View Full Version : Arthritis????

08-02-17, 21:05
I posted something earlier about the pain at the base of my ring finger, but now I am so afraid that i have arthritis or another auto-immune disease!! The joint is not really stif but only sometimes when i do not use it in the evening

Can anybody help me out please???

thanks already :)

08-02-17, 21:10
Hi! I'm currently being tested for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I had blood tests for it and it did come back positive so now I am having further tests.

I get redness, swelling and pain in my fingers, toes, elbows and knees. And I got a low positive XD

So I wouldn't worry too much about a little stiffness now and again, especially if you've not used that body part in a while ^^

Catherine S
08-02-17, 21:23
Why does it even have to be arthritis at all? One small affected finger joint pain does not necessarily mean this, so maybe stop self diagnosing. You'd have to be in real bad joint pain before doctors would do blood tests to see what's going on. Try to keep this in perspective if you can. Obviously if other joints start to become affected, see your doctor.


08-02-17, 21:28
Thanks all, I asked my father and he said i did not have arthritis as well. The pain is already getting less so maybe it is? Overuse or something

08-02-17, 21:37
Osteo is very common, but it is an age related arthritis. So you're not going to get it if you are under 50 or don't play regular hard sports ^^