View Full Version : Come off meds,HA back worse than ever

08-02-17, 10:12
Hi all

I've had Health Anxiety for 9 years. Been on Lexapro for 5!years and stupidly weaned myself off just before Christmas thinking I could handle it now.

Wrong. I've put myself through the side effects of withdrawal for nothing! I've had to go back on it as my heart rate is up, I'm getting palps again and I've spent the last 3 days obsessing what is wrong with me.

I have a Garmin that measures my heart rate and I've checked it compulsively for 3 days. My heart rate has spiked several time and dropped once (which may be an error in picking it up) so of course this sends me crazy and panicked

It's just anxiety isn't it? I used to get palps but it's been so long I can't remember.

Help me, please

Gary A
08-02-17, 10:28
Hi all

I've had Health Anxiety for 9 years. Been on Lexapro for 5!years and stupidly weaned myself off just before Christmas thinking I could handle it now.

Wrong. I've put myself through the side effects of withdrawal for nothing! I've had to go back on it as my heart rate is up, I'm getting palps again and I've spent the last 3 days obsessing what is wrong with me.

I have a Garmin that measures my heart rate and I've checked it compulsively for 3 days. My heart rate has spiked several time and dropped once (which may be an error in picking it up) so of course this sends me crazy and panicked

It's just anxiety isn't it? I used to get palps but it's been so long I can't remember.

Help me, please

Attempting to wean yourself off of anxiety medications is a tough thing to do. As you say, there can be withdrawals and things like that to deal with.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with attempting to come off of a treatment because you think you can control your anxiety without it. You deserve credit for having the guts to try it.

Don't feel bad that this attempt hasn't quite went to plan. Why not attempt smaller doses over time in order to wean yourself a little more slowly, perhaps the withdrawals won't be quite so rough.

I firmly believe that your symptoms are related to you attempting to come off your medication. They may ease off if you try to endure them a bit longer, but I'd advise you to speak to your doctor or therapist to find the best way forward.

08-02-17, 22:15
Thank you Gary

08-02-17, 22:23
you are far braver than I weaning yourself off...maybe it hasn't been long enough yet but I clearly remember the train wreck that I was before I started Zyprexa and Klonopin.

I cling to these things like a kid with a teddy bear.

Good on you...be well

08-02-17, 23:59
Hey. I know what you're going through.
I've been weaning myself off citalopram. It was all going well but I think I started getting a bit too confident and went too quick. The last week I've had awful adrenaline surges and palps. I'm kicking myself as well but we can't blame ourselves for trying.

09-02-17, 00:02
I had one good year: the year I took Prozac.
No health anxiety whatsoever, got a promotion at work, etc. A great year.
But due to side effects (excessive weight gain, lucid dreams, loss of sexual desire), I quit Prozac.
Now I wish I'd stayed on it.
My anxiety came slamming back so fast and hard, it was crazy.
Just REMEMBER how healthy and peaceful you felt while on meds.
Surely that is attainable without meds, if we really try.
I too do not like being on meds. I don't like the side effects.
But yes, they are not a "cure"; the minute you go off them, the anxiety is back, times 100 it seems!


best wishes.

09-02-17, 00:24
Sorry guys just to clarify I have gone back onto the Lexapro this is the 4th day I've been back on them. I hope they kick in soon.

You'd think after 5 years of being fairly anxiety free I could last longer than 7 weeks without them. No such luck, maybe one day. Back to no feelings, and utter exhaustion every day but at least I can function!

Just have to get through the next week to convince myself I'm not dying, my heart isnt about to stop and just because my mum has AF doesn't mean I'm going to. Agh the joys of HA!

Thanks for the replies, it means a lot xxx