View Full Version : Can Anxiety really exacerbate symptoms? Ovarian C scare....hating HA!

07-02-17, 16:44
Hi There

I have been posting on and off over the last 6 years.

This is my longest spell of a year that I haven't had any issues, but sadly my health anxiety has raised it's ugly head once more.

It seems that so long as I am symptom free I can get on with my life and be happy, but I don't seem to cope well with pain and immediately think that I have cancer or some other hideous disease if I feel a twinge or a feeling that lasts more than a day.

So, now I think I have Ovarian Cancer AGAIN! Over the years, I have had two scans of my ovaries. My last scan was about 2-3 years ago and came back fine. Almost immediately, all of my symptoms disappeared.

I am hoping that this is the same case this time round. But something inside me tells me my symptoms are worse and slightly different.

I have lower left abdominal pain and a pressure at the top of my vagina and rectum. It is a horrible feeling. I also feel as if I need to wee more often.

I went to see the doc last friday and she did a vaginal exam and felt my tummy and said all felt ok. She has referred me for an ovarian ultrasound just to rule anything out.

Surely, I would be unlucky to have ovarian cancer as it is my biggest scare and I have been already scanned for it a few times over the years.

With all the worry, my bowel movements have got a bit more frequent and looser, so I hope the symptoms are not concerning my bowels.??!!

My poor husband is just thinking 'Not again', as I greet him from work each evening with a worried look on my face.

When I look at my girls, I can't bear the feeling that if I am ill, I won't be able to see them grow up.

My real question here is 'Can the body really make up symptoms'? I believe it can as I have been through it before, but when you are in the midst of HA, it is very hard to think rationally.

What if this time it is real?

Can anyone help reassure me? I am really needing to stop worrying and keep telling myself to relax and live for the moment. My scan is next Tuesday, so a whole week of worry ahead.

Thank you lovely people X

---------- Post added at 16:44 ---------- Previous post was at 16:22 ----------

Does anyone have any real life stories of feeling very real symptoms and then feeling completely better when given the all clear?

07-02-17, 17:06
My real question here is 'Can the body really make up symptoms'?

Without a doubt, 100% yes! I recall a member here that posted a video on Youtube showing how her hands and hands only were becoming atrophied. It was 100% delusional based on what she believed in her mind.

Then there's you example of getting the all clear and the symptoms disappearing. Personally, I suffer from pain and side effects from cancer treatment. It's there 24/7. That being said, when I'm performing my music at a show, for those 90 or so minutes, I'm totally and completely pain free because my mind is totally focused elsewhere. After the show is another story ~lol~

But yes, without a doubt, the more you hyper-focus on a symptom or read about some illness, you can most certainly develop what you believe to be those same symptoms. The mind is the most powerful organ in the human body. Don't ever underestimate what it can do both form a positive side and a negative side.

One more thing.... Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. If indeed this was sinister, it would just get worse and worse and frankly, a doctor would not mistake it.

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 17:13
Mental illness can be psychosomatic, yes.

How are you treating your anxiety?

07-02-17, 17:53
Thank you so much for your replies.

I am trying to convince myself that I am making symptoms worse by thinking about the area 24/7. I just hope it is true.

When I wake up in the morning, for a split second I 'm pain free, but then the mind kicks in and hey presto, the pains and sensations start. I can't help but think that maybe I'm okay lying down as if there was a tumour, it's not pressing on the area as much!!

I went for a run yesterday and felt okay until I started thinking 'Oh, I can't feel anything anymore'. Grrrr!

I have done CBT, but that didn't work. I have also read a few self help books. When I am pain free I am absolutely fine. I'm a happy, active person who gets involved in village life. I play netball and go running a lot. But when I get these bouts, I just end up being a hermit.

I've got a scan next week. I just hope that the radiographer reassures me at the scan as the others have before.

If she doesn't, I will think something is up for sure!

Thanks for all your replies. They do help. Big hugs X

I'm off to have a hot bath.

Will no doubt check in after. :)

07-02-17, 17:59
Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

you have no idea how often I chant this to myself and take great comfort as my symptoms wax and wane.

07-02-17, 22:39
Yes yes and yes anxiety is awful the mind is a powerful thing.

08-02-17, 04:15
Yes! Anxiety can certainly cause symptoms. When my doctor told me he thought I had MS my anxiety caused every symptom you could think of. Pain, tingling, numbing, twitching, convulsions, EVERYTHING.

Guess what? 2 MRIs and much diagnostic testing later and... no MS.
Now I think I have lymphoma (everyone is telling me that I don't) but I'm having night sweats and I'm 99% sure its probably anxiety.

Go get your imaging done for your peace of mind, but I'm sure that it is nothing. Mommy guilt is so hard. HA gets so much worse after having children. We get terrified of leaving them and them having to grow up without us. But your children will not grow up without you.


08-02-17, 09:52
Yes the mind can play so many tricks on us. It's incredible what it can have us feeling and believing. For 8 months I've had the sensation of something at the side of my throat. I've been checked over several times by doctor who say all ok. I get a few hours of relief from that and then I start questioning again. I also take comfort from Fishmanpa's mantra

One more thing.... Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts. If indeed this was sinister, it would just get worse and worse and frankly, a doctor would not mistake it.