View Full Version : Tingling/buzzing in legs

08-02-17, 22:43
This started with hurting my knee, well at least I think I hurt my knee but I don't remember doing it, it just hurts when I put pressure on it. I was reading up on knee injuries when I saw something that said if it's accompanied with tingling or numbness in the calf then to seek medical attention immediately. So of course I immediately felt tingling, I didn't read the rest of the NHS wed page I was on but for some reason I made the conclusion tingling means a blood clot. So since then I have been feeling a tingling/buzzing feeling in my calfs and the back of my thighs, mostly in the leg with the knee injury but if I really focus I can feel it in my other leg too. Also both my feet often feeling tingly especially when I'm anxious. I also have a pain in my neck so I'm a mess assuming I have a blood clot and a piece of it broke off and travelled to my neck.

08-02-17, 23:08
I remember back in the day when I was worrying over MS--off/on over several years--I developed buzzing in my leg/s. It was truly mostly one leg. Which, of course, confirmed, in my mind anyway, that I had MS. Yeah, I was wrong. All that buzzing was from an amped up nervous system. Once my mind calmed down, my body slowly calmed down as well and the buzzing (and the other junk) went away.

We all get aches and pains in our bodies at times. It is part of the human condition. It does not mean you have a blood clot.

My opinion, your anxious thinking is dragging you around like a ragdoll.