View Full Version : Back for some advice

09-02-17, 12:38
Hi, I haven't been on for a while, I have been trying to control my anxiety myself and trying to keep my HA at bay.

However, I am just not feeling 'right' and have been like this for a while. I have a sickly feeling which comes and goes but it's staying for longer and longer bouts.
I am also tired and my neck is a bit sore at the front.

I have had a very stressful few weeks as there has been an awful tragedy in my family and also my sister had an accident which was nasty and I was with her when it happened. However, the sickness had started before that. It does seem to subside a little when I go to the loo but then returns.

I'm wondering whether this could be a slight bug or changed IBS symptoms. I did have Campylobacter last year and the symptoms were similar to this, nausea, not vomiting, and diarrhea, although I am not rushing to the loo as much as when I had that.

Anyone else had similar symptoms and any ideas as to why its hanging around on me?
Thanks in advance.

09-02-17, 15:30
You've done well in staying away from the forum. Most say it's been a while when in reality it's only a couple of days ;)

Sorry to hear about the family issues. I know first hand the stress that causes. There are a few clues in your post that would explain things. Firstly, while you're doing pro-active things to control your anxiety, I go back to my campfire analogy.

Anxiety is like a campfire. When you're in the midst of a spiral the fire is burning bright and hot. When the flames die down, there's still a bed of red hot coals burning away just waiting for some more fuel. You may not feel anxious but your body is still on high alert and has a bed of hot anxiety coals inside just waiting to flare up. Just like a campfire, the hot coals of anxiety take a long time to finally go out.

So that being said, you still have some coals smoldering. It could also be you got a bit of a bug and then there's the personal family issues which was the fuel for the campfire and here you are. Whatever you were doing to treat your anxiety, I would just keep doing it. It worked before and it will work again. Be patient, it takes a while for those flames to die down.

Positive thoughts

09-02-17, 16:05
Thanks Fishman, I hadn't heard that analogy, have you quoted it before?
You're right that I have to keep doing the self therapy. Also, I was wondering if it was some kind of bug as I've been tired too.

I suppose the horrible event that happened to my family member (when they were in the USA) and also spending the whole night at the hospital with my sister on Saturday may have taken it's toll. I have had a sleep now and hopefully that will help.

Thanks again and I hope you are doing ok.

09-02-17, 16:12
Thanks Fishman, I hadn't heard that analogy, have you quoted it before?

Thanks again and I hope you are doing ok.

Yep...That's one of my own quotes/analogies... it's been posted ad nauseum lately ;) Seriously though... a couple months away and dealing with what's happened, I'd say you're on the right track. Keep up the good work!

And me? Eh... what can I say?... Been dealing with my wife's illness as well as my own physical BS but as I always say....one foot in front of the other and always try to keep a positive attitude ;)

Positive thoughts

09-02-17, 16:39
Positive as ever :)