View Full Version : Help me please, any advice geatly appreciated

18-04-07, 11:15
Hi as you know i am sufferer of anxiety and IBS, my anxiety trigger the ibs such as whn im out i feel the urge to go and use the toilet. i have a fear of soiling myself and have felt really close at times.

i am getting better but am not 100% yet but i am so bored i have had this for five years now and i want to get out and start working again, i feel my life is being wasted and that anxiety is controling it i am 19 years old and i havent had fun or done the usual tennager thing i am 20 next year and to be honest all i remember of my teenage years is misery and suicidal behaviour.

i am hoping to be ready by october this year and find a job but i am just scared it will be like my last job and i will fail again.

i was thinking of trying st john wort but i dont know how it works and what the side effects are? can anyone help me?
i am also wary of trying things because my doctor put me on buscopan to try and relieve the stomach aces but its all in my head so it didnt work.

th doctor wont give me any medication because i tried killing myself twice already first when i was 13 and the second time when i was 15 but thta was years ago and i have faith i just need a helping hand.

thanks Ashley

18-04-07, 12:14
Hello Ashley !
There is every reason for you to succeed this time round. I don't think you realise just how far you have come through your very difficult teenage years.
Only your thoughts are holding you back - and thoughts can't hurt you. We take years to learn how to be anxious and mis-interpret the physical symptoms we feel. The key is to break the cycle of unhelpful thoughts which are tricking you into anxiety. try to distract your mind with something else. Your mind can't juggle two things at once - it sounds obvious - but if you're thinking of .... say ..... picking up your first salary cheque (wow, won't that be cool !) ... then you can't be feeding yourself anxious thoughts and tying your tummy in knots. See what I mean ? I bet whilst you've been reading this you haven't even thought about sprinting to the loo, have you ? See - it works !

Take time to practice those relaxation skills and BE KIND TO YOURSELF

18-04-07, 12:25
Hi Ashley, I wouldn't go on St John's Wort without medical advice. I'd suggest talking to your doctor again, perhaps he/she could put you on something but only give you small amounts at a time. Some medications are safer in overdose than others. Loads of relaxation has always helped me - and some exercise. Perhaps rather than buying SSt John's Wort, try the tea (it tastes foul - needs loads of sugar!) but my psych says it's ok to take even with other medications. Any chance you could see a different GP or get a referral if he/she think you're a risk to yourself.

18-04-07, 12:58
Hi Ashley,

I had IBS a couple of years ago for a few months and yes it was totally distressing, so I really feel for you. This combined with anxiety and being a teenager is as tough as it gets mate but I have good news for you cos all three can be addressed.

Thankfully being a teenager only lasts till your 20 and anxiety can be dealt with on lots of fronts and last of all IBS has lots of treatments also.

At the moment are you taking anything to help????

Piglet :flowers:

18-04-07, 15:08
:hugs: thanks everuyon for your great advice is so apreciated.

i am not on anything for my ibs however i was on buscopan for a while and found it didnt help atall i took it for about four months, the doctors will give me nothing i keep begging them and they say no, it took me a while to get the buscopan and the only reason i got them was because i was desperate the pc's where down in the surgery and it was a trainee nurse so i told her i always get them and to give me a few months supply. i know it was a bit sneaky guys but i was desperate, everytime i go my doctor laughs when i ask for his help, hes a total wolly to be honest, i moved house so sont have the same doc so this one thinks im at it although my last doctor diagnosed me with it.

i have had some therapy and done some anxiety management courses but they just didnt work for me.

i get so frustarated at time and wonder what i have ever done to deserve this its like a life sentence " why wont it just leave me alone"

i found when im drunk it goes away but i cant live every day drunk LOL plus i would never pass my job interveiw LMAO

oh well at least im still laughing, im doing this tomorrow for my fella and for me im telling myself i am going out tomorrow so to build myself up for it.

Cheers guy, wish me luck xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx