View Full Version : Absolutely terrified tonight

07-02-17, 19:24
I was walking up a steep hill earlier this evening - it was very very steep.
As I got to my car, I realised I was very short of breath and my heart was racing. I am quite unfit and out of shape so I didn't worry too much.
As I sat in the car and my heart continued to race, I felt a skipped beat, I panicked and started feeling my pulse in my wrist and as I was feeling it (which never happens) it skipped again. I actually felt it drop out and then start up again. It felt very irregular and hard and it scared the life out of me. I've had skipped beats before, but usually only at rest. I've never had them while exercising or doing something strenuous before. I read a while ago that this was a bad sign.
I'm sitting here trying to decide whether to go to a&e or not. It's gone back to its normal steady beat now of around 75-80 bpm.

Please someone help. I've got bad indigestion at the moment too and some hormone issues (my period appears to have come two weeks early this month) I often get palps and skipped beats around my period and ovulation but never during exercise or activity really.

I'm worried I'll drop dead from an undiagnosed heart issue.

FYI, I had a basic ECG over the summer which came out fine and clear blood tests too. Nothing since.

My blood pressure is usually around 115/74 or lower. Occasionally higher, but doesn't seem to get above 125/80 at rest.

07-02-17, 19:31
I am quite unfit and out of shape so I didn't worry too much.....I've got bad indigestion at the moment too and some hormone issues (my period appears to have come two weeks early this month) I often get palps and skipped beats around my period and ovulation...

FYI, I had a basic ECG over the summer which came out fine and clear blood tests too.

My blood pressure is usually around 115/74 or lower. Occasionally higher, but doesn't seem to get above 125/80 at rest.

So what's the issue? ;)

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 20:12
So what's the issue? ;)

Positive thoughts

I thought skipped beats with exercise were a bad sign?

07-02-17, 20:16
I thought skipped beats with exercise were a bad sign?

By themselves there's a very slim possibility but not with being really out of shape, indigestion, hormones and clear test results.

Positive thoughts

07-02-17, 20:19
By themselves there's a very slim possibility but not with being really out of shape, indigestion, hormones and clear test results.

Positive thoughts

I've only had an ECG while resting though, not a stress or exercise test...I've also never had an echocardiogram.
I know there are a few variables but it just felt so pronounced and took my breath away.

07-02-17, 20:40
Do you see what your're doing to validate you fears?... If not... do what you feel you need to do :)

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
07-02-17, 20:54
I've had these ectopics, skipped, missed, extra beats, pvcs, palpitations and flutters. ..call them what you like it's all the same thing...since my 20s and I'm now 63. I've had them through 4 pregnancies and births, 2 divorces and 1 menopause.

During those 42 years I've had hundreds of blood tests, numerous ecgs and many stress tests, all just routine exams, and my heart is fine. I get them when i'm resting and not resting, walking upstairs, walking downstairs, walking uphill and walking downhill, when I'm too cold or too warm, when swimming and when dancing, watching a movie, reading a book, driving the car, when I've eaten too much and when i'm hungry. I just get them. They're part of my life.

There is no sinister reason for them, I'm just one of the thousands of people who are unlucky enough to be able to feel them..not everyone does, but with the help of beta blockers I live with them. I've never had an echo exam, only 'basic' ecgs as you call them... I call a stethoscope a basic ecg lol!


08-02-17, 17:36
Been scared all day, so aware of my heart and terrified of it happening again, so avoiding anything strenuous, even climbing the stairs - I'm walking up them very slowly.

I was under the impression that skipped beats shouldn't happen if your heart is beating faster? Which is why most people get the, at rest. I thought the ones experienced during exercise were bad.

08-02-17, 17:47
Ive had palpitations for years and they are pretty common In people even when I go the gym and push myself ill have the odd skipped beat followed by a thud but it doesnt bother me. I just tell myself as long as it doesnt come with other symptoms like pain,numbness,chest pressure etc than its all good you'll be fine try to manage your anxiety because thats often the cause for palpitations.

08-02-17, 18:38
Ive had palpitations for years and they are pretty common In people even when I go the gym and push myself ill have the odd skipped beat followed by a thud but it doesnt bother me. I just tell myself as long as it doesnt come with other symptoms like pain,numbness,chest pressure etc than its all good you'll be fine try to manage your anxiety because thats often the cause for palpitations.

Me too - I often get thuds when I'm training hard, always have. I had a few during a netball match last night. They can be a bit alarming but I think pretty common. Don't worry and don't let it stop you exercising. X

08-02-17, 18:50
Riddle me this....is there ever a time to worry about thuds if you have anxiety issues?

08-02-17, 18:56
Girlafraid the exact same thing happens to me when I walk up banks. My daughters school is up a bank and every single day when I walk up that bank I'm absolutely knackered and my heart is pounding heavily. My daughter is chatting away and I can't even reply I'm so out of breath. I get palpitations most days especially if I go from walking on a steady surface to an uphill surface.

I would say it's normal. I'm relatively unfit (my only exercise is walking) and that school run kills me, although admittedly the school run stresses me out so it's no the wonder my heart is pounding.

I used to get palpitations even from leaning over the sink. My GP said that's normal. Even those without anxiety get palpitations, I did before I developed anxiety.

I don't like getting palpitations but try to just ignore them now. They're unpleasant but as you can see from the comments very common.

08-02-17, 21:55
I am having the same issue! I got such bad flutters on Friday that I ended up calling an ambulance. I'm terrified of it happening again. I am scheduled for an Echo and Holtor monitor on Tuesday of next week. BTW, I have had several EKG's as well.

08-02-17, 22:19
I know....I know....but I googled it.

You may notice heart palpitations in your chest, throat, or neck. They can be bothersome or frightening. They usually aren't serious or harmful, though, and often go away on their own. Most of the time, they're caused by stress and anxiety, or because you've had too much caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.

See Google isnt always scary.

08-02-17, 22:50
Girlafraid the exact same thing happens to me when I walk up banks. My daughters school is up a bank and every single day when I walk up that bank I'm absolutely knackered and my heart is pounding heavily. My daughter is chatting away and I can't even reply I'm so out of breath. I get palpitations most days especially if I go from walking on a steady surface to an uphill surface.

I would say it's normal. I'm relatively unfit (my only exercise is walking) and that school run kills me, although admittedly the school run stresses me out so it's no the wonder my heart is pounding.

I used to get palpitations even from leaning over the sink. My GP said that's normal. Even those without anxiety get palpitations, I did before I developed anxiety.

I don't like getting palpitations but try to just ignore them now. They're unpleasant but as you can see from the comments very common.

I wouldn't mind just the racing heart, but it was the skip/extra beat that scared me more.

08-02-17, 23:26
I agree. The racing is one thing--but the skipping/thuds are another! I hate when that happens. How are you doing now?