wasn't very noticeable on the day. She said it wasn't. I know I'm going in circles but just need some words of clarity

For your hypochondriasis.

05-02-17, 23:03
Yeah Josh to be honest I've always thought I was better off without medication. But I'm starting to question that now.

06-02-17, 21:45
I have posted about this recently but it's just taking over my life. I have had this weird facial flushing for a few weeks now (that I'm aware of). It's right at the bridge of my nose and doesn't extend down the whole of my nose like normal flushing. I also get two red cheeks. My fear is lupus after reading about the exclusion of the rest of the nose being red. I have also had some hair loss recently, one clump, which I had in the same spot two years ago. So I went to the doctors, told her my worry and showed her a picture of when the flushing is bad, as it was only mildly flushed on the day. She said it's not a lupus rash and doesn't think the hair loss is related. Even though at a previous appointment she used the word 'autoimmune' when discussing the hair loss. I've also had joint pain in my knees which she said wouldn't present like that with lupus. Top and bottom she didn't think I needed tests or that it was a lupus rash. But i am ill over this. It's literally staring me in the face when I look in the mirror so I can't take my mind off it. I've read so much on lupus forums about everyone's rash being different (although usually butterfly shaped) and yes I don't know their background, but I'm terrified I might be right about this. What do I do?? Is this really just HA? My friends and family seem to think so but is it boy that cried Wolf? I'm so upset because it's really red tonight :( sent me into a panic. Please help me rationalise x

06-02-17, 21:49

You know this cycle and it is connected to you having a new child.

Go back to the post where you told us about it and keep repeating.

06-02-17, 21:54
Elen, this made me chuckle as I don't have a new child or any children, haha.
But i know I should go through my old posts. I'm just worried incase the doctor has made a mistake or I didn't explain it to her properly?

06-02-17, 21:59
oops sorry that is the other lady, I do apologise.

I am a bit dyslexic so names sometimes get confused.

But yes please go back over your old posts

tbf I really should merge this one in with them as it makes it easier for others to see what has already been said.

06-02-17, 22:02
And from Terry's previous reply

And to add to Elen's advice, read this thread where you helped two other members about insomnia:


That's you saying how your CBT taught you to change your thinking about that. Didn't you worry about that in a similiar way? Didn't it bring up worrying physical problems to obsess over?

Write yourself up a thread (in a book) with your problems on and put somebody else's name above it. Make it about somebody else, get it out of your head & onto paper (it can help with re framing & closure until you are capable enough to do it in your head without going A-Z and straight back around to A again)

What would you tell them?

I will merge your posts now if you dont mind as all the responses are there for you

06-02-17, 22:03
No it's absolutely fine, no need to apologise :) it did give me a giggle cos I wasn't expecting to read that, I was like eh haha! Yeah I guess they could be merged, I don't know how to do that though X

06-02-17, 22:05
it did give me a giggle cos I wasn't expecting to read that, I was like eh haha!

Well a giggle has probably done you more good than any amount of re-assurance will lol. :blush:

Give Terry's tips a try

It doesnt matter one jot what we think or what your doctor thinks, it is you that needs to be convinced.

06-02-17, 22:40
I know. Because I don't have a rational alternative for the lupus rash I can't talk myself out of it. My boyfriend keeps saying you're just flushed you have fair skin. But to me, if I was flushed 'normally', as in a generally redder face I'd accept it as that. But because it's really noticeable at the bridge of my nose I've convinced myself it's lupus. I've spent so long looking at lupus rash pictures and although it's not as bad as that in terms of the shape of the rash, it isn't far off.
The doctor would have sent me right? If she wasn't 100%? I'm worried that I talked her out of it, cos I said oh well it does fade. But i shouldn't have said that cos I don't think it fully does fade. It just looks a very pale pink if not flared

