View Full Version : Freaked out

08-02-17, 06:53
I'm terrified I have meningitis. I've been sick since Sunday with what I think is the flu. I have a bad headache, fever around 99-102 through the day. Cough, chills, over all feeling very weak and tired. I don't know if I'm over reacting but I'm so scared I have it. How can I tell? I don't have a skin rash, or neck pain, just a bad headache and eye pain which I blamed on my cough. I'm freaking myself out and not sleeping because I'm so worried.

Chris 614
08-02-17, 08:41
I'm not a doctor, but it sounds like you have the flu. Have you seen a doctor? Have you been exposed to meningitis? Also, I believe your fever would be much higher and you would have the neck stiffness, etc.. It truly does sound like the plain old flu though. Go to the doctor if you want to. It will make you feel better and then you can relax and let your body heal itself.

08-02-17, 09:24
Neck stiffness to the point you can't even move your neck whatsoever . U have the flu

08-02-17, 19:33
Well I think I've narrowed my illness down to having the flu. I've had a fever since Monday and it's ranged from 99-102. It's now right at 100. I've taken medicine to help with the fever but it keeps coming back. I read an article (stupidly) about a girl my age who got the flu and died from sepsis. I feel truly horrible, but better than last night. I'm weak from not eating, my sister did say she had this same thing and it lasted about 2 weeks. That makes me feel better but I'm still afraid that I'm dying, or I'm going to die. I can keep fluids down, I am dizzy and weak but I blame that on the lack of eating. I'm not confused or fuzzy I'm scared. How do I calm myself down???

08-02-17, 19:44
How do I calm myself down???

Get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids, take OTC meds for symptom relief and stop reading Google.

Positive thoughts

08-02-17, 22:29
If you take no other advice.....

stop reading Google

ESPECIALLY when your genuinely ill.

08-02-17, 23:09
I went to the doctor once with a stuffy nose/ sore throat thing, and a fever.
He diagnosed me with a respiratory virus, ie. the common cold.
I was like, "How do you know it's not the flu, if you don't test for it?"
The doctor said, "Do you feel like you're dying? You look too well to have the flu. People with the flu literally feel like they're dying."

That is not to say that you ARE dying if you have the flu.... just that you will feel like it. Apparently that's the difference between a cold and the flu.
Treatment, of course, is the same as for a cold: rest and fluids.
Thousands and thousands of people get the flu every day, all over the world.
Nearly all of them recover, usually within a week.
You will be okay.

Best wishes.

09-02-17, 10:10
I'm getting over the flu and now I have a new symptom. It feels like something is stuck right under where my Adam's apple would be. Could it be phlegm? Or from coughing so much? Every time I swallow I get this lump in the bottom of my throat that traps air, then bubbles up almost like a burp but the burp doesn't release any pressure. It doesn't hurt
It's just annoying... please help

Clydesdale Epona
09-02-17, 10:15
It sounds like it could be phlegm to me as I usually get that feeling with it, try gargling with salt water or sucking on something minty and see if it clears it up.

All the best x

09-02-17, 15:43
Globus sensation? by far one of the most common HA related symptoms.

09-02-17, 17:04
So I have been battling the flu all this week, starting to better. I have been coughing a lot so I guess there's a lot of mucus left behind. Well last night I started to get this feeling that there was an air bubble stuck at the very bottom of my throat. Almost like if a pill got stuck there. I kept trying to drink water and it would go down, but it would like gurgle and bubble down. I became more anxious and began feeling like I was choking and it would never go away. This was at 6 am so the worst time for anything to happen. I can decided if it was an air bubble or post nasal drip. The only thing that would help was breathing deep to "burp" but it wasn't a burp it was like a little bubble. Then it would gurgle all the way down to my chest and get trapped again. What is this? I'm so concerned it's going to happen again. It was extremely uncomfortable and it made me have a panic attack. Please help

09-02-17, 17:52
I was sick with the flu about 2 weeks ago and I had the same feeling. Went to the Dr . and she did an EKG just to be safe and it was fine. The weird bubble feeling went away once I got better but I still have a dry cough and post nasal drip.

09-02-17, 17:59
I can honestly say I have no idea what your talking about but I can bet you $10 I experience this now at some point.

Im a mess

09-02-17, 18:48
Someone else posted the same thing, so it must be an accompanying symptom of this particular flu. It will pass.

09-02-17, 23:10

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


10-02-17, 00:27
Okay so I've had the flu all week. I'm feeling better today other than feeling very weak. I woke up last night feeling like something was stuck at the bottom of my throat, like a bubble. I breathe deep, burp a little, it gurgles and then comes right back. My boyfriend is convinced it's post nasal drip from being so sick, but I'm not sure. It's a very uncomfortable feeling and it's right at the base of my neck. It's making my anxiety CRAZY I keep questioning my reality, and I'm sweating and cold. I'm afraid it will never go away and I'll be burping this bubble forever. It's been about 24 hours now and will not go away. Ive tried a shower, hot liquid, water, mucinex, if really just feels like a pocket of air is stuck back there. Phelm?? Idk please help me.

10-02-17, 11:47
I'm thinking its just phlegm or post nasal drip, but if it persists there's no harm in going to the doctors x

11-02-17, 21:46
So I had a bad case of the flu this week, started monday, high fever, aches, cough, headache, the usual. Lasted until about Thursday night when my fever broke. I felt better after that. My head and sinuses are now draining which is gross, but good right? Now my muscles feel so unsteady and shaky. They've felt like this for days now. I feel very anxious, and i think it might be because i've been laying in bed/cough watching tv (which I never do) and haven't been outside since last sunday.. I'm very clammy, and feel just shaky. I'm eating, but i don't have a huge want for food yet, and I can't stand for super long without getting tired. is this normal? I read you can feel like this for a few weeks, as the flu is really hard on the body, but its making me worry. Why does my body feel like jello?

Clydesdale Epona
11-02-17, 21:52
I felt the same after suffering from a norovirus, its pretty much your body trying to recover and feeling weak after fighting it x

12-02-17, 21:29
It is normal and nothing to do with anxiety, for once!

I remember a few years ago I had what the doctor at the walk in centre said was 'something like the flu' I can tell you now I don't ever want the flu if that was something like :ohmy:

I felt very odd very quickly sometime on a Wednesday, between then and Sunday when OH drove me to the walk in centre I had eaten half a cream cracker! The doc said it might be better if I tried. Yeah right!

I spent the next six weeks dragging one foot in front of the other and sitting down a lot.

Like I say, for once it isn't anxiety :roflmao:

12-02-17, 21:32

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.
