View Full Version : Brain tumor?

07-02-17, 17:09
For the past 3 years I've been getting headaches everyday. I take ibuprofen/Tylenol daily. The pain is mostly in the bridge of my nose and between my eyes. I've been to several doctors and they barely look at me. They just ask where the headache is and say, "it's just sinuses." I have no allergies and never has sinus issues growing up. I've been on antibiotic after antibiotic, nose spray after nose spray. Nothing works! I had a ct scan when the headaches first started and all was clear. Is it possible this is a brain tumor? I'm so aggravated because these doctors don't see a reason to scan me. I don't think it's normal to have a headache everyday.....thoughts?

07-02-17, 17:23
For the past 3 years I've been getting headaches everyday. I take ibuprofen/Tylenol daily. The pain is mostly in the bridge of my nose and between my eyes. I've been to several doctors and they barely look at me. They just ask where the headache is and say, "it's just sinuses." I have no allergies and never has sinus issues growing up. I've been on antibiotic after antibiotic, nose spray after nose spray. Nothing works! I had a ct scan when the headaches first started and all was clear. Is it possible this is a brain tumor? I'm so aggravated because these doctors don't see a reason to scan me. I don't think it's normal to have a headache everyday.....thoughts?

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In 3 years time you would be extremely ill or not with us. That and the CT was clear. Perhaps keep a log and see if there's a time of day or event that triggers them.

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 18:02
That is a good idea. I'll start doing that. Anything will help at this point! I appreciate your feedback. You put my mind at ease, for now. 🙂