07-02-17, 22:16
So my main fear is lupus. And I know one of the symptoms is joint pain. Now, I told my doctor that my knees were a bit sore walking up or down the stairs, they're not sore / aching in general. I told her I'd started running/playing netball/back at the gym again too, but that I was worried about the joint pain as part of my lupus fear. She said it wouldn't be pain like that with lupus, I can't remember exactly what she said, but from what I know it's like arthritic pain with lupus mainly in the fingers / toes /hands or feet. But some sites mention knees too. Now coupled with my 'lupus rash' I'm finding it very hard to rationalise. Does anyone know if actual joint pain would be felt above the knee? It's pretty much the patella. But I'm so worried it links into this lupus thing. I have been playing netball tonight and they feel a bit worse. But they don't hurt at all when I'm actually playing really, just after when I'm going up or down stairs. Any physios out there haha? Or anyone got any advice?

Catherine S
07-02-17, 22:28
She sounds like a really good doctor, is there a reason why you don't trust her?


07-02-17, 22:31
Joint pain can be felt anywhere where a bone meets a bone. My sister has lupus and I've seen a couple of other threads you have posted.

You don't have lupus.

07-02-17, 23:05
Well Lupus can't be cured so stop worrying about it. It's best to make the most of your life; friends, family, hobbies, all that fun stuff. Then you are making the most out of the time you have.

Or you can mope around trying to get diagnosed with Lupus.

You don't have Lupus.

08-02-17, 01:21
ISB - I know she's very good. I don't know why I find it hard to trust doctors. Well actually I do, my dad was misdiagnosed and ended up in hospital as an emergency and it was very serious. But he was a bad bad GP my dad had. I saw him when I was younger too, just terrible. Abrupt, indifferent fool. Probably shouldn't post that on here incase it worries anyone. But I guess most of us have probably had some sort of medical run in that set us on this path. You're right though. She is good, she checks everything I worry over thoroughly, I never leave feeling shunned or like I wasn't listened to.
PaSchool and Kuatir - I'm focusing on staying rational tonight and feeling mildly better. Thanks for saying ' You don't have lupus'. It does actually help me.

Thanks for all of your replies x

09-02-17, 17:36
I know I've posted about this several times but I just can't stop obsessing over it. I'm not exaggerating when I say the bridge of my nose is bright red, along with my cheeks. They don't join together to form the typical 'butterfly' rash, but I can't think of anything else that would cause just the bridge and not the rest of the nose / face to flush.
I keep feeling alright, Getting on with my day, then look in thr mirror and see the redness. Then I'm right back to square one. I'm convinced the doctor made a mistake. It doesn't help that on these forums people say oh mine was just on one cheek or two or just on my nose and stuff like that, my own fault for searching it out. But I'm still certainly I have lupus :( I can't think of anything that would cause this type of flushing. I'm so scared. I'm making another docs appointment but can anyone offer a rational alternative to the bridge redness?
Thank you and sorry for posting about this again. It's just taking over

Gary A
09-02-17, 17:48
I know I've posted about this several times but I just can't stop obsessing over it. I'm not exaggerating when I say the bridge of my nose is bright red, along with my cheeks. They don't join together to form the typical 'butterfly' rash, but I can't think of anything else that would cause just the bridge and not the rest of the nose / face to flush.
I keep feeling alright, Getting on with my day, then look in thr mirror and see the redness. Then I'm right back to square one. I'm convinced the doctor made a mistake. It doesn't help that on these forums people say oh mine was just on one cheek or two or just on my nose and stuff like that, my own fault for searching it out. But I'm still certainly I have lupus :( I can't think of anything that would cause this type of flushing. I'm so scared. I'm making another docs appointment but can anyone offer a rational alternative to the bridge redness?
Thank you and sorry for posting about this again. It's just taking over

There are literally hundreds of perfectly benign skin conditions that can cause a bit of redness.

You seem determined to be diagnosed with lupus.

09-02-17, 17:56
I wish I knew why we latch on to something so hard in the face of evidence to the contrary.

I hope you find answers and a little peace, you deserve it.

