View Full Version : 3 ct scans in a month now been warned of a brain tumour

08-02-17, 11:41
I've just had my 3rd ct scan since Jan 1st.
1st one was through a head injury, 2nd I was in hospital a week with meningitis and I've just had my 3rd as I've had another head injury and got worrisome symptoms.
I'm just waiting in hospital waiting for the results but they almost didn't do it due to the radiation risk as I'm only 23 and she quite bluntly said you need one but your gonna be high risk for a brain cancer now as your brain is still maturing at this age and you've had a lot of radiation in the space of a few weeks.

Now I'm in the toilets crying thinking I'm gonna get cancer and my kids will be without a mum and I'm gonna be too scared to get checked out as I won't want another scan 😢

I can't live with this health anxiety any longer it's destroying me. If this scan is clear I'm gonna be kicking myself as it's un needed radiation :'(

08-02-17, 12:35

I'm so sorry to hear of the rubbish time you've had recently. I'm afraid I don't know much about CT scans but whoever told you that you would be high risk of brain cancer is out of order. CT scans are only given if there is need for them and you wouldn't be given one without the pros and cons being weighed up first.

I'm sure someone with more knowledge of CT scans will be able to help you more, but just remember that we are exposed to varying levels radiation all the time

08-02-17, 13:54
Whilst what was said was technically right its a risk not a certainty. There are huge amounts of things that increase your risk of all sorts but that does not mean its going to happen.
I had alot of xrays in my 20's before the advent of ct or mri and was told that I had increased my risk of certain types of cancer. I was told to not have any more x rays unless there is no alternative so if a consultant says I need a ct scan I explain what was said to me and ask if say an mri would be appropriate instead etc and most times it is. Mri has no radiation but is not always the best test.
So yes you have increased your risk but you now know about it so if in future you are told you need a ct scan then explain just like i have done for past 30 years and usually an alternative non radiological test can be done.
Just like me you can never change what had been no matter how much your worry about it so accept it and come up with a plan for the future like I did and enjoy life!

08-02-17, 14:36
They probably said it to put you off exploring any further health issues.

08-02-17, 14:51
There is no documented case that CT scans were the definitive cause of a cancer diagnosis.

I had radiation treatment for my Head and Neck cancer. 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Enough radiation to totally fry my throat and made the skin peel off my neck. Before every treatment I got a CT scan to help aim the radiation beams. That means I had 30 CT scans in 6 weeks on top of all that radiation. I'm still here and cancer free.

Just a little perspective that might help you.

Positive thoughts

25-02-17, 18:00
Thanks everyone tbh I've put it to the back of my mind in hope I'll forget it and I had but lately I'm suffering awful migraines and dizziness so it's popped back in my head that could I have caused something nasty. Been crying all afternoon hating myself for having the scans. Grated the first two I needed especially the 2nd as I was in hospital for a week with suspected meningitis. But I'm hating myself for having the third. Now I'm down and anxious thinking the worst x