View Full Version : Prickling sensation behind navel

08-02-17, 15:11
Hello everyone.

About a week and a half ago, I was having a wee and i had this sudden sharp sensation behind my navel that made me jump. It has felt kinda prickly behind my navel ever since. It has coincided with me getting frequent trapped wind and IBS lately, but Ive never had a sensation in the area of my navel before. It strangely started after i was talking to my brother about navel fluff, and it occurred to me i never look in my navel, so i poked my finger in (not hard) and then the pain in my navel appeared the following day when i was on the toilet. There is no redness or anything, and i feel no lumps and bumps. Its not particularly noticeable all the time. Its a mild discomfort I guess. It feels like somethings irritating the back of my navel, and prickles. I can still bend and stretch as normal, and lift things. I also changed my jeans around the time the sensation started, and the belt of my jeans lays directly over my navel. I guess Im just a bit nervous, as I suffer from a lot of health anxiety, ans my dad as a child had a navel infection which turned into an abscess, so im paranoid about that area. I called to see if I could get a doctors appointment, but the earliest on is in just over two weeks time, so for the interim, i was wondering if any of you had felt a similar sensation and what caused it. Please try not to scare me unduly though, as I dont fancy having a two week panic attack :P Thank you all in advance :) xx

08-02-17, 15:59
yes, Ive always had that too. That sensation when you push on it, thats the sensation im getting lately when im not pushing on it. If its a pressumre thing, maybe its due to the waistband on my jeans going across my navel. Doesnt sound so crazy an idea now.

16-02-17, 21:07
This sensation is still here and I've a week to wait still until my doctor can see me. Has nobody else felt something like this?