View Full Version : Do the "what ifs" drive you as crazy as they do me?

06-02-17, 23:50
My husband left for a business trip this morning. He will be home Friday afternoon/evening depending on if there are any flight delays.

So here I am, home alone with 3 children. You'd think that after surviving a 3.5 month deployment last fall, this would be a cake walk...but it's not. Que the "what ifs"

So I'm an avid cell phone user. To my embarassment, I'm literally on it almost all day...and I'm a stay at home mom. So there's my confession for the day. I'm always distracted on my phone and not engaged 24/7 with my kids.

So while on said cell phone, I'm typically lounging on the couch or sitting down. My cell phone is in the area of my ovaries while sitting/lounging. So we all know how cell phones can cause brain cancer, because of the close proximity to your head when you're talking on it (hence the reason I always use speaker phone), well what about the radiation in the areas of the cell phone when you're on the internet?

Que the "what if I get ovarian cancer in a couple of years" question. I'm 29 years old, I've had 3 successful pregnancies and deliveries and virtually no hormonal birth control. But given the fact that my husband left this morning, my thoughts are revolving around having to say "goodbye" to him for good, because I used my cell phone too much and hold it in that general area when lounging, and in turn, got ovarian cancer. I also, up until a few years ago, was on my laptop all day, which was ALSO seated near that area. I feel so doomed right now. :weep:

07-02-17, 00:09
That's all I think to myself, "what if". All day everyday, it never stops.

07-02-17, 00:23
So we all know how cell phones can cause brain cancer, because of the close proximity to your head when you're talking on it

There have been a lot of studies that imply this can happen but just like cancer caused by CT scans and other radiation emitting tests, there have been no cases that have been definitively been proven to be caused by cell phone usage. I'm a head and neck cancer survivor. Guess what they treated me with? Yep. Radiation... 5 days a week for 6 weeks. I had enough radiation that it burned my neck and throat to a cinder. I'm still here and no cancer so.....

Rest easy and by all means put away your phone and pay attention to your family.

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 00:35
Er, we don't "all know" that cell phones can cause cancer. I work in technology. Cell phones do not emit enough energy to break the molecular bonds inside cells and cause cancer. Cell phones emit radio waves, not ionizing radiation, heh. Cell phones are no more likely to give you cancer than your local radio station is going to give you cancer.

07-02-17, 01:50
Thank you darkside, I appreciate you halting my approaching panic.. "we all know"... I'm thinking, what did I miss?

07-02-17, 02:14
I've never heard of cell phones causing any type of cancer except brain cancer, and even that claim is suspect. Many experts disagree with it.
I would suggest getting out and getting some sort of physical exercise.
Sitting around the house can make you feel isolated and bored, and exacerbate your anxiety.
Best wishes.

07-02-17, 13:48
I'm a hard pass on the cell phones causing cancer. I've read the studies and looked at the data and I don't find the data significant enough to convince me that cells phones cause any damage other than hurting your eyes!

There are things that you could do to lower your risk of cancer - but I don't think your using your cell phone less is one of them!

07-02-17, 14:49
Cell phones causing cancer should not even be a debate, haha. It's not the same type of energy. It's a radio wave, not ionizing radiation like a X-Ray machine or atomic bomb produces.