View Full Version : Mild headaches AGAIN. Someone PLEASE respond

07-02-17, 23:54
Ok I've posted here about MILD headaches that I've been getting on & off for about 5 & 1/2 yrs, since July of 2011. As I said it's on & off not constant. I'm not here because I'm fearing brain tumor because I've already gone to drs in the past & that was ruled out as headaches were mild & no neurological symptoms Thank God. That being said, I was looking at my history of posts in reference to this & it's been almost three and a half months since I posted about this. Now I know if someone gets a headache every few months that's not unusual but see, with me once these mild headaches start up again they can go on for months on & off then stop for a few months & then this odd cycle starts again. I do feel very anxious about this but not because I think it's life threatening, but because I just would like to know WHAT this is. It's so odd. Does this happen to anyone else? This odd pattern? Drs have no clue at all. They just say tension & sinuses which I kind of think is true but sometimes it's after waking up or sometimes after too much sugar, but the cause doesn't always seem to be the same. Sometimes bright sunlight or bright indoor lighting seems to play a role or sometimes hot, humid summer weather OR cold windy weather triggers it. I can't pinpoint what's triggering this. It happens different times of year for different reasons apparently. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to this. Someone, anyone, PLEASE give me some feedback on this. I'm SO tired of this making me anxious. This just makes me very nervous & fearful. Thank You

Catherine S
08-02-17, 00:52
If you say you're not fearing the worst, as in a brain tumour, then why are you so anxious about this? If it's a headache that you're familiar with, then why not just accept that this is what will happen every now and then. ..women in particular can suffer with hormone headaches throughout their lives, even beyond menopause, but as you say, headaches can be brought on by extreme temperatures, sinuses etc.

If your headaches are only mild as you say, and your doctor isn't worried, why not just take painkillers for the time they last and look forward to when they leave!


08-02-17, 01:17
I get headaches all of the time--some are mild and some are nasty. Some are from tension and some are from sinus' and some could well be hormonal. I have even had headaches day in and day out a few years back because I was worried over some neuro thing.

Your doctors "have no clue " because there is no disease process that matches "mild headaches off/on." In other words what you are describing = nothing sinister.

You can make yourself anxious about it if you so desire but, truly, it is a waste of a worry.

08-02-17, 01:20
It makes me anxious because it keeps returning & I don't know why. Even though I know it's not life threatening it seems like just not being able to know the cause kind of freaks me out. I do understand what you are saying, but I just can't seem to shed getting upset & anxious about this. I guess it's the unknown. Believe me, I wish I didn't get this anxious. It's no fun. Thank You for your response.

08-02-17, 01:22
Could be sinus-related, could be eyestrain. You may need glasses, or a different prescription for your glasses.

08-02-17, 01:27
It makes me anxious because it keeps returning & I don't know why. Even though I know it's not life threatening it seems like just not being able to know the cause kind of freaks me out. I do understand what you are saying, but I just can't seem to shed getting upset & anxious about this. I guess it's the unknown. Believe me, I wish I didn't get this anxious. It's no fun. Thank You for your response.

People get headaches. Why? Because.

Again you can worry over if you want...

Would I worry over such a small thing as "repeat mild headaches? No. Hell I wake up with some that start from the back of my head and move up the back of my head and down over my forehead and around my eye--usually right side. It hurts to move with those. They SUCK. I take 3 Advil and have some caffeine and wait until they kick in. I have gotten these off/on for YEARS.

08-02-17, 02:18
People get headaches. Why? Because.

Again you can worry over if you want...

Would I worry over such a small thing as "repeat mild headaches? No. Hell I wake up with some that start from the back of my head and move up the back of my head and down over my forehead and around my eye--usually right side. It hurts to move with those. They SUCK. I take 3 Advil and have some caffeine and wait until they kick in. I have gotten these off/on for YEARS.

Same here.
I started getting daily headaches in 3rd grade.
They checked my eyes, etc... I didn't need glasses.
I attended a Catholic school that did not have air conditioning, and that was the year my classroom was on the top floor. It got very hot in there, and to this day I believe my headaches were related to the heat somehow. When I spend long periods of time in hot, stuffy, enclosed spaces, I get headaches.
When I skip meals, I get headaches.
When I'm pre-menstrual, I get headaches.
Anything can trigger them, really, and a day rarely goes by that I don't have to take Advil or Tylenol at least once.

08-02-17, 05:04
There are 300 different kinds of headache causes. In most cases, an underlying cause cannot be identified. After 6 months of stable history, the odds of having a serious problem are the same as someone without headaches.

08-02-17, 09:42
Thank Yoi very much for all the helpful responses.