View Full Version : One dry nipple

08-02-17, 08:51
Here I am again, long time ago but my anxiety is going through the roof... I have one dry, sort of cracked nipple... no pain, no itching, no redness... it has been two weeks since I've noticed. The other one has it maybe a little bit but I am not sure. The right one is very obvious though. So I have Pagets... OMG!!! The only symptom you can have with this is a flaky nipple...
I hate being like this, other people would't think like this. I Do not want to die. I am 34 and have a lovely 5 year old and a wonderful husband.
I didn't see a doctor yet, I am going to use nivea, and if it's not better within a week, I will go.
Why aren't my two nipples involved, I woud be more reasdured.
I don't want to be like this :-( sorry guys...

08-02-17, 11:02
Well it is the middle of winter and dry skin does tend to happen. I promise you, dry skin is not the only symptom of Pagets.

Make your doctors appointment for you peace of mind and cancel it once the lotion starts to heal you right up. If it's the nipple and not the areola keep in mind its pretty think skin and will need more of an emollient than a water based moisturizer!

08-02-17, 13:57
I have always had very dry skin on my nipples and this got whole lot worse once post meno to the point whre like you I was worried about pagets as it really seems to be only bad on one nipple.
My GP took one look and said straight away - thats just dry skin and not pagets at all, he said he has seen pagets so knows what it looks like. That was5 years ago and 2 mammograms and I still have one very dry nipple even with use of cream!

08-02-17, 21:48
What the heck ! I have one dry nipple

08-02-17, 23:18
I get that too- sometimes one, sometimes the other, sometimes both.
Sometimes there's dry skin on them, which I can actually pick off. It's gross.
It's been worse since my 4-year-old was born. I didn't even breastfeed him (I did my older children), but I think the pregnancy hormones caused it to get worse.
I wouldn't worry too much about it.
Put Vaseline on it before you go to bed, and in the morning try scrubbing it with a washcloth in the shower. The dry flaky skin should come off, and you'll be back to normal.
Don't think "cancer".
Think about this: our lips get dry, chapped, and flaky in the winter, and nipples are the same type of skin as lips.
So just do what you'd do if you had chapped lips: put some vaseline (or other lubricant or lotion) on it.

Best wishes.

09-02-17, 07:48
Thanks for the reassurance, you all.
I know, but 'what if' ... really, I hate to think like this... of course with the cream it is better now, but what if I will stop putting cream and it will come back...
I always wonder how a normal thinking person would handle this... won't even know what paget is probably...

10-02-17, 06:26
The nivea cream isn't really doning the trick. Nippple still bit dry and some flakes. Should I try something also or do I have to have more patience? I wish I could just let it go for a few days, because constant checking and feeling and touching will do no good either... -sigh-

11-02-17, 07:44
I get really depressed. Checking all the time. Still one dry nipple with flakes. I will try vaseline today... why can't it just get better. I don't want to go to the doctor. Why can't I just be fine...

15-02-17, 16:40
Hi Kyrae, I sent you a PM. I'm going crazy about the same thing as you. Stupid dry nipple :(