View Full Version : Going to the doctor about heart worries today

07-02-17, 17:31
Please wish me luck. I am going to the doctor today do discuss my constant heart palpitations and my recent call to paramedics for an irregular heart beat. I need to know that I am okay and then move on. I'm nervous, but hoping she will have some good recommendations. I will update when I get back!

07-02-17, 17:49
Good luck! Your paramedic call sounded like a classic pain attack

07-02-17, 18:03
I'm going to wish you luck and peace of mind, Ethansmom. You have some fears about it, I know (been there many times in those moments myself) but remember, you'll be safe and you'll be fine because they will take good care of you. ;)

P.S. Always ask the doc questions if there is something you don't understand.

07-02-17, 18:12
wishing you good news, calm days and anxiety free future :)

07-02-17, 18:29
Make sure the subject of your anxiety comes up. All the best.

07-02-17, 21:52
Well i'm back, and yes my doctor knows all about my anxiety! I had a panic attack in her office. I was thinking about the upcoming appointment all day and lost it when they were talking to me about my symptoms and my ambulance call. My heart was racing. The nurse checked my pulse and said she could feel some flutters and the doctor wanted to conduct and EKG. When then I panicked even more and it felt like my heart was flipping and flopping multiple times in a row. I was beyond anxious when she was conducting the EKG. The electrodes (or whatever there called), kept falling off. The nurse kept asking if I felt lightheaded or anything. I said no, just scared as hell. I know she could see the flipping and flopping of my heart on the EKG, but didn't want to freak me out.

She then said she wanted me to try to calm down. I took deep breaths and thought of my son and how much I love him. She then did another EKG which showed sinus...something- basically normal rhythm, just a fast heart beat. I know that I got myself all worked up from the appointment.

The doctor then came in and said, I want you to stop the Zoloft in case those are adding to your palpitations. She is ordering a 24 hour holter monitor and an Echo of my heart. She said she was doing this for my peace of mind and for hers. She said I don't think it's going to show anything, BTW. I think this is anxiety related, but let's get peace of mind.

I had a break down in her office telling her that I thought I went into AFIB and she said there was no sign of that on the EKG and she could tell I did not have that. Anyway, I have to wait a week for the holtor and echo- I had to make an appointment at the hospital to have that done.

Thanks for listening and for being there for my everyone. It's a blessing to have this forum.

and as they laid be back for an EKG (I think I was having several PVC"s in a row).

08-02-17, 02:16
Sorry to hear you had a panic attack in your doc's office, but on the other hand it's good that it happened then and there. I'll bet you feel at least a little bit better after seeing her and she assured you with her educated opinion that it was mostly likely anxiety.

Hope things get at least a little better for you from here on, Ethansmom. So hang in there. You will be alright. ;)

08-02-17, 14:58
I'm glad they ordered the tests for you, and I really hope they give you some peace of mind. I'm going to talk to the doctor about my heart issues that I'm having as well. Also, don't worry too much. I remind myself daily that things are going to be okay no matter what.

08-02-17, 17:22
Yeah, it's brutal. I have developed panic disorder over this. It's the heart flip flopping feeling that scares me the most. Sometimes I get several of those in a row. I just want to feel better. I have therapy tonight, so I plan on telling me therapist what happened.