View Full Version : Small Amounts of Blood in Phlegm

08-02-17, 16:41
Hi guys,

I know the best advice is to just go to the Doctor and get this checked, and I will some stage over the next few days, but for now I'm just looking for some thoughts / advice / reassurance. I'm really worried about this even though I know it's most likely nothing serious since I'm only 23.

The last couple of days, I've had small amounts of blood coming up with my phlegm or sputum (never really know the difference). Mostly just streaks in it, but also, for a couple of spits in the sink afterwards there might be some tinge in that too. It only really happens when I force clear my throat of phlegm. Sometimes I really have to force it to come out.

A part of me assumes it's coming down from my nose, because I have postnasal drip and when I do force the phlegm out, I can almost feel the blood stringing out of somewhere up there with it, but I can't be certain it's not from my throat obviously.

Is this likely to be anything to worry about in small amounts? It's only happening about once a day, not every time I cough or spit like.

Any thoughts would be appreciated :)

08-02-17, 17:29
I recently posted on another thread about the same thing I too am having the same problems as you. I am having the bloody phlegm/sputum only in the mornings when I wake up and thats it nothing through the day at all it started last Wednesday when I woke up in the middle of the night with a very dry throat and alot of phlegm built up so I went to the bathroom to spit it out and there it was blood mixed with the phlegm the blood continued to come out for at least 7-8 spits before it started to clear up I was pretty freaked at first I'm not going to lie but I thought I'd leave it for a couple of days and see if it happens again. So the next morning there was nothing than on Friday morning I woke up and again no blood so off i went until I felt something kinda dripping or hanging down the back of my throat so I managed to heave it out and what I saw was gross it was like a lump of black jelly mixed with fresh blood I took photos to show my doctor which luckily enough I got to see on the same day. After showing him the photos he mentioned that the black stuff was a clot which possibly was dripping down my throat from the nose area due to lying down at night so he suspected a sinus infection since I was having pressure and pain around the nose and eye area also. He gave me a weeks course of antibiotics which has now cleared most of it up only little specks here and there. Unfortunately its that time of year when all the baddies are out to get us so I would recommend going to see your doctor to have it cleared up but I wouldnt worry about it