View Full Version : Feeling so low

08-02-17, 18:12
Today is a real low point for me. Let me give some context I suffer from GAD, this started after the sudden death of my father. At Christmas I suffered a miscarriage and my anxiety has worsened. I'm sat here at the moment at work, feeling like I have a knot in my stomach, nauseous and generally out of control. I go to New York on Saturday a birthday present from my husband and I cannot let this ruin the holiday.

My main fear at the moment is my teeth, but I fear this is masking something deeper - a belief that nothing is going to go right, I don't deserve it to. My fear is my teeth falling out, they're not great I have wonky teeth and my gums need work. I'm constantly convincing myself my teeth are loose, I am struggling to talk and eat because I'm so scared. Im also suffering terrible nightmares.

I have started cbt but at my lowest it does not help. What do I do?

08-02-17, 18:55
I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father and also your miscarriage. I have suffered from miscarriage myself so can relate to that sorrow.
Have you been to the dentist to have your teeth checked? I am sure that would help to reassure you.
How lovely of your husband to plan the trip to New York. It might be hard leading up to it but I am sure you will enjoy it when you get there. :hugs: xx

08-02-17, 22:04
Thank you, i have my check up in 12 days so am trying to hold on till then. I have a huge dental phobia so going will be traumatic. Also I would feel a fool going knowing that there's not a lot wrong really.

As I say I think I am using a silly anxiety to hide a much bigger one - wonder if anyone else does this?

08-02-17, 23:24
Well, I wouldn't call losing your teeth a "silly anxiety". It would be terrible!
I've never had dental insurance, and didn't go to a dentist for over 20 years (from early adolescence until later 30s).
I became convinced that my back teeth were rotting out, because I could see brown on them.
My dad paid cash for me to go to a dentist, and I was SO SCARED.
But you know what?
I didn't have a single cavity. I never have, in my whole life.
The "brown" I saw was smoke stains, from when I used to smoke years ago. The dentist scraped them off, and cleaned my teeth.
I was so glad I went, even though I was terrified beforehand.

You should go; things may not be as bad as you think!
In these days of fluoridated water, etc... people are keeping their teeth for longer and longer.
I'll bet if you went to the dentist, you'd find out the picture is not nearly so grim as you think.

And even if your dental fear is masking another, larger fear.... at least get it out of the way, so that you can deal with whatever other issues you need to deal with. I promise, life will be easier to deal with if you have healthy teeth. :D

PS I am starting school in April to train for a new career: dental assistant.

18-02-17, 18:52
Just an update and a hopefully positive one - I have today arrived home from holiday I had an amazing time and my teeth are in one piece!! I'm not counting my chickens yet but I have my dental check up booked for the 2nd March so I now just need to get through to that. My holiday was amazing and I managed to control my anxiety through STOPP and rescue remedy!! But I did find the more distracted I was the easier it was.

18-02-17, 19:20
I am pleased to hear that you had a good holiday.