09-02-17, 18:38
My husband has a rash across his nose and cheeks for many years but would not go to the Dr but finally he did and it was a fungal infection!! That was all, absolutely nothing of significance and cleared up with 2 weeks of anti fungal cream. He waited 10 years:wacko:

There is also rosecea that causes same type of rash that can be controlled with antibiotic cream.
My friend has sls and has never ever had any facial rash at all.

09-02-17, 20:53
Thanks for the replies.
Never thought I'd say this but I'd be over the moon with a fungal infection! Just want an alternative answer. This is part of my problem though, demanding certainty. Sometimes we can't get a definite answer, things just are. But even saying that I'm thinking no no, there IS something.

Hopefully I'll get some peace of mind from my other doctor. My OTHER doctor. Who says that. Stupid thing is I'd be demented if she said ok I'll send you for a test. I just want her to say why it's not lupus. Something for me to cling to.

09-02-17, 21:29
IF it was lupus you would have other serious symptoms and even routine blood tests like esr would be very very raised so if you have had blood tests in the recent past that were okay and you don't have any of the symptoms then this is why she says its not lupus.

You can buy anti fungal cream over the counter without a prescription if you wanted to try as it might be the cure!

09-02-17, 21:42
merged with some of your previous threads

10-02-17, 12:28
Thanks country girl. I had blood tests a few years ago so not really recently. They were all normal aside from slightly high thyroid result, which was retested and came back normal. I do have some other symptoms, I had a clump of hair fall out a few weeks ago which was terrifying. Happened in the exact same spot 2 years or so ago but the doctor is aware of that. I also have ulcers (I am prone to them and appreciate everyone gets them). I've had slightly sore knees.

But no fatigue, no feeling unwell or pain in any organs or anything like that. I read fatigue is the main symptom, not just general tiredness but actual serious fatigue. So I'm hoping that indicates I don't have it, as I've been able to train and go about my day without any problems. It's just the nose redness that has set me off. Then I've linked the hair loss thing. But surely the hair loss wouldn't just be a one off, it would happen more often? I don't know. I've convinced myself my hair has thinned and doesn't look 'right'. But my bf says its no different. The fungal thing, where had it stemmed from if you don't mind me asking? I didn't think you could get a fungal nose haha! It could be that. It could be because I had a cold a few weeks ago and was using a lot of sudafed? Might have damaged the vessels or something. I was using it a lot as was so so congested.

10-02-17, 13:58
PaSchool and Kuatir - I'm focusing on staying rational tonight and feeling mildly better. Thanks for saying ' You don't have lupus'. It does actually help me.

Sometime's that's all we need! I don't think anyone here doesn't understand the thought process but its nice to have other people help you into rationality!

You don't have lupus!

10-02-17, 22:14
Thanks PaSchool!
I'm at a friends house now and just can't take my mind off it. My nose went all red again and have felt really upset and paranoid about it. Just don't know what to do, feeling depressed now

Catherine S
10-02-17, 22:30
Are you drinking alcohol at your friends house by any chance?


10-02-17, 22:38
I had two lagers an hour or so ago, but it's done it every day regardless of alcohol. Seems to be triggered by heat, certain food, anything really. Then fades off or just stays a bit pinky. It is really getting me down. I am so worried it's lupus or that I'll need tests for loads of different things

Catherine S
10-02-17, 22:54
Without reading through the whole thread sorry, has Rosacea been suggested? I suffer with this and it does come and go depending as you say, on what I've eaten or had to drink. Red wine is a no-no for me sadly which I love and still drink with some meals...bugger the red nose! Alcohol doesn't cause this, but it dilates the blood vessels in your face, as does stress.

Some doctors prescribe antibiotics in the form of gel or cream for Rosacea, which my doc does for me and it really helps. Also as with bruises, people with paler thinner skin are more prone to this condition, as blood vessels and capillaries are more visible.

I know googling is discouraged, but instead of googling symptoms, Google Rosacea, there's nothing sinister to read and it may help you to see the condition for yourself, even if it's only to eliminate it.


