View Full Version : Lymphoma Symptoms

07-02-17, 14:09
I have struggled with health anxiety every since I had my daughter a year and a half ago. First it was MS, then a variety of cancer fears.

Two weeks ago I became sick with a terrible flu and cold. It was going around the school where I work. I was in bed for two days, throwing up, coughing, headache, fever, congestion, the works.

A few days later I noticed a lump on my neck. It is on the top of my neck in the corner just beneath my jaw bone. It is about 1.5 - 2cm in length and 1 cm in width. It is soft, moveable, but not tender. The not tender part is really freaking me out.

I went to the clinic as my doctor was out of town. The doctor felt the lump, listened to my cough and told me I had nothing to worry about. That it was an upper resp. infection, take some antibiotics and be on my way. I told him about my lymphoma fears and he told me that it typically does not present this way. That lymphoma is more often found on the sides, back, and lower part of the neck, the clavical nodes, or the armpit. The spot my lymph node is in is very common for resp. infections.

So I went home and took the antibiotics. They were terrible. I never take medication. I was so sick with nausea and chills. I went to bed, still very afraid. I woke up in the night with night sweats, which really freaked me out. My pants were not drenched but I was sweating in my torso area. I was not wearing a shirt, and there was definite moisture, wet spot on the bed.

Now I do not know what to do. Do I go back to the doctor and tell him about the night sweat incident? I'm so afraid.

07-02-17, 14:15
What you do is take your meds and ride it out. It's the "crud" and you're still fighting it off. You've had confirmation from a medical professional that nothing sinister is going on.

Feel better soon!

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 21:08
I have been there because of a pharyngitis. Several lymph nodes of my neck became swollen and I sometimes still have fever, the lymph nodes are painless and my doctor looked and touched them and said to me that they were normal and that if they were something like lymphoma or another kind of cancer they have to be different (much biggers and harders). My lymph nodes are becoming smaller slowly, I suggest you not to touch them and take your medicine, you'll be feeling better in a few days!