View Full Version : Fear the worst

08-02-17, 11:49
I've had anxiety for the past 6wks. I fear I have something wrong with me other than that. Had a load of blood tests done waiting for them to come back the main fear is cancer I'm losing weight but not sure if that is down to me not sleeping. I sweat at night. I'm just so concerned these tests will come back with something wrong.please help!!!!

08-02-17, 12:11
I have suffered from anxiety for years and its mainly to do with my health, I too had blood tests done and was scared of the results as i thought they would come back with cancer, and my doctor said they were all fine. I'm sure you are fine too, anxiety is awful and consumes us and any symptom makes us panic. Have you tried counselling maybe it could help. Stay strong there are lots of people on here that all are the same and it helps knowing we are not alone x

08-02-17, 13:02
I haven't tried counselling never really needed it. But this anxiety is worse than ever. I'm not sleeping haven't for weeks losing weight which has never happened before that's why I'm so worried I'm so scared something is going to happen to me.

08-02-17, 15:10
All of the symptoms you described can be completely explained by anxiety. If something is wrong the doctor will find it.

08-02-17, 16:28
WHen you say weight loss, how much over what span of time.

I can vary 10lbs either way in any given week.