View Full Version : Need Reassurance

07-02-17, 20:04
Hey, my name's Hope and I'm 18 years old. I wasn't sure where to post this, but I decided to post it here. I'm having a very hard-time convincing myself that my physical symptoms are from anxiety. It all started happening around October 2016, I started getting heart palpitations (2-4 daily but it only skipped once.) One day, my heart felt like it went out of rhythm (skipped 6-10 beats continuously, then was okay for 1 minute before it happened again.) It continued to do that throughout the other months. These two months of 2017 have been awful. I had my first panic attack last month, went to A&E and got ECG's. Recently, my heart races while I'm laying down, relaxing and walking upstairs. I get dizzy spells while sat down and standing up. I feel like it's difficult to breathe while laying down and have a constant pressure on my chest, sometimes I get shooting or stabbing pains in my chest and under my left breast bone. My head feels fuzzy, heavy and like there's a pressure on the back of it. My eyes feel droopy, like there's pressure on them and I see lights/dots. Once I felt numbness on the left side of my face and arm. I have headaches when I wake up and sometimes at night too. I feel tired all of the time (despite having 7-9 hours sleep the night before.) I get a lump feeling in my throat after eating, which makes me not want to eat in fear of choking. My feet and toes are cold all the time and show a purple colour (likes there's something wrong with my blood circulation.) I'm not asking for medical advice because I know you aren't doctors, but I just want reassurance that it's all in my head. I'm going to get another ECG tomorrow. I have an appointment on the 15th February and I'm going to ask about a 24-heart monitor and a MRI brain scan. I feel like if I don't get medically tested out or reassurance I'm going to drop down dead from cardiac arrest or have a heart attack. I'm now trying to convince myself that I don't have a brain tumour. 6 months ago I was happy, doing my college work and jogging or working out. Now, all I think about is my health, my attendance at college has dropped because I don't want to leave the house in fear of collapsing and I don't jog/work out anymore because I'm scared of my racing heart and palpitations. I'm also going to contact some mental health referrals to see if that helps at all as I'm still having panic attacks. I know that people have had it and get it worse than me, but right now I'm in a cycle and messed up mental state that I can't seem to get out of. My family are getting tired of it all as well and I don't want to make them angry or upset them. Can anybody tell me what physical symptoms they have had or are having with anxiety? Can you also please tell me if you've had some of the same symptoms as me? Any replies/comments would be appreciated. Thank you. :)

07-02-17, 20:30
I'm really sorry that you're going through all this. The physical symptoms to anxiety are very real and almost every symptom you described above I have also experienced and each one has been debunked by professionals and as each one is dealt with a new one shall arise.

I first tangled with HA back in 2013 and I too was happy. When HA hit me, my whole life shut down. I no longer bothered with anything that I previously had a passion for. And I've been this way since. But for the first time in 4 years I've decided to do something about it. You too need to do the same.

Everything you described above is classic Health Anxiety. Try and relax and speak to your doctor about any help they are able to provide in regards to the HA.

I hope this helps.