View Full Version : Taking escitalopram as a young adult

07-02-17, 12:56
Hi everyone

My psychiatrist has prescribed me escitalopram, but I'm a bit anxious about taking it, because I'm only 19, and it says that there is a higher risk for suicidal behavior in nations <25yo.

Does anyone has any experiences with taking the medicine at a young age?

07-02-17, 15:20
I started taking it when I was 24, and am now 25. No suicidal behavior here, and less suicidal/"I just don't want to be here" thoughts than before I started taking it.

It's definitely something to watch for, but I'm sure you'll be fine. Is there someone who knows you'll be starting it that check up on you and make sure you're coping well?

07-02-17, 21:03
My psychiatrist has prescribed me escitalopram, but I'm a bit anxious about taking it, because I'm only 19, and it says that there is a higher risk for suicidal behavior in nations <25yo.

The FDA occasionally comes up with crap. The antidepressant black-box warnings of 2004 was/is one of the more disastrous ones. After several decades of steadily falling suicide rates in adolescents, teens and young adults, rates increased (http://www.nbcnews.com/health/kids-health/black-box-warning-antidepressants-raised-suicide-attempts-n134896) (study (http://www.bmj.com/content/348/bmj.g3596)) in the years after the warning! This gives a good overview: Antidepressants' Black-Box Warning — 10 Years Later (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMp1408480)

The biggest suicide risk by far is untreated anxiety/depression!

In the unlikely event you do develop suicidal thoughts contact your doctor immediately.

07-02-17, 21:17
I started taking my medication at 24 and still take it today. I would highly recommend trying the medication as it changed my life and helped me become a better and less anxious person.

Just be sure to monitor the side effects the first few weeks on the medication. If things seem dark and dreary, have a conversation with your doctor as everyone is different and different medications work for different people, you just have to find the one that works best for you.

Good luck and happy thoughts :)

08-02-17, 19:10
Hi everyone. Went to my psychiatrist today, and he said that it's very unlikely to become suicidal on them. I will keep you informed. He said to start with 5mg a day for 5 days, so I could start tomorrow, but I feel like I just don't dare to do it?

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What were your side-effects in general?

08-02-17, 19:54
Hi everyone. Went to my psychiatrist today, and he said that it's very unlikely to become suicidal on them. I will keep you informed. He said to start with 5mg a day for 5 days, so I could start tomorrow, but I feel like I just don't dare to do it?

---------- Post added at 20:10 ---------- Previous post was at 20:10 ----------

What were your side-effects in general?

My side effects were:
- nausea (I don't do well when I get sick to my stomach, but the nausea was very mild)
- somewhat heightened anxiety
- feeling a bit low/spacey
- vivid dreams (I still get these, but they're actually kind of interesting!)

Most of my side effects went away after a few weeks and as long as I take my meds they don't return - skipping days kind of sucks and isn't recommended.

I was scared to take them to, especially as I was in a major side-effects fear stage at that point, but I really do think they've helped me.