View Full Version : Surge of adrenaline. Can't sleep. SSRIs. Anyone else?

07-02-17, 01:29
Hi guys

I haven't been on this forum for a while. It's probably been well over a year and a half. So let me start with the good news...

The past year and a half have been fantastic. I went from someone crying my eyes out every night because of my anxiety to someone who started enjoying life. So for anyone out there that thinks you can't beat this, you really really can.

The last week I've been experiencing quite a major blip. I'm having extreme rushes of what feels like adrenaline...most feeling it in my chest. And I just cannot sleep with it. The lack of sleep is allowing the anxiety to raise its ugly head again.

For most of last year I was on 10mg citalopram daily, then in December I lowered the dose to 10mg every other day. At the start of January, I cut my dose again to 5mg every other day. I'm wondering is that what caused this and should I have tapered slower?

I'm trying to not let myself get sucked down that dark anxiety hole again and I'm telling myself it's just a blip. But any words of wisdom would be much appreciated


07-02-17, 01:40
Pretty simple, your going through withdrawal symptoms. Why are you taking less than you had been? You should be tapering WAY slower than that. No wonder you're waking up, adrenaline surging!

07-02-17, 01:55
Hey thanks for your reply.

I felt I was in a good enough place to stop the drug. But I think I've done it far two quick.

I've gone back to my previous dosage. I guess I should let myself stay at this dosage for a few months before any further tapering?

Thank you again

07-02-17, 22:29
Hey again

So I went back to 10mg this morning. And although I'm still not 100% I do feel better.
I'd say the symptoms must be withdrawing too quickly then.

I thought a month at each amount would be slow enough. If anyone has any recommendations about how to taper down from 10mg I'd be really grateful.

Thank so much