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View Full Version : Thankyou for advice

24-10-04, 11:18
Hi, I just wanted to say thankyou to those of you who replied to my topic about palpitations. They still terrify me and I don't know if any other females notice, but do they seem worse at different times of the month, ie before a period or at time of ovulation? They really do make my panic worse and I can't help but dwell on them and have the thoughts of them in my head most of the time. I had an ecg 2 years ago which was fine and also had a 24hr tape ecg which showed I had an isolated ectopic heartbeat but did not require any treatment. I worry now that because all these tests were done two years ago that I shouldn't still be having them. They go from the missed beat where you feel the thump or sometimes the fluttering and racing irregular heartbeat and I don't know which is worse. I wish i could get rid of them and have a normal life as they do take over. They make me irritable because I am so scared. Please help. Sorry to keep going on....

24-10-04, 11:48
Hi Linjane,

I don't suffer with palpitations very often now, but I do know that my general anxiety is much, MUCH worse for the week before my period.

I get very irrational and worry about the smallest thing during that week.

Suppose it must be a hormonal thing, my excuse anyway! [^]

Luv Kate xx

24-10-04, 11:49
Hiya linjane

Yes I feel a darn sight worse around my period. I too get the missed heart beats and palpitations/flutters. They do make you feel terrified dont they BUT you know they wont hurt you, its a really common side effect of panic. Because you only get them at certain times of the month, you know what the cause is and keep telling yourself that!!

Have you gone back to your doctors and asked for another ecg just to put your mind at rest? might be worth asking?

take care
love Sarah

24-10-04, 11:54
Hi I'll totally agree with Kate on this one, i'm going through it at the moment !! I've been feeling anxious and all out of sorts, palpatations and it has deffo something to do with the hormonal change in our bodies. I've been a little irrational too, but knowing more about it and getting great advice from this site has helped me realise it's just one of those things and it'll be over soon Tara xx

24-10-04, 13:42
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi I'll totally agree with Kate on this one, i'm going through it at the moment !! I've been feeling anxious and all out of sorts, palpatations and it has deffo something to do with the hormonal change in our bodies. I've been a little irrational too, but knowing more about it and getting great advice from this site has helped me realise it's just one of those things and it'll be over soon Tara xx

<div align="right">Originally posted by tara - 24 October 2004 : 11:54:38</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">Thankyou. I dont just get them at certain times of month I do seem to get them on and off all the time, but they do sometimes seem worse at times of hormonal changes. I am so sick of them taking over my life. My docs just put it all down to anxiety and tell me to make my life less stressful and calm down. They have refused to give me medication too. I just need to understand that they really are not dangerous.

24-10-04, 14:05
Hi Linjane,

Yes, I am definetlly worse right before my period - I feel a lot more anxious and worry about anything. You have nothing to worry about with your palpitations!! They are just another symptom of anxiety.

Sarah :D