11-02-17, 05:39
I had two lagers an hour or so ago, but it's done it every day regardless of alcohol. Seems to be triggered by heat, certain food, anything really. Then fades off or just stays a bit pinky. It is really getting me down. I am so worried it's lupus or that I'll need tests for loads of different things

If you were a medical board exam question the answer would be Rosacea

Like word for freaking word.

Please please please get Lupus out of your head and continue your long healthy life. It's not lupus hun. Please believe the doctors who know more than Google.

12-02-17, 21:01
Sorry for the delay in my reply. Had some issues with my phone keypad but it's fixed!

Yeah I thought rosecea, that's how I stumbled across lupus though, whilst looking at rosecea pages a few weeks ago. It was a mild annoyance which has taken over my life after reading 'rosecea is sometimes confused with lupus'. Boom, I'm 54 pages deep into lupus signs and symptoms.

It's bright red tonight. I've had my bf and mum feel it and it's burning hot. I had a big night out last night for a friend's 30th. It was fine all day. I've had a few proseccos with dinner and hello, I'm bright pink again. What the hell is this!? I'm back at docs on Tues but just so worried. I really appreciate these replies, you guys are helping me so much. X

12-02-17, 21:45
Hopefully the doc is able to calm your fears, but the fact that while researching rosecea lupus was mentioned once and now you're on this spiral is textbook for HA as well. And you need to trust the doctor because they are so much smarter than google and our irrational fears.

Rosacea can be triggered by many things, and not just alcohol, though alcohol is a major trigger. The diagnosis is also made clinically - meaning the doctor literally just looks at you and determines that's what it is by your history. My friend has it when she drinks and she gets bright red and hot.

Again not to make light of what you're going through - but the way you just presented it in the past couple of posts could be word for word from a medical school exam question.

12-02-17, 22:05

Maybe the cold weater is affecting your skin? Coming in from the cold into central heated house? I know my skin gets really dry in the winter.

Have you changed your cleanser or moisturiser? My skin is very sensitive, I cant even use the "Simple" brand - it makes my skin red and hot.

Just a thought. :shrug:


12-02-17, 23:43
Just wanted to drop a little note here. I have read most, but not all of this, so it may have already been covered here.

My father, sister and my sister's daughter all have Lupus. My dad passed away 6 months ago at the age of 77 from cardiac arrest (nothing to do with Lupus). My dad had the lupus rash and it was nothing like a face flushing. It was an actual red rash, bumps etc.. that didn't go away completely ever. Even when his was not flared up. His joints were giant, swollen and red and hot to the touch. And extremely painful. Not just sore. My sister and niece are also very similar to my dad. They are VERY fatigued and generally go not feel well. For some reason, with all my health anxiety about different things, this is one thing I am not afraid of. And I probably should be lol. I think just watching people close to me live with it and function pretty well (as miserable as it might be for them) lets me know it isn't something to be completely terrified of. I certainly hope this HA attack leaves you soon. I am in the middle of an attack myself. It is awful :(

13-02-17, 11:07
Yeah, it does sound a lot like rosecea, I agree PaSchool. Although the doctor didn't even mention that either. She just said similar to what you suggested Lizzie67 - that it'll be because of the cold weather and central heating being on all the time. She just said to use a heavy moisturiser on the area of my nose affected. I still need to go get some, maybe e45? I use Simple, it's always been fine on my skin but for some reason it's not happy! I've also got dry skin around one of my eyes which is a bit sore. Definitely need that moisturiser.

Acalhoun - Sorry about your dad, that must be very hard for you.
Thanks for sharing about your family members and lupus. I did read when I'd been Googling lately that the rash doesn't usually fade away entirely, so that's really helpful to know you have observed the same. Mine does fade away, it looks a tiny tiny bit pink, but nothing noticeable unless I pointed it out.
Yes, these spirals are truly awful. Snatch away so much of us. I hope you feel better soon too.
Thanks again

13-02-17, 12:13
My skin is so sensitive Ive started buying face creams from QVC.

You can try them for a month and send them back and ge a full refund (apart from postage)!

xx :hugs: