View Full Version : I feel horrible :(

08-02-17, 13:05
My ENT referral letter for an appointment for a swollen lymphnode in my neck hasn't come yet, it's been a week. The waiting is making me feel dreadful. I cannot stop thinking the absolute worst in the mean time.

I just don't know how to help myself. I keep distracting myself with things but the thoughts still stress me out when I'm not that busy.

I can't figure out if the node has gotten smaller, I've been applying some heat on it and it seems to make it a tiny bit less swollen (maybe a mm or so) so I don't know if thats a good thing.

How do I make the days go by better?

08-02-17, 13:17
Firstly, you'll have to try to distract yourself and keep living as best you can. Other than that, just remind yourself that it's not uncommon for lymph nodes to swell and it's usually for benign reasons. I had a huge lymph nose a few years ago. I didn't know much about them at the time so I didn't really worry, but I did go to the doctor and was told it was fine. It eventually went down. So just try to bear in mind that you're unlikely to have anything to worry about. You can always chase up your appointment if need be.

08-02-17, 13:44
Firstly what sort of referral did your GP do. If it was routine then you could be in for quite a long wait whereas if it was under the 2 week rule then you will be seen within 2 weeks. IF you don't know the answer then ring and find out as it makes a massive difference to how long you will have to wait.

Don't touch the lymph node more than once every few days as any touching will annoy even a perfectly harmless lymph node and keep it swollen ( personal experience of this).

It is also very very common for lymph nodes to swell due to localised infection say in your gums/teeth throat etc and if the infection has been bad they can stay up for years ( again personal experience) but this does not mean they are harmful in any way.

So maybe if you don't know find out what referral has been done for you, if it is routine one only then you can phone the ent appts at the hospital to ask how long the wait is likely to be and if its a very long one then go back to your GP explaining you fears and see what can be done. If it has been done under 2 week rule then you will hear very soon.