View Full Version : Mild night sweats anything to worry about?

08-02-17, 15:41
So the past 3 nights I have woken up and have been sweating, not sweating where it is soaking my sheets or even my clothes but a damp face/back and back of hair. I came off my meds November time and have recently gone back on the the last week and a half as my HA has been bad so I am not sure if it is my anxiety making this happen. Should this be something to worry about?

08-02-17, 20:29
I get these two. I've recently had blood tests and they were all clear. I have suffered on and off for years with night sweats. For me it's a combination of anxiety and hormones that seems to cause them. After I had my children I suffered from severe night sweats (luckily this is normal after childbirth) but I would have to sleep on towels and strip all my clothes and the sheets because I would wake up like I had just got out of the bath! Thosr are the type you need to worry about so I'm told.

08-02-17, 22:33
I have had them on and off over the years but never really gave them any thought, assumed I got over heated or my wife (the human furnace) got too close.

09-02-17, 00:09
i get them once in awhile.
This has been an unseasonably warm winter here in Texas (today was in the 80s; everyone wore shorts).
We start out the night under a blanket, and are soon soaked with sweat.
In the absence of other symptoms, I would not worry too much about this one.

Best wishes!

09-02-17, 01:08
Night sweats are a side effect of some meds - if you've just gone back on them if could wel be that. Check what listed side effects are.